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Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

Issue With Client

Hello to all, Hope all are doing well. 

I need help from you all guys. yesterday I done one job of $2200 the client needs to hire me as a fixed but he hired me as hourly and paid me the the bonus directly $2200, I completed job In few minutes then He said am closing job and sending you payment directly through Bonus he needs to pay me $1500 but he mistakely paid $2200 so he asked for refund as he paid mistakely I paid back but now my balance shows -ve and red and payment please check the screenshot and help me.

**Edited for community guidelines**

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

Since you didn't have an available balance, refunding money creates a negative balance. What you should do now is reverse the refund, if that's possible. It might be that you don't need to do that, since you refunded from an amount that you didn't get. 

The bad news is, you bought some virtual currency for a person that is scamming you and you will not receive the money that is in pending, since no credit card can be charged. Read the other threads on this in this section. 

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

Is Now I Needs To Pay To Upwork $600 ? To Clear My Balance And Start Working There waiting For Your Kind Reply !

Goran's avatar
Goran A Community Member

Does the pending funds (bonus) has a date on the left side? This looks like you are scammed.

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

Thanks for your reply ! there is no date It just shows pending Sir I don't care about balance I just care for my upwork account and -ve balance please help me 

Goran's avatar
Goran A Community Member

Yes, you probably have to work for your -600 balance now, also you mentioned that you completed the job in a few minutes, and you were paid $2200. Does this was a clear job for you, you should notice the scam before you accepted the contract? 

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

At The Time Job Is Clear But When I Seem The Payment Released And Funds Active Then It Looks Unusual Now I Don't Know What I Needs To Do To Solve $600 It's Big Amount ! Please Help me Sir 

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Yash K wrote:

esterday I done one job of $2200 the client needs to hire me as a fixed but he hired me as hourly and paid me the the bonus directly $2200, I completed job In few minutes then He said am closing job and sending you payment directly through Bonus he needs to pay me $1500 but he mistakely paid $2200 so he asked for refund-

Here we go again-


How much money did you send to the "client"?


Contact Support and get that refund reversed straight away. The money in Pending will never be released, it was never paid.


In future, remember that it is strictly forbidden to receive or pay money outside of the Upwork platform. Also, please do think before acting. This could never, ever have been genuine. This was always going to be a scam.

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

I did not send single penny to client mam because I Know terms and conditions of upwork please guide me how to make that balance again 0 from -ve $600 looking for help mam

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Yash K wrote:

I did not send single penny to client mam because I Know terms and conditions of upwork please guide me how to make that balance again 0 from -ve $600

As I said above: Contact Support and get that refund reversed straight away. 


I'm glad you didn't send any money like the other victims did!

Tonya's avatar
Tonya P Community Member

When you issued your "refund" you gave the fake client your real money. They never paid the bonus--they just started the process and tricked you into giving them your cash. 


Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

Thanks ! Means Now I Needs To Work To Cover $600 ?


Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

Tonya P wrote:

When you issued your "refund" you gave the fake client your real money. They never paid the bonus--they just started the process and tricked you into giving them your cash. 


I'm not sure how this works. 

Since the "bonus" is/was in pending, there was no real charge to a payment method at this point. We all know that is never going to happen, so when he refunded, he could not have refunded "real"  money, since there was no "real" money in the first place. 

At some point, his bonus will disappear. Does that mean the "refund" will disappear also? I hope so. It should work that way, at least. 

He is not refunding from a pool of available money potentially on his profile, he is refunding on a specific contract. So I'm assuming that at least that isn't a problem. 

I still don't know how it works, but I think my assumptions are wrong. Hope to be educated.

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

Mam Am New Please Guide Me How To Contact Support And Get That Refund 
And Thanks For Help 🙂 

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Yash K wrote:

Mam Am New Please Guide Me How To Contact Support And Get That Refund 
And Thanks For Help 🙂 

Let me flag this post for you and a moderator can help you get a ticket raised for you.


Yash K wrote:

I completed job In few minutes

How did you "complete" $1500 worth of work in "a few minutes"?

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

He Said Just Setup The Business Manager And Connect Pixel And Generate UC Key And He Said The offer Is $1500

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

And I Belived That It's Scam So I Did Not Worked Further I Just Stopped When There Is No Date On Funds 

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

Please Mam Raise The Ticket Am Stucked And Thank God I Did Not Paid Anything To That Scmmer Client 😞

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

I've flagged your post and a mod should be around soon to get a ticket raised for you.

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Yash,


I can confirm you were able to submit a support ticket with our team successfully. Please allow some time for the team to review and they will get back to you directly via ticket as soon as possible. Once they reply you'll be able to see your ticket here.


Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

Thanks Mam For Helping Me A Lot 🙂 


Mam Why Upwork Allows That Scammers ?

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

Yash K wrote:

Thanks Mam For Helping Me A Lot 🙂 


Mam Why Upwork Allows That Scammers ?

 They don't allow them. 

Nobody that is aware of the ToS and applies common sense will ever fall for a scam. 

Peter's avatar
Peter G Community Member

They don't allow them but do rely on freelancers to flag their scam posts so they can remove them after scammers post them, which again, isn't allowed.

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

Yes , Thanks am Just Waiting For The Reply From The Support And Am Not Able To See Any Ticket There ! Hope Am Able See There In Some Time ! 

Yash's avatar
Yash K Community Member

I Thanks To Upwork Now My Account Balance Is Setteled I Have One More Question Is My JSS Effect By This ? Please Reply Am Waitin This Side Because Am Doing Hard To Improve It ! 

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