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Badge "Top-Rated"

Hello! The "Top-Rated" badge appeared in my profile yesterday and today it has already disappeared. Please tell me why it is not displayed and how to return it? Thank you.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Maria,


One of the must have qualifications that you'll need to regain and maintain for the Top Rated badge is:

  • 12-month earnings of at least $1,000

Once you meet all of the requirements for becoming Top Rated again, it will be awarded on your profile in up to 48 hours.


Happy working! 

~ Bojan

Thank you for your reply! The fact is that yesterday I was awarded a badge and it was displayed in my profile. And today it is no longer there. I made a screenshot of my profile yesterday, you can see in the attached files

Maria S wrote:

 The fact is that yesterday I was awarded a badge and it was displayed in my profile. And today it is no longer there. 

Yes, because earnings fell out of the 365 day window, so you now no longer meet that criteria. It has to be over $ 1000 in the last 365 days. 

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