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Giving Back ( I want to help ) - 10 People

I have been on Upwork (previously ELance / Odesk) for 12 years (my anniversary is in December : )


I want to GIVE BACK!


Here is what I am thinking:


I see many of you are new to the platform and are struggling to:


1. Setup the "Perfect Profile"

2. Putting together a strong proposal

3. Searching for jobs that fit your skill set and submitting your proposal (identify them)

4. Understanding the new Boost Feature and why it may be important

5. Follow up with potential clients

6. Communicating and other details after the job has been awarded.


My goal is to help 10 people a week, giving each one a 30 mins zoom call to ask me any question they would like.


My goal in 2023 is to help 1,000 people. I have been blessed in so many ways, time to give back,


I don't have a website, I don't have a YouTube channel, I have nothing to promote. I just want to help you : )


To start. Just reply to this thread and request to be added to "My Network" on Upwork.


I am excited to see where this goes.


* I will choose 10 per week, please make sure your profile is at least mostly complete. I can't help you if you don't help yourself.

* We can decide on a time together, I know many of you are in different time zones, I work a LOT, so we will make it work : )

733 REPLIES 733
Community Member

hello, I would really love to join your network.

I added you, Look forward to connecting.

Community Member

What an impressive initiative! My congratulations and respects 👏👏

Hey Marcelo,


I hope all is well, I went ahead and added you. Thank You!

Community Member

Hi, this is amazing! I will really love to be added to "My Network".


After some time away from upwork after the pandemic due to my full-time employment, I have wholeheartedly decided to get my upwork freelancing career back on track.


I have updated my profile including my profile catelog, overview, as well as added recent portfolio projects.


Although I've begun applying for new jobs, it would be great to maybe get a referral to any copywriting or content writing jobs, probably one you're too occupied to execute. 

Community Member

Hey Gift, I have added you.

Thanks a lot, so where can I see the updates from your network?

Pleasure, I added you

Community Member

Hello 😀 please add me to "My Network" I am new to this platform and really need help. Huge thank you, in advance. Warren

Community Member

Hey Warren, I went ahead and added you!

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Community Member

Hello Sir, Please add me to your network. I will be grateful to you for this.

Community Member

Hey Waqas,


I went ahead and added you.


Thank You - Sam

Community Member

Hi Samer, how are you 🙂

First thing first, happy new year and wish all the best to you and people you love

This is Xin from Shanghai, China.  I am recently tried to translate Upwork Academy frame then post it on Upwork China Group, I realized even I am already on Upwork full time for over 2 years, but I haven't noticed there is a good online course for everyone on Upwork. So I recommend updating your post content to guide freelancers to Upwork Academy and let them go through it first, then they may get something from the course which could have better understand on what they want next before they talk with you.


I think most of the people here are looking forward to work with/for someone with same view to the world, get success and stable their financial situation. 

Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge to everyone that need help:)

Best Regards


This is a great idea, I will look in to this, also their are some others who have created posts that have links to all Upwork Material.

Community Member

Please add me to the network 

I went ahead and added you : )

Community Member

Good morning, thank you very much for this. Kindly add me to your network. Regards


I went ahead and added you to my network.

Community Member

Please add my to your network

I went ahead and added you to my network now.

Appreciate it, Samer. Any feedback on your end would help me a long way.

Sounds Good. I will get back to you soon.

Community Member

My Network


I went ahead and added you

Community Member

Hi Samer,

I am new and just opend an account with upwork week before last week. Don't know how to begin with. 60% of my profile is done and I don't know how get done the rest 40% of it.

Incomplete points are :- 1. My proposals 2. Add protfolio 3. Certifications & 4. Testimonials

# It will be appreciated if you could help me out with completing the stated points.


Hafizul Chowdhury


1. Testmonials. You can get someone you worked with previously, outside of Upwork to leave you a Testimonials.

2. Certifications. Check Google to see if you can take any certifications in your industry you can take.

3. Portfolio. You need to put together work you had previously done.

4. Proposals. This si something you get with time.

Community Member

One of the most frustrating things about starting out on this platform is the feeling of being unseen or unheard, so it is a very gracious thing that you are doing here Samer, allowing people to feel seen.

I try to break down the tasks into small achievable chunks, so this morning I will focus my energy on building and refining my portfolio.

Community Member

"My Network"

Hi Samer,


I appreciate your effort. I am struggling with Upwork. Could you please add me to your Network? Could you please help me? I can be available in your Time zone. Please help me. 


Thank you


i went ahead and added you.

Thanks, Samer. 

My Pleasure

Community Member

Count me in sir. I'm new to upwork as well.


I tried to add you but your profile is private.

Community Member

Please add me to the new network

added. thank you

Community Member

Please add me to "My Network" l need some help

Community Member

Hey Ayato,


I went ahead and added you now.

Community Member

Please add me to your network. Thanks

You have been added, I will connect with you soon.

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