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Is this a scam?

Hi All,

I'm relatively new to Upwork, but I did manage to land one contract I've been working on! However, about two weeks ago I received a direct offer from a client to run Facebook Ads for a company called **Edited for Community Guidelines**. They provided links to their facebook and website pages, which I did NOT click. I did do a google search and found what looks to be a legit business, but I was still suspicious so I declined the contract.

An hour ago, I got another direct offer from another user, also wanting me to run a promotional facebook ad... and guess what their company was? **Edited for Community Guidelines** I'm a deeply suspicious person anyway, but now I'm almost positive this is a scam. Has anyone else encounted this?


TLDR; a couple weeks apart, I received direct offers from different clients for the same company. Scam likely?


Hi Kyllie,


I am sorry to hear about your experience with this client. I checked the job post you were referring to and it appears that it's already been taken down because it was in violation of Upwork TOS.

Please check out this course for more tips on staying safe on Upwork and please use the flag option found on each job post or message anytime you’d like to report a violation.


- Pradeep


View solution in original post

Community Member

It's not the facebook page link which might be a legitimate business somebody else owned. They should also share some links to download some bad files.


Hi Kyllie,


I am sorry to hear about your experience with this client. I checked the job post you were referring to and it appears that it's already been taken down because it was in violation of Upwork TOS.

Please check out this course for more tips on staying safe on Upwork and please use the flag option found on each job post or message anytime you’d like to report a violation.


- Pradeep



I have received the same offer. They posted bad links.

Their website has no real links.

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Alexsandro,


Thanks for flagging this. I shared your report with the team, and the job post has already been removed for a Terms of Service violation.

~ Luiggi



I have been a victim of this client called **Edited for Community Guidelines** I was hired today mainly run for Facebook ads then this client suddenly started sending suspicious links via my email. Here's the profile you need to investigate. 

**Edited for Community Guidelines**


I don't see how you are a victim, unless you are leaving out pertinent information.


You can't use identifiers, so they will be removed by moderators soon. (I have no control, I don't do it, I'm just a freelancer who knows their policy)


It sounds like this all occurred on Facebook. I can't tell from the screenshot, which will also be removed for "community guidelines." If that's the case, there is nothing Upwork can do. In fact, if you don't have an Upwork contract in place, there's no help from them.


The name you use is probably not real, or stolen from a legitimate business that has no idea their name is being used for a scam.


If this was an Upwork contract, you should have the messages to show Upwork (don't post here.) You don't explain what the issues are. "Suspicious messages" can mean anything. Were there threats, feedback manipulation? If sending messages is all you have, you probably have no issue. If you are being threatened, you need to take appropriate action. If you don't like the messages, then stop communication and block them. Turn them in to FB.


Unless you can say more about the situation, I don't see where Upwork is involved. If it is through Upwork, then post more information so we can guide you to the proper resource.

It has come to my attention that **Edited for Community Guidelines** has engaged in a recurring pattern of conduct wherein he has replicated actions previously directed toward me, albeit with less favorable outcomes on my end. Specifically, **Edited for Community Guidelines** has taken control of my advertising campaigns, thereby assuming full authority over my Facebook Ad Manager platform.

Regrettably, I find myself perplexed by the apparent lack of intervention on the part of Upwork, the platform through which **Edited for Community Guidelines** operates. Despite his repeated transgressions, his account remains unaddressed, allowing him to perpetuate similar actions with impunity against various other freelancers.

I am compelled to emphasize the urgency of this matter, as **Edited for Community Guidelines** actions not only undermine the integrity of the platform but also inflict significant harm upon those affected by his exploitative practices. Thus, I urge for immediate and decisive action to rectify this situation and prevent further detriment to the community.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Avinash,


I am sorry to hear about your experience. I checked the job post you were referring to and it appears that it's already been taken down because it was in violation of Upwork TOS.

Please check out this course for more tips on staying safe on Upwork and please use the flag option found on each job post or message anytime you’d like to report a violation.


- Pradeep


Hello team!


I received an offer and contract under the same company but different name. No interview at all.  He send the same link of their fb page and asked me to send an email to **Edited for Community Guidelines**

which I did. After a fiw mins, they sent me a large file to download. I was really hesitant at first to download it but since this is my job offer from Upwork, I donwloaded it tried to extract the file. I kept getting an error when trying to open the file. I told him about the error and he even asked me if he can use a Remote Desktop so he can assist opening the file. I did not allow him this time. He recommended an app for me to use so I can open the file. I'm already very suspecious during this time since my computer has an anti virus install and Windows Defender SmartScreen, it shows me a message but choose to open it anyway. When I opened it, it closes all the tab and google that is currently running in my computer 😣

Hi PradeepH.

I think I accepted an offer that's another **Edited for Community Guidelines**scam.

The client's name is **Edited for Community Guidelines**, I accepted the offer but immediately ended it once I came across everyone's responses.

My situation shares many similarities to everyone else, the client continued to ask for my email to send the "file". 

According to Upwork,**Edited for Community Guidelines**, yet **Edited for Community Guidelines**

I believe **Edited for Community Guidelines**itself might be part of the scam, I can not find concrete info on **Edited for Community Guidelines** from my research on Facebook, 

Community Member

Hi Kyllie,


Hmmm so received a direct offer from this same company yesterday. I did click on their website, and something is definitely off. It looks legit at first, but when I tried to click to see more about the product I would be marketing, none of the links worked. Their Facebook also has 3.7k followers however they look like someone paid to have fake followers added. They asked for my email and I said no. I reached out to Upwork today about this client/issue and they said their account was suspended. I would be very suspicious of this. I'm sure you've already moved away from this client, but I'm writing this for anyone else who runs across this "client". They've now sent me a file on Upwork that they are trying to get me to download with "project details"  Nope! 

