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JSS dropped



This is my very first post here, though I have read a ton!


About a month ago, I woke up to find that my JSS had suddenly dropped from a perfect 100% to 89%, making me lose my Top-Rated badge. I was devastated as I couldn't just find out why. I had glowing reviews from all my clients and 100% said they would recommend me. The only thing I could point to was an offer I accepted from a client who became unreachable immediately after. He didn't respond to my 10s of messages. I had to end the contract since I didn't want another week to pass without any activity on the project.


I had thought that my JSS will show some signs of recovery, but no! It is still at 89% after two update cycles (last one today) and a few added jobs with pleased clients. What is going on? Is this some kind of bug?


I must add that just a few days ago, my client recommendation dropped to 75%, but that still doesn't explain why the JSS is fixed at 89% for 2 whole cycles.


It is frustrating for someone like me who strives to meet and, most times, exceed my clients' expectations. I had expected my JSS to reflect my efforts and my clients' rating of my work, as I have been rehired by a few of them.


Maybe someone with more experience can help me out. I am missing out on some jobs due to this.


Hi Elmir,


Thank you for your message. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame




This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.

Thank you!

~ Arjay

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Hi, I have read the article I believe this is a glitch from upwork side. 🙂

Community Member

JSS score keep getting low despite good reviews

Neha,  your recent jobs have got good reviews,  but there are some jobs from 2022 which really got bad review and ratings  That is impacting your overall JSS.  

Some of your jobs do not have any reviews,  the only way to fix your JSS is to get some more reviews.  I dont know if the bad reviews are for your work or something you worked as agency member

Community Member

I recently completed 2 websites for a high-paying client who left me with 2 5 star ratings. My score went from 60 -55 over night. No one at up work seems to have an explanation that makes sense. I still keep in contact with this client and we have a great working  relationship. I keep getting told by up work staff to “ keep submitting proposals” . At this point, it's starting to feel like a money pitt and I should just take my clients and skills to another platform. I have been grinding and wasting money and never got rising start or top talent. Someone give me answers and I don't want to hear “ its a public rating and private rating” that shouldn't even exist it should be one rating.

How do you expect freelancers to grow if you're stunting their growth 

Hi Romero,


Thank you for reaching out and I'm sorry to learn about the drop in your score. Unfortunately, we won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. In general, a score can change for several reasons, like public and private feedback, contracts falling off the score's time frame, and the dollar weight of your contracts.


Also,  your Job Success score changes due to the rolling time window over which the score is calculated. Because your score is calculated over multiple time frames and the best score from your 6-month, 12-month, and 24-month JSS displayed, a contract can sometimes slip out of that calculation, causing your score to change significantly without any recent activity. 


You can see the Why did my JSS change? section of this article for more information.


~ Arjay
Community Member

 Profile review. I have been on this platform for a while, with no recent account holds, and I've earned nearly $6,000. I've received only 5-star reviews, yet my job success score keeps decreasing instead of increasing. It currently shows 84% on my profile, but when viewed from the stats section, it displays 97%. what might be the problem? Thank you.

Hi Sandra,


Since today is when the JSS updates, the score may not be the same between your My Stats page and your profile page. Kindly allow 24 hours for the correct score to reflect.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

I find it puzzling that my JSS displays even have 84% as an option, as I believe it's not a reflection of my actual performance or involvement. Moreover, I've noticed that my job success score isn't improving, and my week count has remained stagnant for an extended period. I would appreciate some clarification on these issues.

It may have not updated yet, because it happens every two weeks.


It's the private ratings that you can't see that impact the JSS. We don't know the algorithm, but the public rating is for show. It's important for the clients to see great feedback, but the other factors are much more important. I suspect one or more clients gave you poor feedback. However, there are other factors, such as job fees, and the JSS is updated at 6, 12, and 24 months, so some jobs will fall out of the calculation.


Here is a link to the Upwork information on the JSS.


Don't stress yourself over this. All you can do is look ahead, and work on vetting clients. It's not easy to tell if a client is going to give you poor feedback, but there are sometimes signs.


84% is not terrible, and I have seen people with considerably lower find work and recover. You can't change it. Think about each job, and if there were any signs or anything you felt was off. Then, let it go and look to the future.


I understand you feel your JSS is not representative of your skills. It is an imperfect system, but an attempt to give clients some sort of rating system to know who they should work with. Honestly, I wonder what 100% JSS is good for here. It doesn't gain you much of anything. So, don't worry, and forge ahead.

