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Articly.ai strikes again

Probably some of you remember a scam job posts from articly.ai a few months ago. They invited thousands of freelancers to create AI blog posts. They were asking to get this AI app (articly.ai) which they sell themselves. Their intention wasn't to hire freelancers, but to made them to buy the app. 
Well, they are back. Now they are asking to get a new app called GoRank.ai, but surprise! It is just another name for articly.ai.
Be aware, content writers.


Community Member

Sounds like the chatgpt university scam that has plagued the site for the last 3 weeks. Too bad management here is not effectively blocking those job post. 

Community Member

Ana Paula C, you just saved my life. I was already processing my savings to buy a plan, working on a strategy to help the client, building a sustainable system and even shopping courses to help me deliver the best quality articles on time. I am still in shock that I almost spent 150US on a content management course just to deliver the best quality of service to this client.  Thank you so much for exposing this scam. I will let my friends know about it. Some of these clients are selfish and I understand that, but sacrificing honest upworkers for a few dollars? That is just unacceptable. 


Thanks again, Ana. You saved my life. I just went back to check the invite. 814 invites! Can you believe that? 

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

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