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JSS Score

Hello. I have the following situation: I accepted an offer from the client, later the client changed the terms of performance a bit and the contract became much harder to fulfill. Which of the options will least affect my jss: close the contract without payment and with a negative response or not close the contract?
p.s.contract is fixed price without any any payments
Community Member

I'm not certain which is worse, but I would vote that you not close the contract if things did not go well, especially if there is no money paid. I'm assuming this is a new contract since you don't have any jobs in progress showing on your profile. If that's the case, definitely wait it out, and leave it open until the next JSS calculation.  Also, since your score is 90%, I would wait until you receive Top Rated status, then consider closing this out and using your feedback removal perk on this contract. 

Not applicable

David is right. My two cents: I was in a similar situation few months ago. I suggested to the client that these new requirements were not specified when we started the contract. But now that they are on the table, the project deserves another freelancer who has the time and expertise required to meet those requirements. As such in good faith, cancelling the contract was the best option for both of us. Since no money was paid, she agreed too. Canceling means we would not be rating each other. I assured her that if there is a project in the future that fits my expertise, I would be happy to work with her again, which was a honest, true statement. We parted on good terms. 

David S M wrote:

I'm not certain which is worse, but I would vote that you not close the contract if things did not go well, especially if there is no money paid. I'm assuming this is a new contract since you don't have any jobs in progress showing on your profile. If that's the case, definitely wait it out, and leave it open until the next JSS calculation.  Also, since your score is 90%, I would wait until you receive Top Rated status, then consider closing this out and using your feedback removal perk on this contract. 

Leaving the contract open may not be an option; if the OP tells the client that he can't do the job, they'll probably cancel the contract themselves in order to get their money refunded. 


Roman, it's not clear whether you're saying that you can't do the job, or whether your initial price isn't high enough for the amount of work involved? If it's the latter, my advice would be to try explaining this to the client and see if they're willing to renegotiate the price, before you do anything else.

I have already tried to confirm the completion of the work, because the task that was originally I successfully completed. The client did not confirm the performance of the work, answering that he will not close the contract until an additional task is performed, the performance of which does not depend on me

Roman Y wrote:
I have already tried to confirm the completion of the work, because the task that was originally I successfully completed. The client did not confirm the performance of the work, answering that he will not close the contract until an additional task is performed, the performance of which does not depend on me

If that's the case, then you should submit your work for payment. Once it's paid, you can discuss a new milestone, but you're under no obligation to do more work than you agreed to. 

Your goal should be to get paid for the work you've done. Is that happening? 

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