» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Upwork job proposals raised again!
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Is that connects are incresed to 16 to 19 connect

I have recently seem that my proposal are about to 19 connect is that true? 

408 REPLIES 408

Josephine S.


It is unlikely Upwork wants to dissuade "third world countries freelancers" from using the platform.


For all of 2023 non-US freelancers generated 74% of Upwork's revenue. 


XBRL Viewer (sec.gov) (see Page 96)


Upwork wants to make more money through selling connects to this important group of freelancers.


Josephine S.


It is unlikely Upwork wants to dissuade "third world countries freelancers" from using the platform.


For all of 2023 non-US freelancers generated 74% of Upwork's revenue. 

"Non-U.S." and "third world" are not the same thing.

Ya think, Christine?


I have traveled and worked in North America, Latin America, Europe and Southeast Asia, so I know"'Non-US' and 'third world' are not the same thing." I'd say the world is a much more complex place now than when "third world" was a commonly used adjective.  And I wasn't the person who introduced the phrase to this thread.


But what confirmed Upwork metric do you have that's better? India and the Philippines make up about the same as the US with the "rest of the world" accounting for nearly half of the total.


I will say again, just for you - I don't think Upwork is targeting any particular country's citizens to get them to stop freelancing on Upwork. I do think Upwork wants to get rid of the freelancers who generate the least amount of fees for Upwork and create the larget amount of administrative costs, wherever they may live. 

I think that is the dependency that Upwork is trying to move out from and being reliant on bigger players to enter the foray and that way alot of the platform maintenance cost for those 74% users can be lessened and they can focus on bigger revenue sources which are exotic and  more stable, maybe I am just saying like if they are able to crack apple, microsoft, aws to get developers on contract here then both of them will be winners that is the corporates will have less regular cost to worry about and get also high quality services, same with Upwork and they can focus on account management more than sales and marketing

What's your opinion on that?

I don't think this is the case because in my feed there are currently no jobs exceeding $30 per hour budget limit and at a further glance we notice that 95% of the job posters (not clients) pay an average of 4.21$ per hour. Just enough to return the investment of those 200-400 connects you spend to get that job to keep you occupied for 30-40 hours! Even if one is located in space, a 3rd of 4th world dimension, this economy will simply fail to keep the ball

rolling 😞

Community Member



I recently have seen a post which require 23 connects to apply also, a client had not any good history. I also, have seen the same kind of scenario 2-3 days ago where around 19 were require to apply on a post.


So, I would like to ask may I know how connects get calculated on a perticular post? 

Hi **Edited for Community Guidelines**


I wish to know about connects too.

An algorithm or formula calculates the number of Connects needed for a job. The number of Connects needed is based on the projected job value, which is determined by estimating job duration and budget amount, and marketplace demand. There are probably other factors considered for the calculation, but Upwork does not reveal them.

Uhm... "We are paying USD 0.002 per word; the text has 2,000 words". Going for 8-16 connects. 

But the reality is that no one knows ahead of time how long a project will take to complete (for hourly projects) nor the ultimate agreed pricing for a fixed price project, so the ultimate dollar value of any project is just a WAG (a type of guess) We should stop pretending that connects pricing is based on any relevant and accurate prediction of a project's final dollar value. 


Upwork's new connects pricing algorithm might as well be a dart board that a semi-trained monkey uses to practice playing 301. Just amp up the value of each of the 20 sections of the board and let the simian have at it.

Community Member

Now days seen 22 or 23 connect to bid on job.  so you will be able to apply for 5 or 6 jobs in a month. So its obvious that if you want to apply for a for a job per day 10, then you have to spend 45 dollars per month with a chance of 1% for getting a response or view out of 100. 

Actually you will need more money to aplly to 1 job per day.

23 connects x 30 days, you will need 690 connects or $103.50 + Tax for 30 proposals.
And you still might not get a job!





Community Member

Absolutely disgusting greed.

Community Member

The connect lot to bid on a project has gone unnecessarily high

Community Member

Hey fellow developers,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to share something with you all that I'm quite proud of and also a bit concerned about. I've been a member of this platform since the days of Odesk, way back in 2013. Over the years, I've witnessed numerous changes and developments on Upwork, some of which have been quite positive, while others have left me scratching my head.

One thing I've managed to maintain throughout these years is my 100% job success score and Top Rated Talent status. It's been a testament to my commitment to delivering quality work and maintaining strong relationships with my clients.

