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Contract time

Hi everyone,

I’m a bit confused. So I started a contract on the 25th of November, capped at 10 hours a week. The week elapsed on the 1st, the contract is still open but here’s my confusion, do I continue working on the project which the client gave me or does he need to extend the contract? I actually continued working but I just want to make sure that I get paid for it since the contract was for 25th October - 1st November.
Community Member

A contract does not need to be extended.


If a contract is open, and your work isn't done yet, then you should continue to work, while logging time. You will be automatically paid for your time. The client doesn't need to do anything.

View solution in original post

Community Member

A contract does not need to be extended.


If a contract is open, and your work isn't done yet, then you should continue to work, while logging time. You will be automatically paid for your time. The client doesn't need to do anything.

What if the client ended the contract and the earnings didn't reflect yet,is it okay for me to leave feedback for him? or should I wait until I see my earnings which I think will be next week.

re: "What if the client ended the contract and the earnings didn't reflect yet?"


Well... Freelancers get paid based on the hours that they log.

It does not matter when a client ends a contrat.


Earnings are not reflected everywhere at the same time. It can take a week or two before earnings are reflected on the freelancer's profile page.


The freelancers reports page has more up-to-date information:

Upwork -> Reports -> Overview


When I log time, I am able to see my earnings updated in my report in near real-time. But I need to wait before those numbers are updated onto the public profile page.


re: "is it okay for me to leave feedback for him?"



re: "or should I wait until I see my earnings which I think will be next week."

There is no reason to wait.

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