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Deceptive Client


I will be glad to get help so as to be able to manage this situation properly. I started Upwork late last month as a web developer and wordpress expert. I bided for a job that required the freelancer to build a Healthcare Recruitment Agency. The client conducted an interview for two days, and I was recruited. When I started the job, he changed it from the initial health recruitment website to a general job site thus requiring twice as much work, not only that he initially wanted 8 pages, but added more pages totaling 13 pages. I didn't have any issues with that because I wanted him to be happy. the major challenge is that he deliberately doesn't want the contract to end. from our agreement I was supposed to deliver the project on 08/08/2020 which is one week from the day of commencement. But he told me to be patient that the contents of some of the pages were not ready. I worked for another extra week and updated the contents he sent to me. also, I finished all the design work and everything contained in the job listing/agreement, so I submitted it on 13/08/20120 which is one week after the initial schedued date of submission without extra charges. But this client keep on asking that I continue working on the project, for example, he just sent come contents that I should add to the footer and service page two days ago, meanwhile, I finished uploading the footer contents two weeks ago. If I work on the footer now, he will still send more contents of other pages that I should update or change the next day, He wants me to keep working for him as long as he wants, I think that's the reason he decided to hire an experienced freelancer that is new to Upwork, he wants to manipulate the system and get want he wants with a very little amount. 

Please note, he is very satisfied with the work/design in general and he doesn't have any issue with that. Am very experienced in what I do, and I sent him many of my previous works before I was hired. 

He keeps on saying that he will give a great review if I keep on working, that's unfair as we only agreed that I will work for a week, which I have done, and also delivered based on our agreement. 

I don't want to report him to Upwork yet, as I am new and don't want anything to affect my rating, and also he might give a negative review. but Am tired of waking up to find that he add completely new task for me to do three weeks after I have completed the project and he should have approved my money. 

Does Upwork have a system to address issues like this? Should I bill him for the extra weeks I have worked? 

I challenged him two weeks ago that he has changed more than 80% of our initial agreement, and I have been working without protesting, that I was tired and will cancel the project on upwork. he apologized and said he will add 30$ to the agreed fee. I declined and told him I will prefer both parties to stick to the initial agreement and be fair to each other. But the client is bent on keeping me to keep on working for him for free. 

Community Member

I'm assuming this is escrow. Your only options are to keep going, put in for the current escrow amount, or refund.


If you put in for the escrow amount, the client has 2 weeks to review. I'm assuming this client probably knows what he's doing, but putting in for escrow by submitting to the funded milestone is the first step.

Thank you @ Jennifer, the money is already funded in escrow, It's already one week since I submitted the job. I Am surprised why he has to be adding jobs that were not initially part of the agreement. Tomorrow he might decide he needs another new page with full customization why didn't he add all he wanted in the full job description/agreement? he doesn't want to pay a reasonable fee to the freelancer 

Caleb O wrote:

Thank you @ Jennifer, the money is already funded in escrow, It's already one week since I submitted the job. I Am surprised why he has to be adding jobs that were not initially part of the agreement. Tomorrow he might decide he needs another new page with full customization why didn't he add all he wanted in the full job description/agreement? he doesn't want to pay a reasonable fee to the freelancer 

If he hasn't requested changes officially from the funded submission, then you have 1 more week for it to countdown. If he's using the system and asking for changes, the countdown starts over when you submit again. In that case, you really only have the option to keep going or dispute.

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