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Avaya's avatar
Avaya L Community Member

I think I have been scammed by client

I have been working on a job since May 8 this year.They told me its an urgent job ,the deadline day was 3 days from there .I completed the job eithin 2 days .I spent whole 2 night and days to complete the project so that they give me good rating.When it came to payment time they didn't reponse me properly till the date .They say its not scam you can trust us but you have to create ACH account to withdraw money which was £185 .I soent tge money for that but till date I didn't receive a single penny .What should I do ??

I am from Nepal ,its a poor country so that amount means a lot for me .Now I dont care about my payment but I wanted the money I send them for and and currency exchange ...

Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer M Community Member

yeah you got scammed. The money is gone.

Pema's avatar
Pema L Community Member

abo tyo paisa goyo tapaiko. You can forgot about the money. There's no way you could get it back. Remember this, when a client hire you, they will send you a contract and then you accept and start working. This way if a client doesn't pay you, you can ask for the help to upwork support. Dont start work without getting the contract on Upwork from clients. Also, you are here to do some earning and not send money to others. No matter how much convincing they sound.

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