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Invoice for Withdrawal Transactions

Dear Upwork Community,


I am wondering when Upwork will finally introduce invoices for withdrawal transactions. There are hundreds of similar posts from other freelancers asking the same question. Local banks and tax authorities do not accept Upwork-issued invoices as they do not correspond to the amount entering our bank accounts.


This issue needs to be finally solved. 



Community Member

Your accounting system does not support different currencies? That is a major flaw. 

It does accept all major currencies. Its not the issue. The issue is that I need an invoice for the exact USD amount that I withdraw from Upwork.

That would be double-counting. You already have invoices from upwork for what you bill to your clients and the fees you pay to upwork. 

The amount shown in those Upwork invoices include Upwork commission and is
different to the actual amount I withdraw. My local bank and tax
authorities are asking for invoice corresponding to the exact amount
received to my bank account.
Community Member

Hello Orkhan,

I apologize for reaching out to you there. Could you please let me know how you resolved the issue with invoice confirmation? I have the exact same issue. Unfortunately, what the support provides is not an official document for legal entities. I would appreciate hearing from you about this. Have a great day!

Thank you!

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