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JSS dropped



This is my very first post here, though I have read a ton!


About a month ago, I woke up to find that my JSS had suddenly dropped from a perfect 100% to 89%, making me lose my Top-Rated badge. I was devastated as I couldn't just find out why. I had glowing reviews from all my clients and 100% said they would recommend me. The only thing I could point to was an offer I accepted from a client who became unreachable immediately after. He didn't respond to my 10s of messages. I had to end the contract since I didn't want another week to pass without any activity on the project.


I had thought that my JSS will show some signs of recovery, but no! It is still at 89% after two update cycles (last one today) and a few added jobs with pleased clients. What is going on? Is this some kind of bug?


I must add that just a few days ago, my client recommendation dropped to 75%, but that still doesn't explain why the JSS is fixed at 89% for 2 whole cycles.


It is frustrating for someone like me who strives to meet and, most times, exceed my clients' expectations. I had expected my JSS to reflect my efforts and my clients' rating of my work, as I have been rehired by a few of them.


Maybe someone with more experience can help me out. I am missing out on some jobs due to this.


Hi Elmir,


Thank you for your message. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame




This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.

Thank you!

~ Arjay

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Hi Everyone,


My job success score drastically reduced from 100%(Top rated) to 86% due to a bad review from one of the clients, but after that, within a week I work harder and got 3 -- 5-star reviews on my Upwork profile, and I was in a wait that my Job success score will update after 2 weeks. But it is still not updated and my Top rated week is down for one more week now.

I'm not able to understand how the JSS is being calculated and when would it be visible in my profile


Hoping to get some exact answers instead of getting some articles or blogs links


Community Member

I had this problem once! The client was terrible, and just really grumpy because the Covid pandemic had just started and she had to quarantine. She left me a terrible review in the private panel. What I had to do was leave HER a terrible review, and then shut off my Upwork public profile for 3 months until Upwork reset the algorithm. The two bad opinions of each other offset but it takes them a few months. I luckily did not need more work at the time! You can also end a couple of stagnant contracts and ask those clients to say something nice about you, that helps too. But you do have to wait a few months. They were updating quarterly at that juncture, 3 years ago, and I do not think that policy has changed. 

RE: What I had to do was leave HER a terrible review, and then shut off my Upwork public profile for 3 months until Upwork reset the algorithm

-Clients receiving proposals would still see it (if someone needs to work at that time)


RE: The two bad opinions of each other offset but it takes them a few months

-Review on the freelancer's profile affect his JSS, and review on the client's profile affects is profile. No offset.


RE: You can also end a couple of stagnant contracts and ask those clients to say something nice about you, that helps too

-A freelancer can ask a client to close a contract, but cannot ask to say something nice. It sounds borderline feedback manipulation.


RE: They were updating quarterly at that juncture, 3 years ago, and I do not think that policy has changed.

-JSS is updated every 2 weeks.

I'm sorry to hear that you're facing this issue with your Job Success Score (JSS) on Upwork. It can be frustrating to work hard to improve your score and not see the results you expect.

Upwork calculates JSS based on a variety of factors, including client feedback, the success of the contracts you've completed, and the overall health of your account. The exact algorithm they use is not public, but they have provided some general information on how it works.

One thing you can do is reach out to Upwork customer support to ask for more information about why your JSS hasn't updated and when you can expect to see the changes. They may be able to provide more insight into the specific factors impacting your score and how you can improve it.

Community Member

Theee days ago, I noticed that my JSS dropped from 100% to 97%. 

I thought maybe a client gave me less than 5stars but to my surprise that wasn't the case.


I still don't know why the score dropped. Please somebody should help check my profile and explain me to how and why the score dropped



You can see only puplic feedbacks, not private. Maybe client left 7\10 private, it is.

Client left bad private feedback. 

Community Member

Hello! I have recently finished nine projects on Upwork without any failures. However, my JSS score is only 89%, despite completing all the projects on time.


