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How do you get paid in dollars in argentina?

Hi, I'm new to UpWork, and I was wondering: How do you get direct deposits in dollars in Argentina? Only option I can see is pesos.

Thanks, Christopher.

Community Member

Hi Jose,

Thank you very much for your help, but I've already found the solution.
I'm simply using PayPal + Nubi. It's extremely cheap and quite fast (1 week).

The path the money is getting through is:
UpWork --> PayPal --> Nubi --> Personal Bank Account (In Argentina).

Total commissions price is: 
* 2 USD for widthdrawing to PayPal.
* About 4% to widthdraw from PayPal via Nubi to my Personal Bank Account.

Sincerely, C..

Edit: Nubi changed their commissions. It's even cheaper now, but you have to withdraw 2000 USD from PayPal at a time. 

View solution in original post

Community Member

@Cristobal L wrote:

Hi, I'm new to UpWork, and I was wondering: How do you get direct deposits in dollars in Argentina? Only option I can see is pesos.

 Wire Transfer not an option? That's in US Dollar but costs $ 30 a pop and isn't worth it for withdrawals under about $ 700.

Local funds transfers are always in local currency as they are sent from a local (hence the name) bank in local (hence the name) currency.


Yes, I now saw the Wire Transfer option. Too bad it's too expensive. I guess I'll just keep receiving in my local currency.

Thank you Petra.


I'm working here for the,last 8 years. The best way is through Paypal.

Debora Frid 

Community Member

Hi Debora!

I have the same question as Cristobal and I see that you recommend using Paypal. Can you tell me a bit more? Do you get dollars to your bank account using Paypal? Or do you have a different way to withdraw?

Thanks a lot!


Community Member

Hi Pam,

Please, check the private messages. I explain you there how to do it. 

Sorry for not answering earlier, I didn´t check messages.



Community Member

Hi Jose,

Thank you very much for your help, but I've already found the solution.
I'm simply using PayPal + Nubi. It's extremely cheap and quite fast (1 week).

The path the money is getting through is:
UpWork --> PayPal --> Nubi --> Personal Bank Account (In Argentina).

Total commissions price is: 
* 2 USD for widthdrawing to PayPal.
* About 4% to widthdraw from PayPal via Nubi to my Personal Bank Account.

Sincerely, C..

Edit: Nubi changed their commissions. It's even cheaper now, but you have to withdraw 2000 USD from PayPal at a time. 

Yes, this is the way!

José, your informatin is not updated.  I work here for 8 years and now things are much easier! Since 2015 / 2016 things changed.

Some years ago it was difficult to receive dollars.  Now you can receive dollars to your bank account in 5 days via Paypal + Nubi

In fact my account is in Galicia Bank. 



Thanks a lot Cristobal.

Some more precisions.

To know if the bank is ready to receive or not it is enough try to set the SWIFT CODE + ACCOUNT NUMBER in the Upowork form. If the upwork form does not recognize it ... the the transfer cannot be done. 

I don't remember each bank in Argentina if it is received in dollars or $ .

In my experience.

Banco Rio.... it converts to $ ... as Banco Rio has a unified account number $ + u$s

HSBC : if you want to receive in u$s you should give the CBU of the dollars account

Banco Galicia: It's not available to receive direct transfer (at least  last year



BROU . No problem... receive dollars in dollars account

Community Member


I received dollars from a private client directly to my dollar account in Galicia.


Community Member

Yes Debora.

You're right. I also receive directly in u$s from clients outside upwork by means of a corresponsal in USA



Because the money goes from the account of my client to the account of the corresponsal in USA (Wells Fargo or others) and the corresponsal sends the money to Banco Galicia with a specified messages.

Then Banco Galicia moves that money to my account.


What I couldn't do was to set my Galicia Account in the upwork Payment Method Form. But I could do that for HSBC and for Banco Rio




Community Member

From Paypal via Nubi you can receive dollars (or pesos) to your bank account. 




Community Member

Hi Jose Alberto, some questions about your message:
How long has been since you last tried direct transfer to santander rio in Argentina?
and how do you set the intermediary bank in the upwork form?, because Santander uses one too
Basically how do you enter all the swifth message information and where because the memo field doesn't accept the length of a swift message.


Don't use wire transfer. Use PayPal + Nubi.
It's gonna be way cheaper for you.

Mmm I think it depends of the amount in one you are almost paying a fixed rate against the 4% of the total

The only case when PayPal + Nubi isn't the cheapest way, is if you're
receiving less than 17,5 USD vía direct transfer (To Pesos). In all other
cases, it's the best way.