However, as many of you may have noticed, recent changes in Upwork's fee structure and the introduction of paid bids have made it increasingly challenging to secure new projects. The cost of bidding on jobs, especially those with potential, has become quite significant, ranging from 16 to 24 connects for some of the better opportunities.

I've tried various strategies to adapt to these changes, including investing in subscriptions and purchasing additional connects, but unfortunately, I haven't seen the same level of success as before. It's disheartening to put in the effort and resources only to receive minimal responses, if any, from potential clients.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts and experiences with the recent developments on Upwork. Do you feel that these changes are taking the platform in the right direction? How have you been navigating the challenges of securing new projects amidst these changes?

Additionally, if anyone has any suggestions or insights on how to improve our chances of success on Upwork in light of these developments, I'd love to hear them. Specially on jobs bidding the way upwork is making competition on bids is like greddy thing to me. More connects you bid you will on number 1 but there is no gurrantee of job response or client will choose you ?
Many other platforms are doing better then upwork now.

Hi Prateek, 

It's good to see someone talking about this issue. 

Since February, I've been observing this issue with the bidding part. 

There have been so many jobs so far where bidding has gone up to 50 connects!

In fact, yesterday I sent a proposal where number of connects used for top spot was 65!! 

It's really not possible to spend 50-60 connects on just one job proposal. 

Another issue related to this is that at times, there remains no activity on that job posting and job stays open for 4-5 days. Which results in-

1. Those extra connects being stuck with that job posting, ofc, it won't be refunded unless someone else gets hired.

2. In that time period, could have applied to other jobs but since total connects is low, extra caution is needed when applying so as not to waste the limited tokens. 


I wish Upwork would do something about this because freelancers are spending connects like crazy just to bag 1 job and it's restricting our ability to send proposals/securing new projects..


Clarity on refund of connects I give detail on this for refunding of connect...remember this if someone got hired still freelancers will not get refund...refund of connect only applicable which job close by client (which is very less chances) or client violation and Upwork close( nowadays there is an bug in flag this job option which is not working so how action will take?) so whatever Upwork written on bidding page is just illusion as per my point of view they have to make clear everything in bid section atleast but they will not because if they will clear this bid and boost spending on job will be reduced and their revenue as well!


Yeah ..... Now a days I hardly opens upwork as I made availabilty badge open with 7 connects per week but I got 0 views , 0 interviews but upwork doesn't miss to charge me connects.



They will not charge any connects if profile is not click 🤔 I read somewhere 

Community Member

You need $3.45 to apply for a single job on Upwork which you may or may not close. New freelancers won't stand a chance on the platform now with such changes coming daily.

Upwork in 2024: BUY YOUR CLIENT




Upwork is pushing down it's freelancers with daily increasing connects to apply for jobs. We, freelancers or agencies, are key stakeholders of this platform and we need the following assurances:

1- Why to burden the new freelancers with an almost $3.45 connects required to apply for a job that he/she may not close even? All of it started from 2 connects, then 4,6,8,12,16,18 then 23 now. Please stop it. 

2- When Upwork can earn from contract fees, boosted profiles, availability badges, freelancer plus, agency fees, and boosted connects then WHY to manipulate the freelancers with their basic right to apply for jobs now?


3- We request you to stop increasing connects requirements daily. It must be fixed connects and any changes must be announced. You already have the option to get boosted proposals to earn more. You may allow more than 4 boosted proposals to cover your needs.


I request to fellow freelancers to please Upvote this, to support this cause. 



A detailed article is published by :desert_island:Mikko J.🥥 Rissanen:desert_island: on this topic: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/upwork-free-join-really-5-ways-you-make-money-mikko-j-rissanen--jhstc...



You need $3.45 to apply for a single job on Upwork which you may or may not close. New freelancers won't stand a chance on the platform now with such changes coming daily.

Upwork in 2024: BUY YOUR CLIENT




Upwork is pushing down it's freelancers with daily increasing connects to apply for jobs. We, freelancers or agencies, are key stakeholders of this platform and we need the following assurances:

1- Why to burden the new freelancers with an almost $3.45 connects required to apply for a job that he/she may not close even? All of it started from 2 connects, then 4,6,8,12,16,18 then 23 now. Please stop it. 

2- When Upwork can earn from contract fees, boosted profiles, availability badges, freelancer plus, agency fees, and boosted connects then WHY to manipulate the freelancers with their basic right to apply for jobs now?


