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How to get jobs

Am new to the platform. Please how can I create connections and win jobs? Thanks

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Hey Benjaimin,

It is very easy to win job just carefully read the job description if you can solve the problem or you are perfect fit for the job just write down the overview of solution so the client can attract to your proposal no matter how new you’re on the Upwork this method will definetly win a job for you.


Thank you

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Hey Benjaimin,

It is very easy to win job just carefully read the job description if you can solve the problem or you are perfect fit for the job just write down the overview of solution so the client can attract to your proposal no matter how new you’re on the Upwork this method will definetly win a job for you.


Thank you

Thank you so much Falgnun S. I really appreciate your response.


Thanks a lot, this solution is indeed very helpful.

The job i sent proposal is   Is ether not 

When ever I sent a company proposal it does not require the upwork terms and condition or i get the job but it is close by upwork. So how can I get work efficiently and without any cancellation.



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Your cover letter will be good and answer what the buyer want

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Do we need to provide solution for the client requirement in Cover letter ?

I don't think you need to provide solution for the client requirement in cover letter. Just make the proposal brief the client will contact you and explain what he or she need in detailed.

No, we don’t need to provide the full solution let me explain you by an example,

X client is facing an issue for scrolling in Vue.js and he has attached the link where he is facing the issue so you can open the link and fix it by inspecting it and record a video then attach it in proposal you'll definitely get that job.


Like that way if someone has posted a job like the client want to build a crypto app and you’re capable to make it just write the proposal by picking some of his words (like Great UX of porduct, Minimal look, User frienndly etc) from job description and prepare a cover latter and if it’s possible you can attach the link of your previous work also so there will be higher chance to win a job for you.


Thank you 

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Hi guys, ive set up my account to a great extent, i haven't gotten a client or job yet. Is there any special thing that I must set up to help me get jobs?

Your profile overview is too short, not engaging or client-focussed, and contains several errors. You have nothing in your portfolio except an ad, and your hourly rate is too high for someone with entry-level skills. Start by reading this: https://www.upwork.com/resources/9-tips-create-freelancer-profile-stands-out


I have sent several proposals, my proposals are good, yet I have never been sent a message or interviewed. Is upwork really based on work? I wish there was sth like a trial exam for some skills so that clients will always newbies when they see proposals. It's frustrating 

You need to work on your profile, too - see the link above. And if your proposals are written like your profile overview, then you need to work on those as well.

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Benjamin A wrote:

Am new to the platform. Please how can I create connections and win jobs? Thanks

Well, time and luck. That's basically it.

Community Member

Help, since I get to upwork I have not get a single clients, to work with.

Hi Balogun,


Thank you for your message. I checked your profile and noticed that this profile was created just a few days ago. I've pulled a few resources that may be helpful to you. Check out these articles to help you create a profile that stands out and improve your profile title and overview. For some great tips on writing proposals that win jobs, check out this article.


Visit our Resource Center and sign up for upcoming events and webinars to learn more about how you can boost your success on Upwork.
Thank you,
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Thank you Sir.

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your right bro

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I'm not also getting a single client help me if you can

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