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I can't open job posts

From yesterday whenever I click on a job post on my "find work" feed, it wont open.I need to hard press for another unnatural window to open. Any ideas ?
Im using Macbook Pro


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Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Fran,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and will assist you further with your job feed. Thank you.

~ Goran

Where would I recive that ticket ?

Hi Fran,


Once the ticket is created you will be able to view it on this Link, thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

I have been having the same problem, and it is still happening today 

Hi Cheryl,


I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you. Can you please try clearing your browser cache and cookies or try from a different browser, and see if the issue persists? If you get any error messages whenever you try it, please let us know so we can better assist you.

~ Luiggi

For the past few days, I've had a lot of difficulty clicking on job posts

and getting them to open. Everything else is working fine. 

Community Member

 I Can't open job details on my upwork app for some days now. Every other thing is working fine.  What do you suggest I do.


Hi Akinola,


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. Do you receive any error messages whenever you try it? If so, can you please share a screenshot of what you see on your end?

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi Luiggi,

Thanks for replying. I don't get any error message. It just goes blank and I keep refreshing and refreshing.

Hi Akinola,


Thank you for your message. Could you please try the troubleshooting steps on this link to check if this resolves the issue?


Thank you,



Hi Pradeep,

Thanks for replying. It didn't work. I tried all the options there. 


Hi Akinola,


Thank you for responding. I checked this for you and I was not able to replicate the same issue. Please send your feedback to mobile-feedback@upwork.com. Meanwhile, can you please check if you're able to log in to Upwork using your mobile browser? Please let us know if you're experiencing the same issue and provide a screenshot.

~ AJ

Hi Annie,


Thanks for your help.

I am able to use the browser, it's just the app.

But I however prefer the app to submit proposals.?

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