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Fellow Freelancers—try adding variety with videos in your job proposals!

Hello fellow Upwork freelancers! 


If you are like me, proposals are one of the most fun, but frustrating aspects of Upwork! Always getting outbid, clients never responding, and even proposals getting declined for no reason at all. I found a bunch of templates on the internet on how proposals should be written, and my biggest takeaway from that was to make it less about me and ALL about how I can provide value to the client! It sounded easy enough! I began intensely reading job postings and thinking about how I could provide value based on the problems that clients were sharing. I noticed I was getting more responses when I changed my tone and framework, but I still didn't feel like it was great, BUT then I discovered my secret sauce.


Clients on Upwork want to work with freelancers that are friendly, genuine, and skillful. The skillful part can be assessed by reviewing our profiles to see if we've taken assessments, reviewing our portfolio, etc. However, friendly and genuine are a bit harder to gauge through text. So I started using video. I have found that recording myself on video for a minute or so shows how enthusiastic I am to work with the potential client and also gives them an idea of who I am as a freelancer! These videos usually start with a "Hello, my name is Cody, I've read your job post, and here is how I can successfully complete the work you are asking for..." of course the opener will be vary depending on the client and the work they need to be completed, but wow—video is easy to watch, it's engaging for the client, and takes way less time than writing proposals via messenger! 


I hope this tip helps others who are struggling with getting proposals over to clients and winning the bids, it sure has drastically helped my odds! If anyone else has tips on successfully earning new client trust and work, let me know! I'd love to hear about other ways fellow freelancers are leveling up their bidding process! 




Not applicable

Cody, you aren't active on upwork? Really?


Come on man, you are on here posting everything, ok slight exaggeration.

You do have another job, as you mentioned in another post, I'm intrigued if your employer is a video production company or related industry as you are always telling us the benefits of your videos, that don't win contracts, becuase you are not applying? beucase you have another job., so how successful can they relaly be?


Definitely something fishy and it is isn't my paella.

Community Member

I'm glad this is working for you, but as a client I would skip right over that proposal. 


That's not to say it's a bad idea at all. It sounds like it's one of the many things that can help show whether a freelancer and client are a good fit.

Absolutely agree Tiffany! It won't work for everyone, and should only be used if the freelancer feels like it's a good fit for them! 

Community Member

Good evening,

Thank you for this, great tip. Ill start doing small recordings as well.

Good morning Holly, let me know how it goes for you! 

Community Member

If I were a client, I would only care about video proposal if my job pertained to public speaking, video commercials or video presentations. If everybody started sending video proposals, this platform would turn into youtube. My worst experiences on this platform were with clients who insisted on video calls.


On the other hand, I really don't like clients who record their instructions or feedback because they are too lazy to type. Watching instructions is very impractical and draining vs. reading them. Video format may be suitable for some situations, but this is certainly not one of them.

Community Member

Hey Biljana! 


I definitely see your point, and where video proposals could be huge in video presentations, etc! However, in my work as a product designer, I have to talk to LOTS of customers and be very comfortable with video conversations. Most clients in the design industry want to work with someone who is likable and easy to talk to. I find that videos work best to communicate that with the person I am bidding with. What kind of job industry are you in right now? 

I agree. The clients are angry enough about the numerous proposals from scammer freelancers and the totallly unskilled. Now they will be inundated with even more junk to wade through.


I do not like the recorded instructions either. If the client doesn't talk to me directly, I will not respond.

Community Member

You have given me a very good tip. I have been looking for an extra part-time contract and this is how I am going to do my proposals.

Good morning Martin! I am glad this helped out! let me know what kind of success you have with it! 

Community Member

Hey Cody,  
I definitely going to try this video option and will let you know the response after few weeks

Let me know if it works for you! I'm very interested to hear more! 

Community Member

Can you help me to do this

Absolutely! What questions do you have Branko? 

Can you chek my profile and give me some quik tips on how to atrack clients to hire me.

Hey Branko! I saw a couple of spelling issues in your bio! Make sure to spell-check everything, as typos lower trust and credibility. While your bio should be about you, it should also be about what you can do for others! Perhaps mention what you have done for other clients and clearly articulate what and how you can do it for potential clients. 


Just to start, if you are going to claim you are native or bilingual in a language, then you should be able to demonstrate that skill.


Are you inviting people to contact you before you have a contract? You must expect people to contact you that way by putting your Gmail and phone number on your profile.

Community Member

Dear Sir,

I have made changes to my profile. Kindly reviewe it, and further guide me.



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