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Client Wants Extra Work

Hi everyone, I have completed fixed payment contract with client. Client was not gooed in releasing milestones and requested again and againg to release those milestones. Now he realeased all milestones and added new one with just $30 and four modules which should be of $150 or more. I checked client history and saw bad reviwes about him.

I'm afraid of bad review so please guide how to deal this client.

Community Member

Tell him you'll be happy to do the additional work but the price would be $150, if that's true.


If you don't want to work for him any more for any reason, tell him you're too busy to take on any additional work for the time being and would he please close the project.


At any rate, don't be a victim of the tyranny of the JSS system. Move on if you don't want to work for this client.


And keep in mind that even if this client does leave unwarranted negative feedback for you, if he's consistently done so with other freelancers Upwork may delete any effect of his feedback on your JSS rating.


I wonder why Upwork won't fix the problem of clients creating additional milestones on an existing project without the approval of the freelancer. Lots of posts have been made here about it.


Good luck!

View solution in original post

Community Member

Tell him you'll be happy to do the additional work but the price would be $150, if that's true.


If you don't want to work for him any more for any reason, tell him you're too busy to take on any additional work for the time being and would he please close the project.


At any rate, don't be a victim of the tyranny of the JSS system. Move on if you don't want to work for this client.


And keep in mind that even if this client does leave unwarranted negative feedback for you, if he's consistently done so with other freelancers Upwork may delete any effect of his feedback on your JSS rating.


I wonder why Upwork won't fix the problem of clients creating additional milestones on an existing project without the approval of the freelancer. Lots of posts have been made here about it.


Good luck!

Thanks for the quick response! I'm going to agree with low rate. $90 and excluded one module. Smiley Happy

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