Hi Engr Zeb,


Thank you for reaching out. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

~ AJ
Community Member

My JSS score was lowered because a client demanded his payment back after I delivered the job, and even asked me to make some final changes, and he even made sure I got paid for it. Although Upwork resolved to refund my payment with a credit note, my JSS dropped from 100% to 93%.
I feel that this is unfair as the system is considering me for not concluding a job. And now I'm struggling to get a good placement again and it's pushing me further and further away from the platform.

Community Member

In an old job, I had a supervisor who refused to give anyone a perfect score on their appraisals; they just didn't believe in it.

Some people can be a little weird about feedback and can't quite bring themselves to give you a maximum rating on private feedback.

The good thing is that Upwork JSS scores have always been notoriously quirky.  So decent, experienced clients tend to read your feedback reviews and go on that. Unfortunately, the JSS score can be like trying to get a high score on Mario Kart, I mean, it feels good, but it doesn't have that much bearing on the real world.

Besides, stick to doing a good job and being a good freelancer, and that old barnacle feedback slowing you down will time out, and you'll be back up Top rated where you belong in no time.


Community Member

hello i dont know why my jss going down from 93 to 88 without any reason,i dont even get any bad review my rencent reviews are 5stars.


Maybe learn how the job success score works? I'm sure you'll find out about it in the Academy tab or through a simple Google search.

The public review, stars and all, are mostly for show and have nothing to do with your JSS. The private feedback, which you can't see, is likely what dropped your score. Upwork has a secret formula they use to determine JSS, which includes private feedback, job rollover at regular intervals, and other factors.


If you recently finished a contract, you might look to see if there were any problems. Clients may leave positive feedback while giving poor feedback privately. Learn more here.

Community Member

But i didnt close any recent job, my jobs are in progress just client is not responding  suddenly.

Hi Hamza,


Please know that your Job Success Score is calculated on rolling windows, and the highest score in this rolling window is your Job Success Score. Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here.
Thank you,
Community Member

Hello, My JSS was updated on 24 August and it was 100% + 100%-the clients who would recommend me after the 5 jobs successfully ended with great feedbacks. 

But later when it got updated on 6 Sept. after two weeks, it's directly fallen to 91 % + 88%the clients who would recommend me.

So, I checked the contracts ended after 24 August, there were 5 jobs and all were ended with 5 star feedback and I am sure they have definitely given me 5 too in private feedback because I delivered them very good work. They have not only given the stars but also given the feedback in Words.

Now, Its confirmed definitely those 10 JOBS did not affected my JSS. But I have 6 JOBS in progress and out of those 5 are active as completed the work within previous 3 to 4 Days. Only 1 JOB of $50 which was started in Aug. 10 is still in progress as the client not ended the contract. I have messaged him and waiting for his action.


So, is that 1 job lead to the fall in JSS or something else I am missing.

Community Member


I've had a bunch of clients that just ghosted (maybe even left the platform) with ongoing contracts with me. The work ended but they never really ended the contracts. I've been on a break from upwork but recently have picked it up again. So recently I closed all these contracts on my end, and suddenly my JSS went from 100 to 85. How does this make any sense? shouldn't there be some sort of metric to see if there hasn't been any communication from the client, it should not affect the JSS? I mean job success score represents if I finished those jobs or not. I did, you can ask the clients if you can reach them, I can't seem to. Why should it affect me negatively?

Hi Saad,


Please know that your Job Success Score is calculated on rolling windows, and the highest score in this rolling window is your Job Success Score. Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here.

