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Client reporting

Am very new here. This is on my very first proposal acceptance issues; There is this client by name, **Edited for Community Guidelines**, the client accepted my proposal and found had left a file for me to read and contact him ouside the upwork platform. Upon finding him through telegram, as he had directed on the file, he then enquired of me these details, and i qoute the client's writings(You are welcome  to**Edited for Community Guidelines**, it’s a pleasure having you here with us. Kindly send in the following details Full name: Age: Country name: Skills and specialties: Email address : Sex: Cv:). Upon sending the information, he sent me a written 75 paged(slided) book pdf to type it on ms. word plus other terms and conditions. the pay was handsomely good, 23 dollars per page, and i qoute him: 'TERMS AND CONDITIONS  1.Project should be completed within. 3days which is the deadline 2. If any extra or duplicate file found in the zip file, the entire work will be rejected. 3. Only type manually, using third party software’s is prohibited. 4: $23  per page total number of pages and amount paid $1,725  IMPORTANT NOTICE: 1. You’ll receive and submit work via mail. 2. You’ll send us only soft copy of outputs files . 3. You’ll get your accuracy report and payment within 4 hours after submitting project. 4:payment are done after conclusion of the project. SALARY PAYMENT METHODS: . LOCAL Bank Transfer     (International transaction) . Skrill . Payeer . Neteller . PAYPAL.  PROJECT TERMS.  Font type: Garamond Size: 13 Line spacing: 1.5 Wish you good luck with your project''. 

This looked looked ver skeptical to me upon revisiting the terms of contract on upwork. I cant understand why somebody would ask for retyping of a book and hasnt provided further informations, like author's consent for anyone to work on her work,such things. Am also skeptical the client could had a hidden agenda on my personal information details that i gave him. Am not going to work on that work!  Has anyone here being faced with same scenerio?




Andrew Kulumba

Hi Andrew,


Thanks for bringing this to our attention and being cautious. Note that communicating outside of Upwork before a contract starts is a violation of the Terms of Service. A client suggesting taking communication outside of Upwork before a contract begins is a typical red flag for possible scams. You may open yourself up to scams or fraud, and lose Upwork Payment Protection.


I checked the job you were referring to and can confirm that it has been taken down for violating the Terms of Service. I want to remind you that a real client will never ask you to give them money to start working, cash a check for them, work for free, or provide your personal information. Whenever you encounter these situations, please report them using the available flagging options so the team can investigate further. Please take some time to read through this article for more information on how you can stay safe on Upwork.

~ Luiggi

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Hi Andrew,


Thanks for bringing this to our attention and being cautious. Note that communicating outside of Upwork before a contract starts is a violation of the Terms of Service. A client suggesting taking communication outside of Upwork before a contract begins is a typical red flag for possible scams. You may open yourself up to scams or fraud, and lose Upwork Payment Protection.


I checked the job you were referring to and can confirm that it has been taken down for violating the Terms of Service. I want to remind you that a real client will never ask you to give them money to start working, cash a check for them, work for free, or provide your personal information. Whenever you encounter these situations, please report them using the available flagging options so the team can investigate further. Please take some time to read through this article for more information on how you can stay safe on Upwork.

~ Luiggi
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