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Different timezones

Hello, I have landed a client that requires me to work 8 to 10 hours weekly. How can I manage to work in different time zones? I have never worked in a US time zone. Please advise. Thanks 


Yes, it's all about the specific contract per client.

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If you don't have to be online at the same time as your client except for messages and zoom calls, time zones shouldn't be a problem.


If the client insists that you be online for a part of the specific time zone, remember that you can still be online during their morning hours. Their 9 a.m. roughly corresponds to our 6.30 p.m. So, you can be online between 6.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. if needed. 


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I had clients in 30 different countries last year. It was never an issue working in different times zones.

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As a writer, it's very unlikely that clients will need you to work according to their timezone. Unless the client says otherwise, it's usual in writing that when you work is up to you, as long as you meet your deadlines. Of course, if part of the job is being available at specific times, then you'll need to be available (or not take the job).

Community Member

I see, so I can work at my pace as long as I meet their deadlines and requirements as a content writer. Thank you all

Yes, it's all about the specific contract per client.

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