I appreciate your advice, but I genuinely believe there may be a system error. My Job Success Score (JSS) has fluctuated three times today, going from 96% to 97% and now down to 84%. I'm open to accepting any outcome for my JSS, but my request is for my account to be reviewed by human beings rather than relying solely on an automated system, as there could be a malfunction within the system.

Community Member

I've noticed my Job Success Score (JSS) fluctuate three times today, from 96% to 97% and down to 84%. While I'm open to any JSS outcome, I'm concerned about potential system malfunctions. Could you please review my account manually to ensure accuracy?

Community Member

My overall performance has been consistently good over the past six months, and I have not had a single project where I performed poorly. So, I'm wondering why it has decreased by 4%.

Recently, I successfully completed a project, and the client wanted to transition from hourly to milestone-based work. We both agreed to this change, and the client closed the previous contract. Subsequently, they offered me a fixed-price project, which is currently in progress.

Despite these positive developments, my Job Success Score (JSS) has unexpectedly decreased. Prior to these changes, my JSS was at 89%, and I was optimistic that closing hourly contracts would boost it. However, it decreased by 4% instead.

Hi Abhishek,


I'm sorry to hear about your score drop. We won't be able to discuss an individual score or how it is affected by specific contracts you've worked on. Your score can change for several reasons:


- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.


You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi Team, 


I was Top Rated with 100% JSS . It went down to 89% but i never had any bad review. Even after that my 4 job closed with 5 star rating. Still my JSS is not increasing. Please help

Hi Neha,


I'm sorry to hear about your score drop. Many factors are considered when calculating your score. Other than your public feedback, private feedback, contracts falling off the calculation windows, and the dollar weight of your completed contracts can all impact your JSS. We can't share how specific contracts affect your overall score, but you can check out the Why did my JSS change? section of this article to learn more.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

So starting from the begining like 3 weeks back I had job success score of 94% then a client who was new to upwork came to me and ordered a thumbnail from me which I provided him before deadline and then he unnecessarily complained that I was late and he is not gonna use the thumbnail and even asked me for a refund and I refunded him the whole amount and later he gave me negative private feedback I guess and 2 days later when jss was updated My new JSS was down to 89% with one such review otherwise all other clients are satisfied with my work. So I t was not even my mistake but my jss was affected because of that client who was at fault. So after this from oct 1 (last update) to oct 15(New update) my clients closed 4 contracts and I got very positive full star reviews publicly on them and they were really happy from me so private would have been good too So I thought my JSS would increase but to my surprise it is 88% now. How is that even possible?At first my JSS was dropped because of a client who was new and it was not even my fault I di my job as he said perfectly and now it didn't even increase with 4 contracts with full positive ratings. I'm really disheartened as I was going to get my Top rated badge soon, Please upwork team help me out with this

Community Member

No bad review, no dispute with my client but my jss was brutally cut down.

Please,  upwork should take a look and help fix any associated error.


Community Member

I don't see why I have a JSS of 88%, even though I have successfully finished all the jobs I had so far.


Why and how this score was given to me? I need it to be reviewed as soon as possible!


It is absolutely unfair.



Luis Cabral

Hi Luis,


Your JSS is based on various factors, such as the ratings you receive from your clients when the contract ends, the value of the contract, and so on. We cannot disclose any details about the feedback you received, but you can find out more about how your score is computed here.


- Pradeep

Community Member

I have completed 4 jobs, 3 off which have 5/5 rating and 1 with 4.60/5. And 2 jobs are on going.

But when the JSS came it is 75%. It does not make sense. 

How can i fix this and what can be the reason?

Community Member

what can be the reason?

They never explained in detail how the calculation is done but confirmed that private feedback has a significant impact.


Clients may provide negative private feedback, even if they leave 5-star publicly.



How can i fix this

You make sure that clients provide positive private feedbacks in the future.




Community Member



I just checked my profile this morning and surprised by the apperance of JSS. Guess it is 18%,despite consistently receiving 5-star feedback from satisfied clients. 18% ? WHY ? I am sure there is an error or discrepancy in my JSS. 


I am aware that JSS depends on my many factorrs, like private feedback, overall job outcomes, and contract closure etc. I have checked all the factors. I always make sure to go extramile for my clients and provide them best services. But 18% has just ruined my profile and reputation on Upwork. 


I would appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter. 18% is just not acceptable after all the hardwork. 



It would be best to reach out to the support team for their guidance. 

Hi Sana,


I am sorry to hear about a low Job Success Score on your Upwork profile. I understand how important your JSS is to you and I want to help you clarify this concern. I see that you are already aware of the factors that are used to calculate your JSS.