Community Member

Hi All,

Sam thing and in same way, same company **Edited for Community Guidelines** did scam and send suspicious links. I get this today.
I also attatch screen shot of my gmail which I get from this company - 


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

 This is the link - Dont Click I dont know what was it -

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Shivam,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

I also encourage you to check the articles available on this page to help you stay safe on Upwork. 

~ Nikola
Community Member

I received the same job offer just today from the same company. When I looked into their FB, IG, and website, it doesn't look like how a professional business account should look like. The website isn't optimized for mobile view and the images posted on their FB & IG are blurry and seems like they downloaded it directly from Google. They somewhat have done a sloppy job in designing their website & FB/IG for a company that sells luxury products. Anyway, they avoided video call when I request for one to run through the project.

Community Member

I received the same message. I sent them my email and they invited me to their Facebook Business Manager. After reviewing the account, I also found it quite strange: there were no linked assets, no ad account created, etc. They sent me a Rar file via WeTransfer. After opening it there was an Exe file. I told them about it and they replied "It is the application created to protect the archive and organize the planning projects. we programmed to avoid theft by rival company, just open the file the doc file will open (powe word )". 

I told them I won't open it and they didn't respond anymore.


This user has no reviews, no other projects or money spent. Now I will proceed to report this user.

Never work without an Upwork contract., Never, ever open an exe. file or any file that you do not know the person sending and why. Then before you open a file, any file, use a high-quality paid virus/malware scanner and use it. Facebook is full of scams. You'll have to report to Facebook, and they do nothing about the scams, either. You have to protect yourself, because no one will do it for you, and now there are scams in many platforms, except for the great ones.

Community Member

I received a direct invitation to manage ads from the same brand. But now Upwork has suspended his account.

Because these jobs are always scams.

Community Member

I received the same request, which sends me to a Facebook page, I checked the website and without a doubt it is a scam.

It's simple. If you do not have an Upwork contract in place, you can't talk to anyone, anywhere but Upwork, unless you want to be scammed and potentially lose your Upwork account for violating the Terms of Service. Even if you find a reputable company, it's not them, it's a scammer. Learn the Terms of Service and this excellent information from Wes from scams.

Same. I just received it yesterday and was in the process of accepting, until they asked me for my personal email. I went here and noticed that it must be a scam. I'm going to pass.

Community Member

**Edited for Community Guidelines**


I received the same request from the company you mentioned they aren't  removed yet

Community Member

Yes, it is a scam. They supposedly hired me yesterday, then proceeded to send me a ZIP folder which had a virus. Do not open anything these people may send you!

Community Member

 I got a offer from a guy name **Edited for Community Guidelines**for re-writing whole pdf and correct the mistake and the amount he offered me like $35 per page and there are 30 page in each pdf total 5 pdf so is it a scam btw he tell me to contact through mails

Community Member

UpWork team, after going through an annoying situation, I would like to recommend changes to your policies regarding new contractor accounts...
The client asked me to send an email with the portfolio, I did, he said he would close, for me to send my proposal, I did. But I made it clear that they reopened the vacancy at UpWork for us to start working, I was simply ignored. They were clearly scammers, their account was new, it was opened a few days ago, I think you should limit newbies, putting a cap of 5 conects per job, or also blocking their account, as soon as they ask us to send something outside .

So client asked you for violation then you did it. Why do you think that only client's account should be blocked but not your as well?

Mykola makes an excellent point. You broke the Terms of Service, but you think the client should be punished? Of course, the client should be punished, but so should you. Every time a freelancer goes merrily off the platform, it encourages three more scam networks to move in.


Why did you go outside of Upwork before an Upwork contract was in place? You stated you knew it was supposed to be on Upwork, and you did it anyway. So, you willingly, knowingly, broke the Terms of Service, and not only that, but you have the audacity to complain openly?


You should lose your account for your violations. I doubt that will happen, because Upwork rarely follows their rules, and tosses out bad freelancers who drag down the platform for everyone, but they should. This was not ignorance; you knew the rules and did it anyway. If I were you, I would quietly go back and learn the rules, before I lost my account.


You need to use the Academy and learn before you even look at jobs. There is a lot of work to be done on your profile, and I'm sure for writing proposals as well. You aren't following the rules, much less best practices. If you want to freelance, you need marketable skills, money to pay for everything, including connects, and all the other costs associated with freelancing. You have to invest, long before you see a return.


If you don't want to follow the rules, then you should get out of freelancing or be prepared to be scammed and never have a real job.


Learn and follow rules or be scammed and blame it on Upwork. I would hope you choos the Academy and learning, but it's your choice,

So much love in the heart, a beautiful thing to see 😃

I agree with you that I need to improve a lot here! I actually didn't read all the terms of service. It turns out that I'm an excellent professional, I've done countless jobs outside of here, but since I joined, I've already applied for more than 30 jobs, not even the proposals are open, let alone receiving a response.


This client was the first to respond and become interested, I was excited, and even though I didn't know the rules in depth like your excellency, I thought it was strange, but I went to see what happened, in the end I insisted that he reopen the position, I said that I wouldn't work for off the platform, he gave up.


Thank you for the kind and completely moral feedback, you are perfect, congratulations, I am not! I made a mistake, but I'm going to improve, I won't fall for that anymore.


Ps. to the point of my post: If we freelancers have barriers as soon as we enter the platform, it's not fair that the client (who could be a scammer), have all the freedom in the world to play with us by making unrealistic proposals, so easily. , there should be a filter until it wears out for the first time and proves itself.

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