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Is that connects are incresed to 16 to 19 connect

I have recently seem that my proposal are about to 19 connect is that true? 

423 REPLIES 423
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Subject: Addressing Concerns Regarding Upwork's Connects System and Economic Disparity Among Freelancers


Dear Upwork Team,

I hope this message finds you well. As a dedicated member of the Upwork platform and a representative of numerous freelancers from developing countries, I feel compelled to express some concerns regarding the current Connects system. While Upwork has been a transformative platform for freelancers worldwide, there are certain aspects of its operation that may inadvertently disadvantage freelancers from economically challenged regions.

The recent implementation of the Connects system, particularly the requirement to pay for Connects, has sparked a considerable amount of apprehension among freelancers, especially those from developing countries. It's important to recognize that many talented individuals from these regions face significant economic constraints and may not have the financial means to consistently purchase Connects, which are vital for securing jobs on the platform.

Furthermore, for freelancers who are just starting out or experiencing financial hardship, the prospect of paying for Connects without any guarantee of securing work can be daunting and discouraging. This raises important questions about equity and access within the freelancing ecosystem, particularly in terms of providing opportunities for those who are economically disadvantaged.

In light of these concerns, I urge Upwork to consider implementing measures that take into account the economic realities of freelancers from different regions. One potential approach could involve categorizing countries based on their economic conditions and adjusting the pricing or allocation of Connects accordingly. By doing so, Upwork can not only ensure fair access to opportunities but also contribute to the empowerment and economic growth of freelancers and their communities.

As a platform that prides itself on fostering diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunity, I believe that addressing these concerns will not only benefit individual freelancers but also strengthen Upwork's position as a leader in the freelance marketplace. I am confident that by working together, we can find solutions that promote fairness, accessibility, and prosperity for freelancers from all backgrounds.

Thank you for considering these important issues. I look forward to seeing positive changes that will benefit freelancers around the world.



Ayfar Khan

ayfar khan

Hi there


I am new to UPwork.

Can any onetell me as how to contact he employer ?

say for example i search Transcription , so it shows me the work of the employer , but i dont see as how can i contact he employer for work?

Please can anyone help me

Before you are scammed, read this post and follow every link. Pay special attention to the Terms of Service and the Red Flags on Scams from Wes. Currently, all you will find are scams. Learn how to have a great profile, and learn the rules, before you even look at jobs. No one, including Upwork, will keep you safe - that's your job. You can start with a photo without sunglasses, gif, AI, animation, etc.

Community Member

Previously we used to have an ability to filter jobs based on connects size 4, 8, 12, etc.

I cannot find this feature now. 

Community Member

To find out if this feature has been added or relocated within the Upwork platform, I recommend checking Upwork's official help documentation or contacting Upwork support directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information. They can provide guidance on how to access specific features within the job search interface.

Community Member

Paying $3 for 19 connects per job proposal can be concerning! Especially when most job postings are either fake or lack assurance that the client will hire anyone. 


A few days ago (less than a week), job proposals required 16 connects to send, but today it's 19 connects. Does this occur as you complete a specific time(a month or several weeks) as a seller in Upwork, or is it common for everyone? And, will the number of connects required to send proposals increase more? 

Thanks in advance!





Hello Mahjabin,


You are correct that Upwork has increased the number of connections required to bid on specific jobs.


It's also true that some jobs are not genuine and are posted on Upwork merely to waste time and use up connections. However, it is important for you to learn how to discern whether a job posting is real or fake. You can do this by examining the client's history, reviews, etc. Keep a sharp eye on the job details and work on improving your proposal writing skills.


Despite these issues, I still believe that Upwork is the best freelance marketplace. You should think of purchasing connections as an investment in your business. It will come back. 

Javed Aslam
Community Member

I am writing to address an issue that the freelancers, including myself, have encountered on the platform regarding the current Connects system.

As freelancers, we understand the importance of investing in opportunities to secure projects on Upwork. However, the current Connects allocation, limited to 10 free connects per month, often falls short of meeting the demands of actively pursuing work on the platform. In many cases, this insufficient allowance makes it challenging for freelancers to even submit a single proposal, significantly hindering our ability to compete for jobs effectively.

Furthermore, it has become apparent that a significant portion of job postings receive little to no response from the client after proposals are submitted. This lack of engagement not only wastes freelancers' Connects but also leads to frustration and discouragement within the community.

In the spirit of fairness and to ensure a more balanced marketplace, I propose a reevaluation of the Connects system to introduce equal rights for both freelancers and clients. Just as freelancers are required to use Connects to submit proposals, clients should also be incentivized to engage with the platform responsibly by purchasing Connects.

Implementing a Connects system for clients would serve multiple purposes:

  1. Encouraging serious job postings: Requiring clients to invest in Connects based on the level of their project's requirements would incentivize them to provide accurate and detailed information in their job postings, reducing the occurrence of vague or misleading descriptions.

  2. Promoting client engagement: By making clients accountable for their use of Connects, the likelihood of them actively participating in the hiring process and providing timely feedback to freelancers would increase, fostering a more constructive and efficient workflow for both parties.

  3. Creating a fairer marketplace: Equalizing the investment required from both freelancers and clients to participate on Upwork would promote transparency and equity, ultimately enhancing the platform's credibility and attractiveness to all users.

I urge the Upwork team to consider these suggestions and explore ways to implement a Connects system that aligns with the principles of fairness, accountability, and mutual benefit for freelancers and clients alike.

I look forward to your response and the possibility of contributing to the continued improvement of the Upwork platform.


However, the current Connects allocation, limited to 10 free connects per month, often falls short of meeting the demands of actively pursuing work on the platform. In many cases, this insufficient allowance makes it challenging for freelancers to even submit a single proposal, significantly hindering our ability to compete for jobs effectively.