~ AJ

The actual way the JSS is calculated is totally obtuse. I have 100% positive feedback, but one client who ghosted for 6 months after initially pausing the contract before I finally closed the contract. I spent 1 hour on that contract last July and if shouldn't even count. It was a guy who have audiophile questions and jsut wanted to ask them of a pro when he had them. He's never even posted another job on Upwork and my scores sits at 88% because of that

Community Member


I just got Top-rated badge previous week. And my job success score was 100%. But suddenly my job success score dropped to 94%.
In the meantime, I had no new contract or nothing. Just a little change (My client reduced the weekly limit) in my ongoing contract due to my client's low budget for next few weeks. As my client messaged me.
Is it a good reason for my dropped job success score? And will it be affected to my Top-rated badge?

Please leave a comment with your valuable thoughts.


Thanks in advance. Arindam M.

Hi Arindam,

I’m sorry to hear about the change in your score. Please know that your JSS can change because:
- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.
You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Thanks for your kind information, Luiggi. It is really very helpful and as well as useful too.

Regards, Arindam.

Community Member


My JSS was 92 it has been down automatically without any legal reason,

Please tell me what is the issue.

It's most likely private feedback. Nothing you can do.

Community Member

Hi all! My JSS has dropped by 4% even though I have not taken on any projects recently that might have affected my score.


I would like to highlight that my JSS was increasing in the past few months due to positive feedback from clients, and I am surprised to see a drop in my score now. I have not taken on any new projects that could have resulted in negative feedback or incomplete contracts. 

Hi Zehrina,


I'm sorry to hear about your score drop. Remember that even if you have no recent work completed, your score can change if good or poor outcomes fall out of your best score window. Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how your score is calculated here.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Thanks for you feedback. I would like to get answer to this too. I've noticed that many freelancers struggle with same problem. I believe that Upwork should focus more on preventing scams and fake job listings, rather than demotivating hard-working individuals. Additionally, the increased number of connections required to send proposals is problematic. It's too expensive, and there's no guarantee of landing a job, so many people may give up.




Community Member

My JSS has dropped by 17% even though I have not taken on any projects recently that might have affected my score.

I would like to highlight that my JSS was increasing in the past few months due to positive feedback from clients, and I am surprised to see a drop in my score now. I have not taken on any new projects that could have resulted in negative feedback or incomplete contracts.

Hi Muhammad,


I'm sorry to hear about your score drop. Remember that even if you have no recent work completed, your score can change if good or poor outcomes fall out of your best score window. Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how your score is calculated here.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

If your Job Success Score (JSS) has dropped and has not increased since, there could be several reasons why this is happening. Here are some possible reasons:

Poor client feedback: If you receive poor feedback from a client, it can negatively impact your JSS. Make sure to communicate with your clients and deliver high-quality work to avoid negative feedback.

Inactivity on the platform: If you haven't had any new contracts or activity on the platform, your JSS may drop due to lack of data. Make sure to keep your profile up-to-date, apply for jobs regularly, and communicate with clients promptly.

Late or incomplete projects: If you are consistently late on projects or do not complete them, it can negatively impact your JSS. Make sure to communicate with your clients and deliver work on time and as promised.

Freelancer-to-client ratio: If you have a high ratio of clients who have closed their contracts with you compared to the number of clients you have worked with, it can negatively impact your JSS. Try to maintain good relationships with your clients and complete projects successfully.

To improve your JSS, you can take the following steps:

Deliver high-quality work: Make sure to communicate with your clients regularly, understand their requirements, and deliver work that meets or exceeds their expectations.

Keep your profile up-to-date: Make sure your profile reflects your skills and experience accurately and is up-to-date with your recent work and accomplishments.

Apply for jobs regularly: Apply for jobs that match your skills and experience, and make sure to tailor your proposals to the specific job requirements.

Ask for feedback: Ask your clients for feedback at the end of a project to improve your skills and identify areas for improvement.

Remember that it takes time to improve your JSS, and consistency is key. Make sure to continue delivering high-quality work and communicating with your clients to build a successful career on Upwork.

Community Member

My JSS was 100% yesterday and I have a top rated badge also.

Today after new update my JSS has been disappeared suddenly.

