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JSS dropped



This is my very first post here, though I have read a ton!


About a month ago, I woke up to find that my JSS had suddenly dropped from a perfect 100% to 89%, making me lose my Top-Rated badge. I was devastated as I couldn't just find out why. I had glowing reviews from all my clients and 100% said they would recommend me. The only thing I could point to was an offer I accepted from a client who became unreachable immediately after. He didn't respond to my 10s of messages. I had to end the contract since I didn't want another week to pass without any activity on the project.


I had thought that my JSS will show some signs of recovery, but no! It is still at 89% after two update cycles (last one today) and a few added jobs with pleased clients. What is going on? Is this some kind of bug?


I must add that just a few days ago, my client recommendation dropped to 75%, but that still doesn't explain why the JSS is fixed at 89% for 2 whole cycles.


It is frustrating for someone like me who strives to meet and, most times, exceed my clients' expectations. I had expected my JSS to reflect my efforts and my clients' rating of my work, as I have been rehired by a few of them.


Maybe someone with more experience can help me out. I am missing out on some jobs due to this.


Hi Elmir,


Thank you for your message. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame




This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.

Thank you!

~ Arjay

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As Tiffany said, the private feedback is not for you to learn, it's to have some kind of reasonable way to rate clients and freelancers. Access to that information would cause a lot of hard feelings and create other issues because people would think it was unfair. If your JSS goes down after a job or two, it is usually not that hard to figure out what job(s) took your score down. All you can do is look at the jobs, see if you can improve, and move ahead.


Your JSS is 98%! That's excellent! I do not believe there is any financial difference between 98 and 100 % JSS.

I think i've put my finger why my JSS droped, and this may be of help for other freelancers.

So according to Valeria K. the current calculus is made this way:

- Your average JSS during the past 24 months

- Your average JSS during the past 12 months

- Your average JSS during the past 6 months

- And your “Trending JSS,” which we calculate by adding your average JSS for the past 6 months with your average JSS for the past 3 months, then divide in half.


This is what i have:

 - Jobs 24 months: 48 jobs with 16 reviews

 - Jobs 12 months: 28 jobs with 8 reviews

 - Jobs 6 months: 14 jobs with 1 review

Total reviews in the past 24 months are 16 , one with 4.15 the rest with 5 stars.

From my quick calculus it should be 99%.

But them we have the "And your “Trending JSS,” which we calculate by adding your average JSS for the past 6 months with your average JSS for the past 3 months, then divide in half".

My trending JSS for the past 6 months with my average 3 months is : 1 review 5 stars divided by two; 2.5 stars.

That will probaly in a round number give the 98% i have.


So this is what i get.

The 98% on my JSS is correct.


Nevertheless, shouldn't UW also take in regard the consistency of the freelancer?

By this i mean the total average value of all the evaluations the freelancer has?


As a "tip" to other freelancers, specially the ones that like me (and i bet there are lots of them), maybe after a period of 6 months also ask the frequent clients to give reviews? Just saying this 'cause if i'm right,  14 jobs with solely one review in the past 6 months, that starts to pend on your total JSS.


All the best!


My trending JSS for the past 6 months with my average 3 months is : 1 review 5 stars divided by two; 2.5 stars.


That calculation doesn't work because you don't know the private feedback. The public feedback, stars and all is window dressing, and has little to do with the JSS.


Nevertheless, shouldn't UW also take in regard the consistency of the freelancer?


Uowork initiated the JSS to give some sort of rating system for the clients. It's definitely not perfect, but then probably no system would make everyone happy. The recommendations also carry weight. No one knows all the metrics or the formula for the JSS, because freelancers would manipulate the system. Consistency is not something Upwork is concerned about.


Jobs without feedback do not have any impact at all on your JSS. So, yes, it's nice to have them, especially if you have few with feedback, but it does not change your JSS.

"Could be that a recently closed client gave you less than 5 stars - privately."
This is something everyone must remember when working with a client...

And above 90% is very much Okay, Marco.

There was a time i thought the same, but truth be said, when a client looks for a freelancer they always start to look for a 100% score. Does are the first to show on the pages and does are the ones they trust.

