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Time tracker, contracts page not working?

Sat down to work on a client project only to find that the time I spent was not even tracked.


The time tracker says there is no connection, even thought the internet connection works just fine.  

I can't access the contracts page and keep seeing the prompt that I don't have any contracts.


I can't access the forum to post questions - I can now, obviously.

Has everything been fixed?  I would like to resume work and have it tracked and covered.



Hi All,


I would like to let you know that we recently experienced site issues that have now been resolved. The site should be back up and fully functional. You can also check our Status page anytime for the latest status.

Could you please try accessing pages again and allow some time for the cached time to upload into work diaries? If you continue to have issues, please let us know.


Thank you,

~ Nikola

View solution in original post

Community Member

Is anyone else having trouble with their work diary? Mine doesn't seem to be updating. I just checked, and the last logged screenshot was taken at 11:10 a.m. I don't want to keep working if I'm not getting paid...it's a contract that doesn't allow manual time. What are others experiencing?

Community Member

Can't access my account or "Reports" page or "Overview" or ANYTHING associated with my account. Keep getting various Error messages like "Error 403" and Error 500". Also, while trying everything I could think of to gain access, UpWork apparently attempted to send me an access code (to verify my identity) by text message but the message never arrived. I MUST attain access to the funds in my account! Please HELP!

Community Member

Hi, can't access to my working hours on upwork,profile, everything, what's wrong? Thanks in Advance

Community Member

I have a client who wishes to send me a contract via my project catalog - the advance option. I have all his files ready for edit, unfortunately, he is having difficulty sending the contract, according to him, every time he clicks either nothing happens or the payment gets refused. 

Also, I had today trouble logging in, now my account is working fine but I kept receiving Error 403 (A), I tried clearing cache files but nothing happened. Now my account is working fine.


Kind Regards,


Community Member



My account is set with limited privileges. I am unable to access the reports page, personal profile page, etc. But I am able to log in and access the messages page. May I please know what happened? Attached are the screenshots of the error message.


PS: I recently opened clients a/c but was unsuccessful in attaching a payment method to it. Is that the reason? I have a couple of projects that are time-sensitive and I need a resolution for this as soon as possible. Please help.





Hi All,


I would like to let you know that we recently experienced site issues that have now been resolved. The site should be back up and fully functional. You can also check our Status page anytime for the latest status.

Could you please try accessing pages again and allow some time for the cached time to upload into work diaries? If you continue to have issues, please let us know.


Thank you,

~ Nikola

Nikola, my time tracker is experiencing issues again. It worked briefly and now it's having the same problems -- not uploading time, claiming the connection is lost even though my internet is fine, etc. It seems that some of the issues still aren't fixed...or were fixed momentarily but have resurfaced.

Community Member

I just talked with Upwork Support. They had me do ctrl+alt+delete and then "end task" for my time tracker. When I restarted the app, it uploaded my missing time. Great! Except that it's only been running for 20 minutes since the restart and it's already stopped tracking my time again and giving the "connection lost" error even though I clearly have an internet connection since I'm posting to this forum. What a pain...

Community Member

Hi, I noticed this earlier that I am working more, but the tracker shows less.
Do you know what the issue can be, can you help me to fix this?

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