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Irrelevant jobs

Hi there!
Is there any way that I could see relevant jobs in my job feeds. I have completed 15 jobs till now, before that all relevant jobs shown in my job feeds. But now from a week or long all irrelevant jobs appear in my job field. If relevant job feed shown it's almost been 10 mints old even that I refreshed again and again
Can you please give me a solution of that if there's any

Hi Saba,


Please try removing your current saved search results and add new ones. You can search by skills, industry, or keywords and refine your searches with our filters. Once you have the desired search result you can save it (by clicking on the green button) and the jobs will be listed under your job feed. If the issue persists please reach out to us and we will assist you further.

~ Joanne
Community Member

I followed your instructions as you advised me. But the problem is still
the same.
Other job display in my job feeds even after few seconds but not of my job
skills. Please help me

On Sat, 13 Mar 2021, 8:17 AM Saba Ash, wrote:


Hello Saba,
Can you please try adding all skills listed on your profile in your searches and sub-categories to get more relevant results?
Feel free to message us if the problem persists.
Thank you.
Pradeep H

Thank you so much for your reply. I followed your instructions but it's not working. I'm too much worried I don't whats happening. I couldn't be able from last two weeks to apply any job due to this.
Can you check it for me I'll be very thankful to you

Hi Saba,


I shared your report with our team and one of our agents already reached out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your ticket on this page.


~ Nikola
Community Member

Hi Saba, 

Thank you so much for reaching out the Upwork community. I'm a product manager at Upwork working to improve the job feeds. Can you share more detail about the irrelevant jobs you are seeing?


What is the name of the feed you are using? 

What about the jobs make them irrelevant? What kind of jobs do you hope to see in your feeds?

If you have any screenshots of the irrelevant jobs that would also be helpful for us to pinpoint the issue.



Thank you so much for your reply but after changing some keywords my
problem is sort out a little bit. But now the issue is that the jobs are
appearing on my feed late. I want to show the ms word related job ppt
related to show on my feed

Hi Saba, 

Can you send a screenshot of where you are seeing older jobs? My Feed is ordered by posting date. The Best Matches feed is ordered by how relevant the jobs are to you, so you may see older jobs toward the top. 

To improve your My Feed you can go to Job Search and create saved searches. You can do this by doing a keyword search and applying a filter, then click 'Save search'. You can also click the Advanced Search link to input more complex logic and search on multiple skills or words. So you could input Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint into the Skills section. Once you have a saved search, jobs fulfilling all of your saved searches will appear in My Feed as well as the saved search specific feed will appear on Find Work Home. This allows you to customize the feeds to work for you. 

Hi Hannah.
I have already applied this method and saved my searches related to specific skill but from the previous day another thing create a problem.
I have the attached the screenshot. Please check it out even if I already saved my search but this is not disappearing
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