Or it could be that all of your recently completed jobs have no freelancer feedback.


That statement is incorrect. No feedback jobs have no impact on the JSS.

That's the idea i have, no feedback doesn't count for the JSS.

You're at 98% JSS - excellent! Don't worry about the 100% JSS. After doing research, I'm not sure if it is any advantage. With your history and skills, I sincerely doubt anyone would pass you by for 2%.


Don't worry about this because I honestly don't think it will have a negative impact on your ability to earn. You have proven yourself many times over, and clients will see it.



Community Member

Hi I have a problem here my JSS dropped suddenly without any Unsuccessful job.

Hi Tornike,


I’m sorry to hear about a drop in your JSS. We're afraid that we won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. Factors such as private and public feedback, the dollar weight of the projects you've completed, and the long-term relationships with your clients can have an impact on your overall score. You may want to check this article to learn more.
- Pradeep

Same. IRC the same thing happened a few months back, and then it suddenly restored to old ("good") values.
I had one job excluded from the JSS results 6 months ago, and Upwork seems to forget it's excluded from time to time.
Very annoying.
It seems to me that the algo for JSS is fluctuating from time to time.

Community Member

Hello there,


It's quite difficult to get gigs; I already lost my rising talent badge and am now trying again had bought plus and then X number of connects, to make my way to top rated while preserving my work quality as you can't be eligible for rising talent again.


Today was the 13th week, and I was all set for the new badge after qualifying the earnings criteria in about a year.


I discovered that my JSS has plummeted from 100% to 88%, leaving me ineligible; is there any way to find out what's going on or to appeal?


Best wishes

Hi Anas,


I'm sorry to hear that your JSS dropped and that you lost your Rising Talent badge. Please keep in mind that once you have enough work history and score, the system calculates a JSS for you and this replaces your Rising Talent badge. The next milestone on your profile would be to achieve a higher JSS for you to qualify for Top Rated badge.


Regarding the drop in your JSS, please keep in mind that it consists of your client's public and private feedback. It reflects your overall contract history with your clients and is based on your (or your agency's) relationships and feedback. We don't reveal the exact calculation for your score because doing so would make it easier for some users to artificially boost their scores. To ensure fairness and accuracy in the marketplace, we need to maintain some privacy with this metric.


At a high level, we look at JSS this way:

    (successful contract outcomes - negative contract outcomes) / total outcomes 


You can learn more about JSS here.


As for appealing the drop in your JSS, please keep in mind that feedback represents the user's opinion, and because of this, we can't edit these comments or scores, nor can we investigate them for accuracy. If you have issues with feedback, please discuss it with your client directly. If the client agrees to revise their comments or scoring, you can enable feedback changes from within the contract.

~ AJ
Community Member

My JSS drops to 92% without any negative feedback. I don't know why.
I only have one negative feedback but JSS dropped in the past for that and I recovered it and now I had 14 weeks with 100% JSS. Now it doesn't make sense to me why JSS goes to 92%. I know it won't hurt my profile because JSS above 90% are considered good but I want to know the reason why it goes 8% down


Community Member

My jss score is keep dropping without even closing contracts, every contract has positive rating. can you you let me know what the problem. 


this is my profile 

Community Member

Several months ago, we proudly achieved the Top Rated badge. Unfortunately, this badge disappear from our profile after the completion of a client's project. We suspect that the client may have marked the project as incomplete and closed the contract, even though we diligently and sincerely fulfilled all our obligations.

It's because your agency has a JSS of 80%, the minimum for Top Rated being 90%. At least one of your clients has been unhappy with the work and given less-than-great private feedback.

Hi Asta,


I'm sorry to hear about your score drop and the removal of your badge. We won't be able to discuss an individual score or how it is affected by specific contracts you've worked on. Your score can change for several reasons:


- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.


You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article. Additionally, you and your agency can still work your stats up to get the Top Rated badge again. Best of luck!
~ Arjay
Community Member

A month ago, I achieved top-rated status with a 100% JSS. I was handling just two jobs at the time. However, as soon as I attained this status, I started receiving 12 to 15 new jobs winthin a month, some of them I've completed successfully with 5-star ratings. Some clients even gave me repeat work, and others are still ongoing.

