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How to Attract Clients for Presentation Services on Upwork?


I hope you are all doing well. I specialize in creating visually appealing and engaging presentations, and I have recently dedicated my Upwork profile solely to this service. While I offer a variety of services elsewhere, I'm looking to attract more clients for presentation design on Upwork.

I've been having some difficulty getting orders and would greatly appreciate any advice or tips from other freelancers who have successfully attracted clients for similar services.

Here's a quick summary of my profile and offerings:

   • I have more than four years of experience with presentation design. 

   • I specialize in modern, minimalist, and infographic presentations.
   • My portfolio features a variety of business, educational, and marketing presentations.
   1. Profile Optimization: How can I improve my profile to stand out in this niche?
   2. Proposals: What key points should I highlight in my proposals to make them more compelling?
   3. Portfolio: Are there any particular types of samples or projects that draw more attention?
   4. Client Interaction: Do you have any tips for effectively communicating with potential clients in order to secure the job?
   5. Pricing Strategy: How do I price my services competitively without undervaluing them?

Thank you in advance for your helpful insights and recommendations!

Best Regards,
Muhammad Hassaan Khan

My Profile Link:

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Muhammad Hassaan,


You should post this message in the Freelancer's forum.

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