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Ezequiel's avatar
Ezequiel S Community Member

Client Ended Contract

Hi Everyone:


Last week I started working on an hourly contract and this week (Wednesday) I sent the first design samples (as scheduled) . Today (Friday) the client ended the contract . I asked him if there was something wrong , and he is unresponsive (even though he’s online) .


This is my first year on Upwork , I’m already a Top- Rated freelancer ,so this is very frustrating and disconcerting.

This are my questions:

Should I give feedback ?

If his feedback is negative , being a top-rated freelancer , I understand it can be removed , but will that affect my JSS ?

Does this type of situations happen often?


Thanks in advance!


Nichola's avatar
Nichola L Community Member

Ezequiel S wrote:

Hi Everyone:


Last week I started working on an hourly contract and this week (Wednesday) I sent the first design samples (as scheduled) . Today (Friday) the client ended the contract . I asked him if there was something wrong , and he is unresponsive (even though he’s online) .


This is my first year on Upwork , I’m already a Top- Rated freelancer ,so this is very frustrating and disconcerting.

This are my questions:

Should I give feedback ?

If his feedback is negative , being a top-rated freelancer , I understand it can be removed , but will that affect my JSS ?

Does this type of situations happen often?


Thanks in advance!






I think you landed a less than tranparent client.

In answer to your questions: 

Should I give feedback ?

Only if you plan not to use your top-rated perk. 

If his feedback is negative , being a top-rated freelancer , I understand it can be removed , but will that affect my JSS ?

If you are top rated, you can have bad feedback removed completely and your JSS will remain intact; 

However be aware this will show on your profile as "feedback removed".  

Does this type of situations happen often?

In one form or another, it does, quite frequently. But - just move on from it. As you know, there are genuine clients out there. 


If you have been paid on this contract, then accept the client's decision and don't engage any further. He is not worth it. 


View solution in original post

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

The client ended the contract.

That is fine.

Clients are welcome to end contracts at any time. Freelancers are welcome to end contracts at any time.

That is the nature of freelancing.


re: "Should I give feedback?"



You are not required to.

But I advise freelancers to always leave honest feedback. That makes the entire platform better for all of us.


re: "If his feedback is negative , being a top-rated freelancer , I understand it can be removed , but will that affect my JSS?"


Well, there are limits to that... But my first thought would certainly not be to assume that the client's feedback will be negative.


AS SOON AS YOU leave feedback, you will be able to see the client's feedback to you. That is one good reason to leave feedback quickly. Then you don't need to wait 2 weeks.


re: "Does this type of situations happen often?"

Eventually all contracts come to an end.

Ezequiel's avatar
Ezequiel S Community Member

Hi Preston:

Thanks  for your reply . But maybe I wasn´t clear ... The client ended the contract with no reason at all in the middle of the process . I mean , everything was going fine . I sent the first design samples (which from my point of view they were good) and the design process always takes further revisions, plus the client needs the final print files . 


As you stated "Clients are welcome to end contracts at any time. Freelancers are welcome to end contracts at any time. That is the nature of freelancing."

Yes , sure you can always end a contract , but I believe that it is unethical and unprofessional not to give an specific reason or be unresponsive in this case.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Ezequiel S wrote:



Last week I started working on an hourly contract and this week (Wednesday) I sent the first design samples (as scheduled) . Today (Friday) the client ended the contract

Did you track the time you spent working on the contract?

Ezequiel's avatar
Ezequiel S Community Member

Hi Petra :

Yes,  I did . Last week I work 1 hour (cause I started on Friday) and this week 6 hours. Also He didn´t asked for a refund . Will I get payed for the hours that I worked on this project?

Tonya's avatar
Tonya P Community Member

Ezequiel S wrote:

Hi Petra :

Yes,  I did . Last week I work 1 hour (cause I started on Friday) and this week 6 hours. Also He didn´t asked for a refund . Will I get payed for the hours that I worked on this project?

