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How to end a contract without providing any feedback?

If you look at the attached screenshot, I am required to provide some sort of rating anytime I end a contract. This should not be required, or there should be an option to provide "none of the above", or similiar.


"How likely are you to recommend this client to a friend or a colleague?"


What if I don't have any friends or colleague's? I don't want to provide "1", that would seem negative, I don't want to provide "10", as that would seem I really like this client, I need the option "refuse to answer", or similiar...


"Please provide a rating for every category"


I don't always want to provide a public rating for a client, this affects their ratings. The client never has to provide this for freelancers, why do we freelancers have to provide this to clients?



Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 3.31.42 AM.png

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It is impossible, I think.

Community Member

Ask the client to end the contract, that way you don't have to leave a review from your end. If you want to end it, there is no way to avoid leaving both private and public feedback. 

Community Member


If you look at the attached screenshot, I am required to provide some sort of rating anytime I end a contract. This should not be required, or there should be an option to provide "none of the above", or similiar.


"How likely are you to recommend this client to a friend or a colleague?"


What if I don't have any friends or colleague's? I don't want to provide "1", that would seem negative, I don't want to provide "10", as that would seem I really like this client, I need the option "refuse to answer", or similiar...

You don't literally have to recommend the client to anyone; it's not a contractual obligation. If they were a good client, give them a 10, if they were a bad client, give them a 1. If they were average, give them something in between. No need to overthink it - this is private feedback that clients never see anyway.



I don't always want to provide a public rating for a client, this affects their ratings. The client never has to provide this for freelancers, why do we freelancers have to provide this to clients?

Clients do have to provide ratings whenever they end a contract. Just give them an honest score. Feedback doesn't affect clients nearly as much as it does freelancers; there are some clients with really horrible reviews and they'll still get 50 bids whenever they post a new project. I doubt that most of them even notice or care about their ratings; you're mostly doing it to help other freelancers decide whether they want to work with a client or not.


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