» Forums » Freelancers » Re: CONTESTS!
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KC's avatar
KC P Community Member


PLEASE ADD: "CONTESTS" as a TYPE of job posting. Great examples: Best logo wins $250 Best solution wins job! etc etc It would be a GREAT source of additional revenue for Odesk. Also, currently, odeskers don't know what to do if they see a job like any of the above, or even one like: "First verified solution wins". A lot of times, programmers (one category of contractors here) won't know what to do when they see a job posted like "First verified solution wins. Solve the problem, Show me your solution, and if I verify it works, I'll award you the job, and pay you immediately." If you had an actual "Contest" option under "Post Job" pages, this would make this process more understood and more believable too. Many others sites have used this successfully. There's nothing to lose and everything to gain. CONTESTS would not only bring in a lot of untapped revenue to Odesk, but will bring more job opportunities for contractors, and be ideal for clients who need solutions "now". Adding Contest type posts would also legitimize these types of job posts and make it easier to post more jobs. Thanks for adding contests as a method of posting. You can fancy it up however you want. I know you guys have a lot of great ideas at Odesk. Thanks!
Ramon's avatar
Ramon B Community Member

Yes, this, of course, is a totally foolproof idea and not open to exploitation in any way. Where do some of these jonb posters come from? Do they actually exist outside the internet?

Kent's avatar
Kent W Community Member

Yes they need to add contest so that way people could do photo contests for their groups and a lot of people will do them weekly sometimes which means more money for the upwork community

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Effectively that is do work for free, why would anyone do that?

Design a solution and apply.

Only get paid if you win?

No chance.

Effectively it is against Upwork rules but they allow it, why because someone at the end gets paid? Or do they?

Yeah go on put in contests, I wont apply, I will just read all the comments later that their logo/design/solution didn't win but someone is using it on the internet. Yeah that is boumd to be a winning solution.


Or Upwork could fix the bugs in the platform, get more clients, make more money and make us all rich.