I would like to clarify that the star ratings are based on public feedback left by clients at the end of a contract. Job Success scores more accurately represent a freelancer’s reputation by taking additional details indicating client satisfaction into consideration. This includes private and public feedback, long-term relationships, rehires, and contracts that do not result in work delivered. The goal is to capture a breadth of information not necessarily reflected in your star rating or profile. 


I won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated hereYou can read more about boosting your score here


- Pradeep

Community Member

Please help me here! I want to understand why my JSS dropped when I haven't received any new reviews for the past months. Also, I'm holding a long-term contract plus I even hold 100% score for the past months, even if you say its based on  3-, 6-, 12-, or 24-month period, it doesn't make sense! 


I've received 2 5-star reviews from Dec 2022-April 2023. This doesn't make sense to me at all! You're making it hard to work with Upwork really. 

Community Member

Hello, I have been using upwork since about August this year, a month ago I decided to take a vacation due to health problems, all contracts were completed and periodically I logged into upwork and checked for messages from clients, but today, after improving my health, I decided to go back to work, but my rating has already dropped, what is the reason?

Hi Dzianis,


I'm sorry to hear about your score drop. Many factors are considered when calculating your score. Other than your public feedback, private feedback, contracts falling off the calculation windows, and the dollar weight of your completed contracts can all impact your JSS. We can't share how specific contracts affect your overall score, but you can check out the Why did my JSS change? section of this article to learn more.


~ Arjay
Community Member

3 jobs were completed with good reviews still my JSS only increased by 1%, 1 job not go bad and the JSS dropped by 20%, but 3 jobs were good still 1%. Why is it like this? Help me.

Some factors related to your situation:

  • Jobs with higher earnings weigh more and will have a bigger impact on your score.
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS, and it outweighs lower-value jobs.
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame.

My JSS was 80 and due to 1 bad review, It dropped down to 60. After that, I completed 3 jobs with 5-star reviews with complete client satisfaction. now the JSS updated yesterday with only a 1% increment.

Clients have to give private feedback along with the public one. That private feedback is only visible to Upwork. Maybe that contributed...

Hi Syeda Tahira,


Thank you for reaching out, and I'm sorry to learn about the sudden drop in your score. Firstly, I want to confirm that there's no bug with calculating the freelancer's JSS. Your JSS is based on various factors, such as the ratings you receive from your clients when the contract ends, the value of the contract, and so on. We cannot disclose any details about the feedback you received, but you can find out more about how your score is computed here.


~ Arjay
Community Member


I haven't got a review below 5 stars since november 2021, and that was a 4.15 star.

Before that i only got a review below 5 stars in october 2019, and that was 4.85 star,

I always replied within a 24 hour period when i got invites.

Why did my JSS downgrade from 100% Jss to 98%?

Could be that a recently closed client gave you less than 5 stars - privately.

Or it could be that all of your recently completed jobs have no freelancer feedback.

100% JSS doesn't mean you're 100% unfallable!  Humbling lesson I learned.

Wouldnt worry too much --

Yeah, i actually have a lots of jobs that i didn't got reviews, but they were all from previous clients that keep sending jobs... but that should count, if the client keeps getting back to you they like your work!

By the way: how can i see the private reviews?

Jobs that receive no feedback do not impact your JSS.


We don't know the metrics, but having long term clients does boost the JSS to some degree. When your JSS drops, look at your previous client(s). Often, clients will leave polite but dishonest feedback publicly, and then say what they really feel in the private feedback.


No, you can't see the private feedback and neither can the client. It would be pointless to have it private, and then show it to everyone.

My long term clients are at 70% in my stats,

Now, if i can't see the private feedback, what's the point in having one? I mean the feedback helps the freelancer to know were it failed, and trought that improve himself. If, on the other hand, the private feedback is only available for UW, then anything is possible....

It doesn't makes sence to me...

Private feedback ok, but let the freelancer see it, just don't publish it

The point is to give Upwork a way to assign a rating that has some meaning, since public star ratings are worthless. It's private specifically so that the freelancer can't see it, since the freelancer having access to it leads to clients lying and freelancers harassing clients over feedback. It's not for you to improve yourself, but for prospective clients to get a realistic idea of how satisfied your clients have been. 


What is your percentage of clients who would recommend you?

Clients that recommend me is at 87%, but i was some time ago lower than that, around 80% and had a 100% JSS.

Long term clients is at 70%.

The last job closed with review was 3 days ago with 5 stars. Before that i have 13 jobs with no reviews but all from previous clients.

Before that all 5 stars down to nov 2021 with 4.15.

In almost 4 years i only got two reviews under 5 stars, one with 4.15 the other with 4.85.

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