Wire Transfer is actually the worst way. They tax you 30 USD from UpWork +
30 USD in Argentina + taxes in Argentina (About 6 %).

Feel free to try by yourself.

Lets's say 3000 usd
Nubi you get 2854

fee around 4%
Wire transfer you get 2916
fee= 30 + 50 + 0.125%

If you're extracting 3000 USD, you're gonna get $2,856.43 with Nubi,
or $2,760.00 with Wire transfer.

Wire Transfer --> $2,760.00 = (((3000 - 30 from UpWork) - 30 from your
bank) - 3000*0.06 from your bank taxes)
Nubi --> $2,760.00 = (3000-2)-(3000*3.9/100+(3000*3.9/100)*21/100)

Once again, please feel free to try by ourself.
It's going to be good news for everybody if I'm wrong.

Sorry, how are you calculating the bank fees?
Why 3000*0.06  and  30 usd for the bank?
wich bank do you have?

Community Member

Just to inform and stop making confussion about this topic.
Wire transfer work as expected using santander rio Account number (not CBU)
Fees as described above.
50 usd + 0.125%
In case you have questions contact Comex (Foreign commerce from your banck and upwork help).
also please post your experiences with your bank that may be helpful to other users.

I don't know what Kudos benefits are but they are appreciated 😛

Do those 50 USD include the 30 USD from UpWork?

Nop. upwork transfers n-30 u$s

The cost of any bank or entity are based on the transferred value.


See: **Edited for Community Guidelines**




Hi Cristobal. If you have a USD savings account in Argentina, wouldn't it be more convenient to choose the Direct To Locak Bank option and then just buy USD and put them on your USD savings account? I have both accounts -pesos and USD- with Banco Macro. Upwork is giving me $2 less per USD than the bank would pay me, but still that's a lot less than the fees you are describing because for every 3000 USD I would be getting $6000 less and $6000 today equals 140 USD.


Please, let me know if my logic is right.

Hi Nicolás,

Everything depends on the amount you're planning to withdraw.

First, let's settle the equations:


Option 1: Getting paid in pesos and then buying dollars in Argentina.

(Amount - 1) * UpWork Dollar Price / Argentinian Dollars Buying Price

Option 2: Getting paid to PayPal, and then using Nubi.


Amount - (2 from UpWork's Withdrawal + Amount * 0.01 from Nubi + 
IF(G4<=2000, 15, ...) from Nubi + 0.21 * IF(G4<=2000, 15, ...) from the IVA by Nubi)

* Where I left 3 dots, it's because Nubi will charge 15 USD more every 2000 USD, which is hard to clarify in an equation.



So, if you were to receive 50 USD from UpWork, you'd get:
- 45.13 USD in your USD savings account in Argentina, after using option 1.

You're left with the 90.26 % of the original amount.

- 29.35 USD in your USD savings account in Argentina, after using option 2.

You're left with the 58.70 % of the original amount.


But, if you were to wait until you have 2000 USD (Either in your UpWork or your PayPal balance), you'd get:

- 1,840.99 USD in your USD savings account in Argentina, after using option 1.

You're left with the 92.04 % of the original amount.

1,959.85 USD in your USD savings account in Argentina, after using option 2.

You're left with the 97.99 % of the original amount.


As you can see, the numbers really depend on the amounts to withdraw (Unless I got the math wrong).


Sincerely, Christopher.

Community Member

Banco Rio.. 6 months ago

You can ask on upwork chat but when I asked that option it was not available. (intermediary)

Try to ask in Banco Rio Comex.... It can be entered in upwork form... maybe adding or removing zeros

I don't exactly remember it because I don't use it anymore. 

But it can be entered in the fields upwork provides. 







Community Member

Hello Debora, how are you? I'm new to Upwork and I wanted to ask you about the process of sending the dollars to your bank account in Argentina in the tax form they ask you for a tax ID number, what would it be?


Hi Patricia, the tax ID number is CUIT, you may also want to check this post where the AFIP subject is clarified..


Solved: Cobro y facturacion en Argentina - Upwork Community

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This was four or five years ago. I'm curious about today. It must be much easier to get paid in USD in Argentina today? How?

Community Member

I'm wondering the same thing. Did you find any updated information?


Hi, I also want to know this.... 

Community Member

Here's what I found:

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

However, I think an even better way is to receive a stablecoin like USDT or USDC. My company is pilot-testing a system that allows companies or individuals in the U.S. pay for workers in the Philippines:**Edited for Community Guidelines**

This system uses our own stablecoin ROKS which comes with its own wallet.

We are looking into making the wallet available in Argentina.

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