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Ending contract.

Hello everyone i just want to know what will happen if i end a contract.

i haven't recieved any payment from Client because the project is in progress.(its not the reason of cancelling).

so i want to know if he give me negative review it will be shown on my profile ??.

Community Member

Hi Rajat,


Clients definitely cannot leave positive or negative reviews until there is at least 1$ transaction on your contract. That said, they can still leave a bad private review (that only Upwork can see) which can impact your JSS. Ending contracts without getting paid will also impact your JSS. Here is a relevant article on the Topic: https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211062188-Leave-Feedback-on-a-Contract


I suggest you always make sure to go above and beyond when delivering work for your clients and always do some due diligence on the client (payment method, reviews, etc.) before accepting the contract offer.


Good luck!!

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Community Member

Hi Rajat,


Clients definitely cannot leave positive or negative reviews until there is at least 1$ transaction on your contract. That said, they can still leave a bad private review (that only Upwork can see) which can impact your JSS. Ending contracts without getting paid will also impact your JSS. Here is a relevant article on the Topic: https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211062188-Leave-Feedback-on-a-Contract


I suggest you always make sure to go above and beyond when delivering work for your clients and always do some due diligence on the client (payment method, reviews, etc.) before accepting the contract offer.


Good luck!!

Hi thanks for replying.

the client is just adding more and more instructions and work with same price.

he haven't mentioned this earlier.

i dont have any other option.

Ugh... I know these kinds of clients... The only thing I can tell you is to try and "survive" it and show subtle (But not aggressive) indicators that you did your part and want to end the project. Make sure not to make a scene since you have more to lose in this situation.


Once you're done with the client (And you've been paid for your work), if you feel like they might leave a bad review, make sure to be the one to end the contract. Doing this will give you a better chance of not getting any reviews since Upwork only encourages clients to leave a review while in the process of ending the contract.

Why are clients without varified payment methods even allowed on the platform? 

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