3- We request you to stop increasing connects requirements daily. It must be fixed connects and any changes must be announced. You already have the option to get boosted proposals to earn more. You may allow more than 4 boosted proposals to cover your needs.


I request to fellow freelancers to please Upvote this, to support this cause. 



A detailed article is published by :desert_island:Mikko J.🥥 Rissanen:desert_island: on this topic: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/upwork-free-join-really-5-ways-you-make-money-mikko-j-rissanen--jhstc...adpvantage



I have something like the same issue if you find a solution please share it with me. I am happy that you created this post.


Best Regard,
Ryan M

Thanks for supporting

Now freelancers are the only losers, especially those from underdeveloped countries.

Yes you are right. Newbies will suffer from it 

Community Member

I would like to know what has caused the new raise on job proposals....Who/what was used to determine that a job is worth 19 connects? I can't even say I'm going to buy Connects because 20 Connects is for $3.00 Screenshot_274.png

And job will pay you $10 and or client will never interview anyone

It is simple: upwork want more money. 🙂

Community Member

Yes! I've seen 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 17 and  19. 😢😭

And 21 and 23 connects, soon a time will come when 1 project will require 50 connects without boosting, maybe 100 connects in the near future

I soon expect connects being required to log in. Not even laughing, they are that desperate to milk people dry by any means, logic/ethic completely dead.

Instead of merging topic their support members have to clarify something 

if AI is handling platform then still human monitoring required 

Community Member

I recently told "Them" in an after-project questionnaire:

Clone the Platform, I suggested, without connects, make it a normal job marketplace for normal freelancers to use with their expertise, skillset, soft skills, etc. A human-based platform. 
The current one may stay for all those trying to make some side hustle, or 10 million dollars or just trying in life and in general. They will be able to practice in writing proposals, creating perfect profiles and attend webinars and -  most important - use AI to boost their Selves!!! 
There is already a huge database of users, lets count each group, I guess there is room for everyone! 

Clone the platform 🤔? Who will?

This idea keeps popping up. I would like to see a serious person explain how they will run a platform of this size. It's important to separate the issues Upwork imposes from the facts. The fact is, it is very costly to run a platform of this size, and requires staff.


I have no idea why Upwork could never, ever, break out of the red. Other platforms are making money, and yet Upwork never managed. Truly a mystery, but since we are not allowed to see the budget and expenditures, who knows what they were doing. Usually, businesses ignore the foundation and the maintenance in favor of trying new ideas, listening to marketers instead of, literally, taking care of business.


There are currently well over 100 platforms. I'm sure some of them are in the red, but the ones who are profitable have limits on people and categories, and are not as large as Upwork. It would either be a start-up and/or a person/company with the ability to get their hands on a significant amount of funding to establish a site of this size. However, smaller sites abound, so it is certainly not impossible. Starting out smaller would be smarter on several levels. Expansion can always happen later, if warranted.  Remember, Upwork, did not start with the name change, it was Elance and ODesk. So, what everyone sees as Upwork, began as a much, much smaller company over 15 years ago.

My suggestion was that Upwork cloned their own platform and just cut out the gambling part, moderate access and so on. Their current piece-of-art platform may still be kept to serve those who are lazy, not talented, etc. so they also get a chance in gambling. The "cloned" one could simply be a repo branch from 2-3 years ago - from the still Decent Age of Upwork... AI will maintain the current one as is almost the case now and Upwork's staff will be relocated to the good old Upwork. 

Community Member

The value of jobs and number of connects required dont match up. $15 job 22 connects required , $3/hr 23 connects required. I think they're taking advantage of freelancers and undermining their skills worth. 

Or, perhaps they are trying to get freelancers to stop bidding on cheap jobs.

Community Member

Seriously, Upwork do you truly believe that continually increasing connects and causing numerous issues for freelancers is the right approach?

It seems like you're solely focused on making money.

Charging 21 or 22  connects per job is unsustainable for freelancers.

Even top-rated freelancers cannot afford this.

Please reconsider your approach.

If so many people are earning on your platform, shouldn't you provide them with more opportunities rather than increasing the pressure by demanding more money for each job application?

This is unacceptable.


I'm very disturbed because despite applying for several jobs recently, clients haven't hired me. It seems they often prefer top-rated or top-rated plus freelancers. What's my fault?


Don't you think it's unfair to newbies?


And you're charging $3 per job. Seriously?



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