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Is this a scam?

I sent a proposal for a proofreading job. The client sent me several questions about my skills/experience via Upwork. They then asked for my skype profile link so they could "put my interview up for consideration." They also told me that I should look out for an email with my interview results. Is this normal or is this a scam? Thank you!


Community Member

Yes. It's been circulating for a while. The client claims to be from a well-known publishing house. Report the client. 


It's also against Upwork's rules and regs to give any outside contact information to clients before you have a formal Upwork contract in place - so protect yourself by reading the terms of service, and other help pages, if you haven't already done so. 

Community Member

That us a scam. Real Upwork clients do not do that.


Real Upwork clients interview freelancers using the Upwork Messages tool only. They do not try to communicate outside of Upwork until an official Upwork contract is in place.

Community Member

In most cases the job like that is scam. As it is upwork policy not to give your personal contact details till the job start. So good to move for other jobs and bid on those as it is important 

Community Member

Okay, thanks for everyone's help!

Community Member

Please, before you end up losing money and being kicked out of Upwork for violating the TOS, please read the same. You started today, literally. You are a prime target for scams because you haven't learned the rules. You should know you cannot contact a potential client off-platform before a contract is in place.


Freelancing doesn't mean you throw up a profile and start applying for jobs. If you don't educate yourself, you will be back here distraught because you wasted your time on a nonsensical job and lost money, too.


Only you can protect yourself. No one, including Upwork, is going to look out for you. This is like a random chat room where you have no idea who anyone is or what they really want. It's on you to educate yourself and protect yourself.


Read everything you can about the TOS and policies, and then read everything on scams. The community is an excellent source of information, and no one minds answering questions. It's frustrating to see people being scammed when a little bit of knowledge would have spared them.


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