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Help! Top Rated Freelancer with Low Engagement (Upwork)

Hey everyone, hoping to get some advice from the freelance community here! I've been grinding on Upwork for a while now and recently achieved the Top Rated badge. While that's awesome, I haven't seen a huge increase in project offers or hires.

In the last 30 days, I've submitted almost 40 proposals,  none of tham interviewed or hired. This has me wondering... is Upwork full of fake clients? Or am I missing something in my approach?

Would love to hear your thoughts!

  • Have any of you Top Rated freelancers experienced a similar dry spell?
  • What strategies have worked for you to stand out from the crowd and land more clients?
  • Should I be exploring other freelance platforms in addition to Upwork?

Any and all insights would be greatly appreciated! Let's chat and brainstorm ways to keep the freelance dream alive!


Community Member

Experiencing a dry spell despite being a Top Rated freelancer can be frustrating, but don't lose hope just yet! Here are a few strategies that might help you boost your engagement and land more projects on Upwork:

Optimize Your Profile: Ensure that your Upwork profile is fully optimized with a professional photo, a compelling headline, a detailed overview of your skills and experience, and relevant portfolio items or samples. Highlight your achievements, past projects, and client testimonials to build credibility.

Refine Your Proposals: Take a critical look at your proposal templates and customize them for each job you apply to. Tailor your proposals to address the client's specific needs and demonstrate how you're uniquely qualified to solve their problems. Personalization can make a significant difference in grabbing the client's attention.

Expand Your Skillset: Consider diversifying your skillset or learning new technologies that are in demand. This can help you target a broader range of projects and attract more clients. Upskilling shows your dedication to staying current in your field and enhances your marketability.

Network and Build Relationships: Actively engage with other freelancers and potential clients on Upwork's community forums, social media platforms, or industry-specific forums. Networking can lead to referrals and collaborations, helping you expand your client base and visibility on the platform.

Offer Competitive Pricing: Review your pricing strategy and compare your rates with those of other freelancers in your niche. While it's essential to value your expertise, offering competitive rates can make you more attractive to clients, especially if you're just starting to build your reputation on Upwork.

Seek Feedback: Reach out to past clients for feedback on your work and communication skills. Positive reviews and ratings can boost your credibility and attract more clients. If there are any areas for improvement, use the feedback constructively to refine your approach.

Remember that consistency and perseverance are key in the freelance world. Keep refining your approach, staying proactive in your job search, and delivering high-quality work to clients. With patience and persistence, you'll likely see an uptick in project offers and hires over time.

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Community Member

Experiencing a dry spell despite being a Top Rated freelancer can be frustrating, but don't lose hope just yet! Here are a few strategies that might help you boost your engagement and land more projects on Upwork:

Optimize Your Profile: Ensure that your Upwork profile is fully optimized with a professional photo, a compelling headline, a detailed overview of your skills and experience, and relevant portfolio items or samples. Highlight your achievements, past projects, and client testimonials to build credibility.

Refine Your Proposals: Take a critical look at your proposal templates and customize them for each job you apply to. Tailor your proposals to address the client's specific needs and demonstrate how you're uniquely qualified to solve their problems. Personalization can make a significant difference in grabbing the client's attention.

Expand Your Skillset: Consider diversifying your skillset or learning new technologies that are in demand. This can help you target a broader range of projects and attract more clients. Upskilling shows your dedication to staying current in your field and enhances your marketability.

Network and Build Relationships: Actively engage with other freelancers and potential clients on Upwork's community forums, social media platforms, or industry-specific forums. Networking can lead to referrals and collaborations, helping you expand your client base and visibility on the platform.

Offer Competitive Pricing: Review your pricing strategy and compare your rates with those of other freelancers in your niche. While it's essential to value your expertise, offering competitive rates can make you more attractive to clients, especially if you're just starting to build your reputation on Upwork.

Seek Feedback: Reach out to past clients for feedback on your work and communication skills. Positive reviews and ratings can boost your credibility and attract more clients. If there are any areas for improvement, use the feedback constructively to refine your approach.

Remember that consistency and perseverance are key in the freelance world. Keep refining your approach, staying proactive in your job search, and delivering high-quality work to clients. With patience and persistence, you'll likely see an uptick in project offers and hires over time.

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