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Giving Back ( I want to help ) - 10 People

I have been on Upwork (previously ELance / Odesk) for 12 years (my anniversary is in December : )


I want to GIVE BACK!


Here is what I am thinking:


I see many of you are new to the platform and are struggling to:


1. Setup the "Perfect Profile"

2. Putting together a strong proposal

3. Searching for jobs that fit your skill set and submitting your proposal (identify them)

4. Understanding the new Boost Feature and why it may be important

5. Follow up with potential clients

6. Communicating and other details after the job has been awarded.


My goal is to help 10 people a week, giving each one a 30 mins zoom call to ask me any question they would like.


My goal in 2023 is to help 1,000 people. I have been blessed in so many ways, time to give back,


I don't have a website, I don't have a YouTube channel, I have nothing to promote. I just want to help you : )


To start. Just reply to this thread and request to be added to "My Network" on Upwork.


I am excited to see where this goes.


* I will choose 10 per week, please make sure your profile is at least mostly complete. I can't help you if you don't help yourself.

* We can decide on a time together, I know many of you are in different time zones, I work a LOT, so we will make it work : )

733 REPLIES 733
Community Member

Hello Samer!


You are just the nicest guy around. To prove that I've read the brief, could you add me to 'My Network'?


I'm not a newbie - though I sometimes feel like one...

Hey Petra,


My Pleasure. i went ahead and added you now.



Community Member

Hello. Can I apply 😃

Community Member

I did this with 100+ freelancers, I am going to start doing this again soon!

Community Member

Let me know if anyone wants to join this

Community Member

I am excited to get this going again!

Well, I would love to!

Nenad, I added you, I will send you a message, i look forward to connecting and helping as much as I can.

Community Member

I will reach out. Thank You!

Community Member

Please add me to your network


I have added you!



I already added you and I will reach out, I look forward to helping as much as I can.

Community Member

waiting from one year


Community Member

Hi Sam

Please add me to your net work

HeyThi, I added you!

Thanks Sam

My Pleasure

Hey Thi, No worries at all, You have been added, I also got your message and I look forward to helping as much as I can.

Community Member

Really admirable what you are doing, add me to the network if you have space left, but put anyone that is actaully new before me please I have some experience I am just struggleing recently 🙂

Hey Jeffry, I added you!

No worries at all Jeffry, I added you and got your message, I look forward to helping!

Community Member

Hi Samer:

Thanks for taking inititave for giving back, I liked it.

Can you please tell me about this point in your mentioned points "Understanding the new Boost Feature and why it may be important"


It is important because of the impact it has done, things have changed and now its more of an auction in a way, you bid higher, you are placed near the top of the list. Essentially, Pay to Play!

Dear Samer:

Thanks for your reply... Agreed.

Its very important point which you have told.



To me, I like to boost only when I feel really good about a potential project, otherwise, I personally avoid using them

Ok, Now I understad your point of view. Thanks again.


My Pleasure

Community Member

I smell a fink!

Community Member

If you ask me to add you, its all good, i will. Please make sure that your profile is public, otherwise, I have no other way to add you.

Community Member

Hi Samer,

Kindly add me in your network


Will do

Community Member

great news! Kindly add me in your network. Thank you Samer.

added - thank you!

Community Member

Hello Samer B.

Please add me to your network, I am new here! Thank yo




I went ahead and added you, thank you!

Community Member

Thank you, Samer. B



Community Member

Hello Samer,

Please add me to your network. Thank you


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