Despite consistently receiving 5-star feedback, my JSS has dropped from 100% to 92%. I'm trying to understand the factors at play in this scoring. Is JSS solely determined by feedback, or are there other elements I might be overlooking? This clarification will help me better manage my Upwork account.

I'm not inquiring about the reason behind my JSS drop. Rather, I'm seeking guidance on the specific criteria that influence JSS so that I can concentrate on improving in those areas.

It's never fully shared as people would then manipulate the system.

Community Member

I have a concern regarding my JSS (Job Success Score). Despite consistently receiving 5-star feedback and many clients rehiring me, my JSS dropped from 100% to 92%. I haven't received any negative feedback for months. It seems there may be an error or discrepancy in my JSS calculation. How can I contact Upwork Support to seek assistance and further clarification on this matter?

Hi Mehwish,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Your Job Success Score (JSS) can change for various reasons, even if you haven't had recent activity. The JSS is calculated based on rolling windows, which means that the best score within a specific time frame is displayed. Sometimes, new contracts can impact your JSS, while other times, old activity is no longer considered.
For example, a contract that is six months and one day old will no longer count in your six-month JSS window.
Your JSS can change because:

  • You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You receive very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

Our Job Success Score is computed every two weeks, considering all completed jobs within that time frame. If old completed contracts fall out of the time window and not enough good outcomes come in to replace them, a change in score is expected.
Please note that time windows are not stagnant and constantly change.
While the five-star scale provides an overall public rating, your Job Success Score (JSS) represents your client’s satisfaction along a broader set of indicators, including private feedback.
In many cases, freelancers receive perfect public feedback, but privately clients share concerns, which are reflected in your JSS.
You may want to start sending proposals and landing new jobs to gain new projects. Each new contract you complete and the feedback you receive from your clients will contribute to your JSS.
If you'd like to learn more, please check out our article on My Job Success Score.
As a Top Rated or Top Rated Plus freelancer, your hard work has earned you the benefit of more control over your profile. This means that you can occasionally request the removal of client feedback.
If you have an idea of which contracts affect your JSS, you can use these perks. For more details, please check this out.

~ AJ
Community Member

Hi ! 

same with my situation I accepted a contract from a client who became unreachable immediately after and paused the contract and the other client with same situation ended the contract . but i also had job on progress and feedback's with my previous client but my JSS drop to 89%. can someone tell me how to get the rising talent badge again ?

Community Member

My JSS has become 93% after it was 100% and there is no negative feedback on my account and I was one of the top-rated. Please remove the private feedback for the last two jobs as it was not my fault.

This is my first request to remove any feedback.

I don't think it matters if it was your fault or not. That's one reason it's called private feedback. I got stung with this, too. As far as I know, the best comeback is not to gripe, but to take on some jobs with which you can restore your JSS by deploying good, old-fashioned elbow grease. 

Hi Yousef,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Your Job Success Score (JSS) can change for various reasons, even if you haven't had recent activity. The JSS is calculated based on rolling windows, which means that the best score within a specific time frame is displayed. Sometimes, new contracts can impact your JSS, while other times, old activity is no longer considered.
For example, a contract that is six months and one day old will no longer count in your six-month JSS window.
Your JSS can change because:

  • You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You receive very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

Our Job Success Score is computed every two weeks, considering all completed jobs within that time frame. If old completed contracts fall out of the time window and not enough good outcomes come in to replace them, a change in score is expected.
Please note that time windows are not stagnant and constantly change.
While the five-star scale provides an overall public rating, your Job Success Score (JSS) represents your client’s satisfaction along a broader set of indicators, including private feedback.
In many cases, freelancers receive perfect public feedback, but privately clients share concerns, which are reflected in your JSS.
You may want to start sending proposals and landing new jobs to gain new projects. Each new contract you complete and the feedback you receive from your clients will contribute to your JSS.
If you'd like to learn more, please check out our article on My Job Success Score.

