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Did I got paid?

I am a complete beginner in freelancer field. I got my first client and I have work for 2 hours. what is the follow of payment. My id is verified on upwork. I have added the tax details as well. Did I got the amount in my account. I am aware of weekly paying cycle of upwork. But I dont understand if I got my payment or not. 


Hi Sajiya,


Thank you for reaching out. It looks like you have an hourly contract and upon checking your account, the amount is already reflected on your balance.


All applicable time that you log in your Work Diary, whether tracked or added as manual time, is invoiced to your client according to the schedule below:

  • Week 1 — You log time using the Upwork desktop app (Time Tracker)
  • Week 2 — Your time is invoiced to your client on Monday, and they have until Friday to review your work
  • Week 3 — Earnings become available on the following Wednesday



You may check this and this help article to learn more.

~ AJ

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Hi Sajiya,


Thank you for reaching out. It looks like you have an hourly contract and upon checking your account, the amount is already reflected on your balance.


All applicable time that you log in your Work Diary, whether tracked or added as manual time, is invoiced to your client according to the schedule below:

  • Week 1 — You log time using the Upwork desktop app (Time Tracker)
  • Week 2 — Your time is invoiced to your client on Monday, and they have until Friday to review your work
  • Week 3 — Earnings become available on the following Wednesday



You may check this and this help article to learn more.

~ AJ
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