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Fake or authentic

In a job offer, if the Job Description doesn't mention anything about the Client or if the payment method is not verified, could that offer be considered a fake one? Curious because I received one such offer, my first work offer.

Community Member

re: "In a job offer, if the Job Description doesn't mention anything about the Client or if the payment method is not verified, could that offer be considered a fake one? Curious because I received one such offer, my first work offer."


Why would a job description mention anything about the client?


I have hired over 130 freelancers on Upwork.


I describe the job.
I don't think I have ever talked about myself.

I'm kind of confused by your question.

Community Member

re: "or if the payment method is not verified, could that offer be considered a fake one?"


That's fine.


As a freelancer, I don't care if a job posting is from a payment-verified client or not.


Probably most of the money of I have earned has been from clients who were not payment-verified when I saw their job posts.


The important thing is that the client becomes payment-verified before I start working for him.

Okay. Thank you for clarifying.


Community Member

Bula D wrote:

In a job offer, if the Job Description doesn't mention anything about the Client or if the payment method is not verified, could that offer be considered a fake one? Curious because I received one such offer, my first work offer.

I would be cautious. Look at the client's hiring history and do some research about how to spot freelance scams. 

Community Member

Thank you so much for your response to the query. It was definitely helpful.


Community Member

Doesn't Upwork require clients to verify their payment method before making an offer? anyway, I sometimes work with first time clients who haven't verified their payment, but I would always check the jobs they posted before and their hire rate and decide whether it's worth the shot. I say be cautious but go for it!

Community Member

No, Upwork doesn't require payment verification before job offers are made. We have to practice our own discretion and due dilligence in that regard.

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