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ID Verification

I don't want to upload any of my identifications. Is there another way to verify identity?

Community Member

Alberto F wrote:

I don't want to upload any of my identifications. Is there another way to verify identity?

No, there isn't.

Community Member

So you strongly believe UPWORK infrastructure is not only advance in security, but also verifiable and resilient to the enormous amount of attacks?

Community Member

re: "Is there another way to verify identity?"


Just because a certain option is not available right now, doesn't mean it couldn't be added in the future.


Out of curiosity, what do you suggest?

My suggestion is having to do with not releasing “personal private information” (PPI).

UpWork already have my full address, name and phone number. If I provide my DOB and or Drivers License number, it will be too much at risk.

That's not even half step of been more hacked and more exposed that currently I am and everyone is.

It's a matter of not putting even more eggs on the same basket and re-veryfing to hackers, data miners, spammers, etc, that my information is really my information.

What about a call confirming all the information?

You don't have a way to contact UpWork offices, neither employees or support directly.

Having an account or service account working on a group of accounts, instead of a robot, will create a better relation also.

re: "So you strongly believe Upwork infrastructure is not only advance in security, but also verifiable and resilient to the enormous amount of attacks?"


I have undergone all Upwork verifications, including uploading scanned government identity document and participating in video verification.


I don't worry about it and I don't even think about it.


It is completely your decision whether or not you want to do these things or not. Upwork expects any freelancers on its platform who earn money to do these things, but MOST people in the world do NOT do these things. Most people don't even use Upwork at all.


Nobody can make the decision for you whether or not to participate in Upwork's identify verification protocols.


Note that if you're interested, there is quite a bit of information already available in the Community Form about these procedures. There are lengthy threads that discuss them.


Also: If you want to suggest alternatives to the current protocols, this Forum is the correct place to discuss your ideas.

Community Member

In the 4 or 5 hours since I posted the first comment about ID Verification, UPWork app on iPhone, and this browser on my computer reported 6 or 7 error types oof different messages.

So the app is far from perfect and the webpage neither, leaving a lot of space for a skilled hacker to gain access to UPWork databases. I will be concerned. Do you know how many ocassions my information has been reported on the Dark Web for sale, since 2010? More than 37 times, with sources coming from: Chase Bank, Sony, LinkedIn, Bank of America, Equifax, Yahoo, eBay, Broward County, AT&T, Apple, and many others: https://digitalguardian.com/blog/history-data-breaches

The app on your iPhone?

Don't use it.

I don't use it. I don't think Upwork's mobile app is "ready for prime time."


re: "Do you know how many ocassions my information has been reported on the Dark Web for sale, since 2010? More than 37 times, with sources coming from: Chase Bank, Sony, LinkedIn, Bank of America, Equifax, Yahoo, eBay, Broward County, AT&T, Apple, and many others"


Then why do you care if Upwork has your information?



None of what you are saying is wrong.

If you don't trust Upwork, then don't use it.

I’m not trying to mock you or make fun of your response, but basically is like saying: oh my finger hurts and the suggested solution be: then cut your arm.

I know is not the same, but if a company is willing to offer you security and privacy, but they don’t willingly provide address, phone, emails and contact names, is like if they are hiding something.

I receive tons of emails daily and emails coming without a proper signature, name, company name, email, phone, and some other basic information, are immediately flagged as spam.

You won’t be banking with an institution you don’t have physical address, phones, website, emails and some account basic information.

I'm a US Citizen and if something pisses me off is when I share some criticism about something and the next person is saying something like, if you don’t like it go back to where you came from.

Why, sharing concerns about something most of the times receives an ignorant and/or superficial response of don’t do it, don’t use it, or go away?

Concerns are things like many, challenging us to improve, not to feel rejected or be attacked.



Alberto: I don't think you're mocking me or making fun of my response.


You're new here and you're trying to understand things.


I have been working through Elance/oDesk/Upwork since 2014... Longer than you. Far less time than some other people.


Much of my work involves setting up secure systems, inluding for financial institutions and organizations that handle medical data, including HIPAA-compliant systems.


So I understand your concerns. But I'm not an Upwork employee and it isn't my job to ensure that Upwork's web applications or apps are bug free, nor is it my job to certify the security aspects of their identity verification protocols.


I have provided you with accurate information in answer to your questions.


I never said you can accept things or leave, nor was it my intention to imply such.


I specifically pointed out that you can discuss these matters further or make suggestions.

BTW, if you dont have the iPhone app, but you have an account in UPWork, the infrastructure could be hacked via the iPhone app and you information will be leaked.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Alberto, 

It sounds like you are being requested to verify your location. I understand how this experiencing can be frustrating and confusing for you. I would like to clarify that on Section 1.6 Identity and Location Verification of the Upwork User Agreement, it says that - 


"When you register for an Account and from time to time thereafter, your Account will be subject to verification, including, but not limited to, validation against third-party databases or the verification of one or more official government or legal documents that confirm your identity, your location, and your ability to act on behalf of your business on Upwork... When requested, you must timely provide us with complete information about yourself and your business, which includes, but is not limited to, providing official government or legal documents."

In this help article, we have stated that the information on any of the documents you submit should match the information on your Upwork profile. As such, we will need to be able to match the identity documents you have submitted with the information on your Upwork profile. Let me know if you wish to proceed with your location verification, and I'll ask a member of the Customer Support Team to reach out to you to assist you further. 

~ Avery
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