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JSS Stuck

Hi, my JSS isn't updating. I have successfully completed 3 jobs with 4.85, 5 and 5 ratings yet my JSS is stuck at 57%. Can someone help? Thanks

Community Member

Syed Muaz A wrote:

Hi, my JSS isn't updating.

You haven't completed any contracts since October, so there is no reason to expect your JSS to change.


Community Member

Hi Petra, thanks! So once I complete another project, my score will update?

Community Member

Syed Muaz A wrote:

Hi Petra, thanks! So once I complete another project, my score will update?

It updates every 14 days, on Sunday afternoon/evening UTC. So if you (for example) complete a contract today and get feedback, it will be counted into your JSS tomorrow evening. If you complete one next Tuesday (for example), it will be included on the 6th of December.

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