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Change Profile Name

Recently I created upwork account with my google.


Btw, the name of my google acc was not my legal name.


So I created profile name change request.


And name was changed at Account Setting.

But at my profile page, name is not changed yet.


Please help me.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Hennadii,


I checked with the team and you should be all set now. Could you please check and let us know if you still need help with this?

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

View solution in original post

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Hennadii,


I checked with the team and you should be all set now. Could you please check and let us know if you still need help with this?

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar



I have the same problem as 

How do I change this?

Hi Bistra,


To submit a name change request go to Settings > Contact info and update your name. Once the review is completed our team will reach out to you with the results. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hello Goran,

I have been looking everywhere but cannot find: Settings > Contact info 


Can you please point me in the right direction.



Hi Bistra,


At the moment you will need to submit your application for a review once you`re ready. Once this is done, you will be able to access your Settings by clicking on your name at the top right corner. Thank you.

~ Goran


Same issue for me. My profile name is not changing either. Please fix this.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Z,

Someone from our team will reach out to you via support ticket in order to assist you further.

Community Member

I got the same issue here.
I changed my name on Contact Info page several time but it never reflect on my public profile page. Hope someone help this.

Hi Yuichi,


I see that the last request was submitted on September 7th and the same has been already accepted. 


- Pradeep



I'm encountering the same issue, though I already changed my name to what it should be, my profile still says Samnes, which is my gmail's name and just my nickname. I'd like to change it to the one I changed it to in my profile. 

Looking forward to your response,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Samuel Ken,


Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to check if you’re still experiencing the same issue? Let us know if the issue persists. Thank you.

~ Bojan
Community Member

Hey there Bojan,

I went ahead and cleared the cache and cookies, and also tried to open it on another browser. Same issue persists. Hope this screenshot helps identify the problem.


Hi Samuel,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and assist you further with your name. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hey there Goran,

You guys did a fantastic job. Thanks for fixing it!




I have a problem changing my name too. I was requested to change my name but Upwork denied it twice. I was wrong input my name in Upwork. What should I do? Did they need my identification card for review?

Hi Andi,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and will assist you further with your name. Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member



I have the same problem as 

How do I change this?

Hi Mutashim,


To update your name please go to Settings > Contact Info. Once you`ve updated your name our team will review your name change request and will reach out to you with the results. Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

I have changed my name and your team approves but it is not showing in my profile.

I mean public view.

Hi Mutashim,


I checked your account and can confirm that your new name is listed on your profile. Please keep in mind that by design only your first name and the first letter of your last name are visible to clients who are not communicating with you. 
Once you start communicating with a client, your client will be able to view your full name as well. Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

The same problem, It took automatically my Gmail name. Now trying to change my name but it says it will review it. let's wait and watch.

Hi there,


Thank you for your message. I see that your name change request is already accepted on your Upwork profile.


Thank you,


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