~ AJ

This is a proposal for beginners ma'am 

Community Member

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter regarding my Job Success Score (JSS), which currently stands at 32%, whereas it should ideally be at least 90%. The discrepancy in my JSS has been caused by a specific client's rating, which I believe has been unfairly affecting my overall score.

The incident in question involves a recent project in which a client initially gave me a rating of 3.2. Unfortunately, I was unable to respond promptly due to personal reasons, which prevented me from completing the contract as planned. However, I subsequently engaged in a private conversation with the client to clarify the situation. After a thorough discussion, the client understood the circumstances and kindly revised their rating to 5.0.

My understanding was that this adjustment should have a positive impact on my JSS, potentially allowing it to reset. Regrettably, this has not been the case, and my JSS remains at a low and discouraging 32%. This, in turn, has made it increasingly challenging for me to secure new projects and earn a livelihood from my passion on the platform.

I kindly request anyone from the support team's assistance in rectifying this situation, as it is critically important for my ability to secure work opportunities on Upwork. I believe that my overall performance and commitment to delivering quality work should be better reflected in my JSS, especially after the client's revised rating.


Hamza Ayechi

Hi Hamza,


I'm sorry to learn about your current JSS. I want to clarify that even if your client changed their public feedback, the private feedback they left remains the same as it can't be edited, which can impact your overall score. In other words, if your client left negative private feedback on your completed job, that feedback cannot be changed. See this article for more information, as well as this page if you wish to learn more about how JSS is calculated.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi Luiggi,

In my opinion, that is quite unfair in Hamza's case as he has tried his best to convince and work through the issues with his client.

Now I am curious when and in which case the JSS will disappear from our profile.

Thanks and regards,




Hi Kieu,


Thank you for following up on this. Arjay here stepping in for Luiggi. We update the score that you see on your profile on a biweekly basis. You may also see your Job Success score change due to the rolling time window over which the score is calculated.


Because your score is calculated over multiple time frames and the best score from your 6-month, 12-month, and 24-month JSS displayed, a contract can sometimes slip out of that calculation, causing your score to change significantly without any recent activity. For example, a contract will no longer be counted in your 6-month window once it is 6 months and one day old.


Check out this help page for more information. I hope this clarifies.


~ Arjay
Community Member


Community Member


My Job Sucess Score went down to 81% a few weeks ago, since that moment I have completed a few tasks with other clients who were 100% satisfied with my service, but my Job Sucess Score isn't changing at all. What is the problem? I don't have negative reviews!

Hi Valeriia,

I'm sorry to hear about your score drop, but we're afraid we won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. Factors such as private and public feedback, the dollar weight of the projects you've completed, and the long-term relationships with your clients can impact your overall score. You may want to check this article to learn more.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hello there, 

I have completed only 3 jobs successfully with sutesfied clients and they gave me 5,4.7,4 stars feedback and my JSS is 16% is that normal??

My profile link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0103e3c1f5bc8175d1

Community Member

Does that $5k client sound satisfied to you? I woulda said it was a 6 but I wonder if you harassed him to change the feedback. With 16%, I'd guess he gave you like a 2 and it's a large contract for you. Then the 4 came along and it was around a 6 or 7 I'd reckon.

It's normal with very unhappy clients.


The public ratings, stars, and all, have little impact on your JSS. It's the private, honest, feedback that tanked you. You need to examine what went wrong before you apply for another job.


As Jennifer mentioned, how can you believe the big client was happy when they speak of unfinished work, and you being unavailable. Clients may not want to confront a freelancer directly, especially if the freelancer has spoken to them about their feedback. It never pays to take on jobs you can't complete to 100%

Community Member

MY JSS was 98  after I successfully completed a contract (hourly contract / 10 hours limit per week) my jss becomes 94, is it that because I did I completed the job during 6 hours of work only ?

Hi Youssef,


The amount of hours it takes you to complete a project has no effect on your score. I'm afraid that we can't disclose how specific contracts affect your score, as there are various factors to be taken into consideration. Your JSS can change because:


- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.
You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.


~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi, I would like to ask somewthing if you can help me with that. My JSS falls from 98% to 85% suddenly and I don't know the reason why does this happens. Can you please look into my profile and check why this happens.

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