Make sure that you have filled out the memo field on your time log.



Ezequiel's avatar
Ezequiel S Community Member

Yes, I did. Thanks

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "Will I get payed for the hours that I worked on this project?"




re: "Yes , sure you can always end a contract , but I believe that it is unethical and unprofessional not to give an specific reason or be unresponsive in this case."


It may indeed be unethical and unprofessional to close a contract without warning, or without giving a reason. It may be unethical and unprofessional to subsequently be completely unresponsive.


But it is not a violation of Upwork's rules to do so.


So if you were curious about the reason, and send a message to ask why... If the client doesn't respond, there is absolutely nothing that Upwork can or will do about it.


I think you are CURIOUS.


But beyond satisfying your curiosity.... do you have anything to gain from wondering about this further?


You are really very fortunate that you did this work through Upwork. Because: It doesn't really matter whether the client is responsive or not. You still get paid for all of the time you logged.

Nichola's avatar
Nichola L Community Member

Ezequiel S wrote:

Hi Everyone:


Last week I started working on an hourly contract and this week (Wednesday) I sent the first design samples (as scheduled) . Today (Friday) the client ended the contract . I asked him if there was something wrong , and he is unresponsive (even though he’s online) .


This is my first year on Upwork , I’m already a Top- Rated freelancer ,so this is very frustrating and disconcerting.

This are my questions:

Should I give feedback ?

If his feedback is negative , being a top-rated freelancer , I understand it can be removed , but will that affect my JSS ?

Does this type of situations happen often?


Thanks in advance!






I think you landed a less than tranparent client.

In answer to your questions: 

Should I give feedback ?

Only if you plan not to use your top-rated perk. 

If his feedback is negative , being a top-rated freelancer , I understand it can be removed , but will that affect my JSS ?

If you are top rated, you can have bad feedback removed completely and your JSS will remain intact; 

However be aware this will show on your profile as "feedback removed".  

Does this type of situations happen often?

In one form or another, it does, quite frequently. But - just move on from it. As you know, there are genuine clients out there. 


If you have been paid on this contract, then accept the client's decision and don't engage any further. He is not worth it. 


Ezequiel's avatar
Ezequiel S Community Member

Thanks so much for your answer.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Nichola L wrote:




In answer to your questions: 

Should I give feedback ?

Only if you plan not to use your top-rated perk. 

It makes no difference.If he leaves feedback, he can still use the perk.

He can not decide whether to use his perk or not without seeing the feedback that was left. If he does not leave feedback he won't know what feedback was left for 14 days or if his JSS drops on the 13th.

So it makes sense for him to leave feedback in order to see what he is dealing with and make an informed decision in a timely (before the next JSS update!) manner.


The client has a long history and has never left poor (public) feedback. I would not worry too much.


Tonya P wrote:

Ezequiel S wrote:

Hi Petra :

Yes,  I did . Last week I work 1 hour (cause I started on Friday) and this week 6 hours. Also He didn´t asked for a refund . Will I get payed for the hours that I worked on this project?

Make sure that you have filled out the memo field on your time log.


Too late at this stage. The second a contract is closed, the freelancer can no longer edit the work diary or even look at it.

Ezequiel's avatar
Ezequiel S Community Member

I always use the memo in hourly works , so I am fine with that.

Remi's avatar
Remi O Community Member

I have had this happen and it puzzled me at first. What I came to realize was that the client thought the samples I sent were the final thing, they were good enough for her so she just ended the contract.


I sent her a message letting her know that those were not print ready files, just low res samples of the design. I just simply sent her the print ready files and moved on.


Some clients may be working with freelancers for the first time and are not sure how things should go.

I wouldn't worry about it as long as you get paid.



Ezequiel's avatar
Ezequiel S Community Member

I didn´t thought that situation for instance. Yours is a good example of what mmight have happened . Thanks for your answer ! I will move on . 

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