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Could someone explain this nonsense to me?


Someone who has not even verified their payment method and is looking to get work done on Upwork for the first time sends a job offer to get help with their project.
They want a design created that can be cut with a laser for the pictures in the photo. In other words, a vector CAD drawing.
It's a very easy job for me. I prepare a 1:1 scale CAD drawing file for the product they want (I'm not sending the actual file) and send a screenshot as a PNG.
I send them a message explaining that I am experienced in this area and can create a second drawing with measurements within half an hour.
18 hours have passed and when I checked just now, they were online 34 minutes ago and had spoken with someone else.
I have completed the job, but why is there no response to my proposal? I am attaching two images below. I have experienced this many times, this is not the first time.
Can someone explain this to me?


This is not a flaw. It works as expected. Freelancers must waste money for connects, more - better.

No, you cannot transfer it to anyone. It will be lost.

View solution in original post

Community Member

They might not see your proposal. You can check in the stats.


Or even if they saw it where you've already completed a sample of it, it could be other freelancers have provided them with a better deal.


By better deal I don't mean they're cheaper with better quality. I believe cost equals quality, but MOST clients didn't know that.

Community Member

No, there is already a fixed price for the job which is 5 dollars.)) The service he wants cannot be more than that. Also, I have my own laser and I can do much bigger jobs.

Community Member

You sounds like you're competing with people who will (in my niche) flock into $20 project to build an "Upwork alternative". It is possible but I don't do that.


Yes you can provide something valued $50 while the client will only need to pay $5, but I suggest not to do that. First you'll need to compete with millions of the above freelancers. And then, it does not guarantee that the client will appreciate of what you did.



They might not see your proposal. You can check in the stats.

This is also true, you can look here if you're part of beta testers who can see if their individual proposals are viewed, or guess if they're viewed or not on this page (at the bottom, change Profile views to Proposals)

Community Member

I check it every day anyway.. Look at the screenshot.

Community Member

See, so you're not seen.


Whatever you wrote, no matter how great, are not seen.


That's a problem beyond my comprehension. We're at the mercy of Upwork's notorious sorting algorithm.

Community Member

Yes, Upwork should improve itself in this regard, provide opportunities for new employees, and give them more visibility.

Community Member

Speaking of that, I actually observed a number of new freelancers gets an unnaturally high views (and eventually, hires). Here's the latest.


The talks about Upwork giving 'bigger chance' to new freelancers are not new. 


But in the end, as I said, they're beyond my comprehension as they're determined by the secretive sorting algo.

Community Member

Just watch this forum at your spare time. Don't get too involved in their agenda, let alone spending money for them.


That's what I do. 😁

Community Member

There's no need to track the form.. I have 120 connections left. When they run out, I will completely abandon it.😁

Community Member

Well, in case you're still interested in expanding your client base, this place used to be (or maybe still) the biggest freelance marketplace.


Just don't depend too much on it, don't put all eggs in it, don't get caught within their agenda, etc.


Never do free 'sample' work for a client. Unless you have an official Upwork contract in place, you are not guaranteed a job or payment.  Move on from this client and add the sample to your portfolio. 

I'm not doing the job for free. I'm sharing a screenshot that proves I've completed the task and demonstrates that I'm fast enough in this regard.

Adil T wrote:

I'm not doing the job for free. I'm sharing a screenshot that proves I've completed the task and demonstrates that I'm fast enough in this regard.

If you completed the task, then you did work for free. Even if the client can't use it, you wasted your time.

Yes, but did you have a formal Upwork contract in place? 

My thoughts on free samples...


It's still okay, it's a great way to pull attention from a client when we provide them with a sample that specifically crafted to their needs. But of course, don't weep if they can somehow 'use' the sample and leave without giving you the job. Know the risks (this might also specific to my and Adil's niche).


But in this case what you're doing to demonstrate how fast you can do it etc was useless because they're not even seen 😅

Community Member

you're right, they're not even seen, I'm trying in vain 🤣

Community Member

Screen with work done (not work itself) is a great idea. Use it in future.


Someone done work for free.

Someone done work with outside payment.

Client no more need work done.

Client never need this work done.

Client need this work later, not now.

This is fake job generated by site to waste connects.

This is fake job generated by site to increase jobs quantity.

This is bot, not a client. Info collector or so.

This is scamer.

Did I apply to 32 jobs in 20 days, are they all bots?

The clients are gone. In the past I would have thought it is stupid. Now I see bad trends, so it is possible.

Community Member

This was already explained to you in your other thread. You are NOT the only freelancer who goes ahead and completes jobs in the hope of impressing a client. If it was a simple, low-budget job, the client probably received hundreds of proposals, and probably at least 1/3 of those people would have attached the job with their bid. The client can only see the first two lines of your proposal and may have decided not to open yours at all; perhaps some other freelancer was higher up on the list of proposals, had also already done the job perfectly, had a better proposal than yours, and was therefore selected for an interview. Why is this so difficult for you to understand? Upwork is extremely competitive, and you're not the only person here who goes out of their way to impress clients and who bids low to try and win jobs. Some freelancers have reported spending hours or days doing a job for free in the hope of winning a project.


You said before that you're very busy, don't care about getting paid, and don't really have time for Upwork, so I'm still curious as to why you keep trying to get jobs here. 