What is the reason.my eligible weeks also decreased from 16 to 15 out of 16 




Hi Muzaffar,


Thank you for your message. I can see that you've already raised a support ticket regarding your concern. You can access your support tickets here . Note that support requests are responded to in the order they are received. Kindly allow 24-48 hours for the team to follow up with you and assist you further.


Thank you,


Community Member

Dear I have successfully completed all my jobs on upwork with 5 star rating( 10 jobs and 1 hour ).And i have not received any negative feedback from any client.

so why my JSS dropped from 100% to 97%?
This is very very frustrating for me 😣.
Here is the link to my upwork profile please check it out:@upwork.com/freelancers/~0…

Upwork isn't going to tell you anything specific about how your JSS is calculated. However, you should know that the stars don't really mean anything. Private feedback carries a lot of weight in JSS and you can't see it, so you have no way of knowing whether any negative feedback impacted your JSS. 

Community Member

Hello there!

I am new on Upwork and just received my first JSS and it's just 79%

I have read in other topics that the JSS can change because:

  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive general or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

I suggest that you continue applying for jobs and winning projects to get more feedback from clients and potentially increase your JSS. To read more on this, kindly check this article."


However, I've been assured by my clients that both the private and public feedbacks were the highest possible, as reflected in both the reviews (all 5.0 across 6 different jobs with clients replying happily in the chat as well) and the "Clients who would recommend you" stat in the "My Stats" section of my profile, which says "100%".


There seems to be something wrong with my JSS:

  1. It does not really make sense given the statistics I mentioned above
  2. If all my clients were so happy and gave me the highest feedback, thanking me afterward, I don't get how it can be so low.
  3. Two out of the six projects are re-hires from a client. Therefore, 4 reviews out of 6 come from the same 2 clients, that plan to re-hire me soon again (their words). Another client plans to re-hire me in 3 weeks to enhance the product I built with a next iteration. The other project was a one-off meeting where the client greeted me and said that I gave them very constructive feedback (which is exactly what they needed). Now, either these clients like to work with someone they do not like, which I find unlikely, or wouldn't have re-hired me, plan to do so again or made the "Clients who would recommend you" stat 100%. Am I the only one finding it quite strange that my JSS is so low given those circumstances?


Can anyone please help me? I find it unfair to have such a bad JSS, which is and will be hurting my business, that does not reflect the feedback I'm getting from clients. I have always exceeded the quality they expected (their words).

Community Member

Hello upwork, noticed the last 2 updates of JSS decreased

my jss from 90% to currently 87% 


my concern is there haven't been any ratings or activities

happening and this triggers a big concern of my account

going down on jss with no activity causing it.


my question is

Does failing to secure a contract affect Jss ?

Does failing to send proporsals affects Jss ?


I have worked so hard for the jss only to start sinking with no cause of it. the last activity is

when the jss increased to 90% and havent had any other ratings or contracts in progress.

Hi Duncan,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out.


For example, a contract will no longer count in your six-month JSS window once it is six months and one day old.


Your JSS can change because:


  • You’ve received poor public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • You’ve received very positive public or private feedback from one or more clients
  • A higher-value job is added to your JSS and it outweighs lower-value jobs
  • Past jobs are no longer considered because they fall outside the time frame

~ AJ
Community Member



On March 28, 2023, My client end the contract with a 4.5 rating and left feedback. I asked him I did her work perfectly and why she give me 4.5 stars. I request her to change the feedback and give me 5 stars. She agrees and changes her feedback to 5 stars. After that still, my JSS drops to 94%. I was not hired by anyone then and no my previous clients end the contract.

Can you give me a solution for this? How I increase my JSS or my JSS automatically increase in the next update?

Hi Hafiz,


Thank you for your message and I'm sorry to learn about the drop on your JSS. Please know that your Job Success Score is calculated on rolling windows, and the highest score in this rolling window is your Job Success Score. Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here


~ Arjay
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