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Hourly Contract

Hi there,

My hourly contract logged in hours is still in "job in progress", but the contract has been ended because i have finishd working on the project, will (ending the contract) affect my payment?


Hi Shadipe,


I checked, and it looks like the project is still part of this week's workweek. The billing period for hourly contracts begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. When working hourly contracts, all time logged in the Work Diary by the freelancer is automatically invoiced to the client using the schedule below.


  • Week 1 – Freelancer logs time using the Upwork desktop app and Work Diary.
  • Week 2 – Hours within the weekly limit invoice to your clients on Monday. They have until Friday to review the work. Then the review period ends.
  • Week 3 – Earnings become available on the following Wednesday.

You might want to read about the Weekly Billing Cycle for more information. 


~ Joanne
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