It's not Upwork's intention for people to be able to bid on projects for no charge. They want us to buy connects, because that's how they're making a profit now after years of losing money. If you can't afford it, they don't care if you leave, because they have too many freelancers anyway. If you can't make enough money to cover the cost of acquiring clients here, then you'll need to look for clients on another website, or find them yourself. That's the reality of the situation. 

I can understand that, its all about business and making money, but why upwork is making moeny from freelancers only, if that cost split between both freelancers and client then the platform will have more potential for geniune and serious clients.


I can understand that, its all about business and making money, but why upwork is making moeny from freelancers only, if that cost split between both freelancers and client then the platform will have more potential for geniune and serious clients.

Because Upwork can afford to lose freelancers and they can't afford to lose any clients. I think that it would actually improve the client experience here - and make them more likely to hire someone - if unqualified freelancers stopped spamming them. But if you think that clients are willing to pay more, why don't you charge them more money yourself? There's nothing stopping you from increasing your hourly rate to pay for your increased expenses; that's what all smart businesses do.

I don't believe in this. My expectation is that unqualified freelancers (no matter if they are the same people or newcomers on the platform) will continue to spam the clients - but the qualified freelancers will simply look around for a better platform. Or maybe even combine the efforts as a community and create a new, much better platform. This move might take some time - but once the snow ball starts rolling, it is not possible to stop it.


I don't believe in this. My expectation is that unqualified freelancers (no matter if they are the same people or newcomers on the platform) will continue to spam the clients - but the qualified freelancers will simply look around for a better platform. 

Freelancers who are getting jobs will continue to bid on projects, and Upwork doesn't care about the rest.


Or maybe even combine the efforts as a community and create a new, much better platform. 

It will only be "better" if it's better for clients, and if you have millions of dollars to attract them to your website in the first place. There's no profit to be made in building a platform that's better for freelancers.

It will (or could) be "better" in the sense that it could attract (and retain) the top and middle quality freelancers - while leaving the less qualified (but larger as a quantity) freelancers sitting on Upwork. Right now many decent freelancers still have long-term contracts on Upwork and are not yet upset enough to leave the platform and begin discussing the development of new one. But it is clearly a downhill. Once some critical mass is reached (and it is accumulating as we speak) - the end result will be like the chain reaction in nuclear bombs. But then it will be too late to revert the process ....

Dear Community Memeber,

I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across a statement from a you that regarding Upwork's prioritization of clients over freelancers, and it prompted me to share my thoughts.

While it's commendable to prioritize client satisfaction, it's equally vital to recognize the indispensable role freelancers play in sustaining the platform. As the backbone of Upwork's workforce, ensuring a balanced and supportive environment for freelancers is crucial for long-term success.

I am not here to criticize Upwork but rather to highlight an opportunity for improvement. With a sizable team at your disposal, there exists potential to develop innovative programs that cater to the needs of both clients and freelancers. Creating a middle ground where both parties thrive could significantly enhance the overall experience on the platform.

Furthermore, I've previously raised concerns about Upwork's freelancer vetting process, which appears to be lacking in effectiveness. Instances of spam and fraudulent activities often go unchecked, discouraging legitimate freelancers who rely on Upwork for genuine opportunities. This imbalance not only undermines the credibility of the platform but also hampers the prospects of qualified individuals seeking meaningful work.

I believe that by addressing these issues and fostering a more equitable ecosystem, Upwork can elevate its standing as a premier platform for both clients and freelancers alike. I am eager to contribute to this dialogue and collaborate on solutions that benefit all stakeholders involved.

Thank you for considering my perspective, and I look forward to witnessing positive developments in the near future.


Ayfar Khan

ayfar khan
Community Member

Yesterday, all the job proposals required 19 connects to apply for a job. It seemed like a sudden update from Upwork, increasing the number of connects needed. Today, it's back to the usual scale. Job posts that previously required 19 connects are now down to 16 connects again. It's a bit puzzling, to be honest. I just felt like sharing it here because it brings a sense of relief for a new seller like me. >,<




Yeah good call! I agree.

Community Member

Has Upwork's income from sale of connects exceeded its income from service charges?

If a RFP (job posting) expires without any freelancer being awarded a job, all connects of all the freelancers that applied for that job should be refunded.


Of course, any company should strive for a greater income.


But the acceleration of income can also be a precursor that the company could be preparing to wind up.


Or else, Upwork has become addicted to income via connects.



"Certa bonum certamen"
Community Member

I see that there is no job search filter based on business contacts. This feature was available until a few weeks ago but has now disappeared. This filtering process no longer appears during searches.
It would be great if you fix this. Please fix this feature in the searches section.

Best regards

Community Member

This does not need fix. They silently removed the filter and also silently upped amount of connects needed to pay to apply. This is shady business at this point if they don't inform members of the platform about planned changes to the platform. Very much against the law at least in my country.

Can you provide any images of this problem so that if we face the same problem we will know then the solution?


This feature was available a few weeks ago, but has now disappeared.
It would be great if you could fix this. Please fix this function in the search section.

Community Member

Upwork made a vague announcement about this on 21 March 2024: Proposal Submission Cost Display on Search Pages.


They say it's a test, so I guess we must wait to see if it becomes permanent.

Community Member

All of their "tests" become permanent. They don't listen to anyone armed with logic or genuine concerns, including legal ones, especially if it is their milking cows, the freelancers. At this point the platform is going even lower than another one that has the word freelancer in its name, or the other that starts with "F". And I thought UW couldn't reach the bottom.

Locked thead; no comments allowed.


Stonewalled; Institutional narcissism.

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