Christine , When I joined this site, I purchased a $30 connection. The emails I received stated that if I purchased the connection, my chances of finding a job would increase. I read the instructions, researched what I should and should not do, and understood everything. Trust me, I don't really need the money. I think I may not be explaining my problem well, or perhaps you don't understand. If I remember correctly, I submitted a proposal for a job that required 51 connections, and no one else besides me submitted a proposal. I watched the employer for one day, and he was online four times but didn't even read my proposal. Furthermore, I already do the job the client wants in my own company; it's my profession. I have 18 employees, do I seem like a fool to you? I'm asking a question, and you're trying to scold me. I respect that you don't want to do a job without earning money.What I need is to help people for the minimum rate Upwork recommends, which is $5. If you have a job related to my profession, don't hesitate to let me know, and I can help you for $5.  I've added 2 pictures, check it out... I'm trying to understand what's going on in Upwork. 

Boosting not required. Job cost is 4-8 connects base. All additional is a gambling. It this case you just wasted connects. Did you boosted all your proposals? Some clients ingnoring boosted like spam ads.

No, I only did it for this client's proposal.

May be , I don't like boost

Adil T wrote:

Christine , When I joined this site, I purchased a $30 connection. The emails I received stated that if I purchased the connection, my chances of finding a job would increase. 

Increase, yes, but they never guaranteed that you would be hired. Most people who join Upwork struggle to win their first contract, and many never succeed. There's nothing unusual about what you're describing.


Adil T wrote:

I read the instructions, researched what I should and should not do, and understood everything. If I remember correctly, I submitted a proposal for a job that required 51 connections, and no one else besides me submitted a proposal. 

It sounds like you don't understand everything, if you thought that a job required 51 connects. No job costs more than 8 connects to apply, so if the top place was set at 51 connects, it means that other people must have also applied and placed bids. 


Adil T wrote:

What I need is to help people for the minimum rate Upwork recommends, which is $5. 

Clients don't care what you need; they only care about what THEY need. If you "need" to help people so badly, there are many worthy charities that you can volunteer to help.

Adil T wrote:

I'm trying to understand what's going on in Upwork. 

It's very simple - there are millions of freelancers here, but there aren't millions of jobs. And when clients post jobs, sometimes they don't hire anyone at all - maybe their job gets cancelled, or they find someone on another freelancing website, or maybe they get suspicious when someone calls themselves an experienced professional but is willing to work for $5.

I completely agree with everything you said and I am aware of what I am doing and saying. What I am trying to understand is that on a platform with thousands of users (some of whom pay for connects), when an employer posts a job, they can withdraw it or cancel the job. In fact, I researched employers who posted job listings 2-3 months ago, and they never came online again. I spent 6 hours just researching this. There are hundreds of job listings and thousands of proposals, but no one is getting hired, and I took note of all of them. I think there is a flaw here that needs to be addressed. If it were not against the rules, I would share client listings, proposals, and hires on this platform.

(Aside from the topic, I have a question that I haven't found in any article.) I am going to delete my account, but is there any way to transfer my remaining 120 connects to someone else who can use them?

This is not a flaw. It works as expected. Freelancers must waste money for connects, more - better.

No, you cannot transfer it to anyone. It will be lost.

No. Thank goodness!

I'm surprised you still have an account. I predict it won't be there much longer if you continue to give clients free work in an attempt to get a job. As you can see, all you are doing is violating the Terms, and the clients will never hire you, never give you credit, and think, hey, I can do this forever! If you don't care about losing your account, and you don't care about the rules, why do you want to harm other freelancers? Every time someone gives free work, it hurts every legitimate freelancer who follows the rules and works hard. You are breaking the rules, giving clients free work, hurting real freelancers, and the platform. So, Until Upwork bans you, I am saying, stop it. I don't appreciate it when someone decides they will do what they want and everyone else can go suck eggs. In particular, you are harming the new freelancers, because clients will think they are all like you, and they can get more free work. You are doing harm, not good, and like Christine, I fail to understand what you are doing here. Furthermore, I don't know why you want to harm other freelancers and brag about breaking the rules. Is this some kind of self-promotion? What is your goal besides harming others and breaking rules?

It's very clear that you haven't read what's written. Can you show me a post where I said that I'm working for free?

Community Member

Did you accept the offer before you started working? 

Did you submit the work using the "submit work/request payment" button if fixed price, or use the time tracker if hourly?

For fixed price jobs, I submit my proposal using the "submit work/request payment" button. However, I only send a screen recording that shows that the work is ready. I don't prefer hourly jobs because I don't have much time for that. I have regular clients and work 16 hours a day on my computer.

So, if you accepted the offer, did the work, and submitted properly through the request payment button, what is your issue? 

Community Member

Hey Adil. 
Many of the points you raised on clients posting jobs and not hiring, not responding and the likes are valid and there are many other people all over this community talking about it.
What everyone is trying to say is - you are spending YOUR precious time and its going to waste. When you apply to a job, its best to just leave it at that until the client interviews you - 
For example, it took you lets say 30min to produce the 1:1 drawing and you sent the video/picture as proof. but then, you used more than 6 hours looking at when the client was last seen online, how many people he is talking to, researching .. all those hours could be spent actually working on something else. 

I guess we feel bad to see you spend all that time, even though you dont need the money.

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