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Job Success Score dropped


I believe there's been a mistake made in the calculation of my job success score. It was previously at 78% and I just successfully completed two jobs were I was given good feedbacks and a five star rating. Yet, after my account was updated on the 29th, it dropped to 74%. I've been working hard to get my JSS back to 80% and I believe there's been a mistake. What do I do?


Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!

~ Luiggi

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Hi Artur,


We update the score that you see on your profile on a biweekly basis. You may also see your Job Success score change due to the rolling time window over which the score is calculated. Because your score is calculated over multiple time frames and the best score from your 6-month, 12-month, and 24-month JSS displayed, a contract can sometimes slip out of that calculation, causing your score to change significantly without any recent activity. For example, a contract will no longer be counted in your 6-month window once it is 6-months and one day old. You can refer to this help page to learn more about Job Success Score.


- Pradeep

Community Member

Hi, I would like to know why my JSS fell to 76, considering it was at 100, and none of my clients gave me less than a 5-star rating. Please check it out and let me know what the problem is. Thanks!

I am aware that the issue might be related to one of my clients who did not close the contract on their end, even though all the work has been completed 100% on my side. The client paid and then just disappeared, leaving me to close the contract. While I understand that higher-value jobs outweigh lower-value ones, it feels unfair since it's just one job. I'm working hard to meet the client's needs, and then this happens without any logical reason.

Community Member



The success rate on my page was 100%, but the success rate became lower without anything and any contract started



Hi Mohamed,

Please know that your Job Success Score is calculated on rolling windows, and the highest score in this rolling window is your Job Success Score. Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here.
~ Joanne
Community Member

Highly appreciated :heart_suit:

Community Member


The success rate on my page was 100%, but the success rate became lower without anything 


There are two types of feedback the client can give. Public and Privet. Sometimes even though the client gives you a positive public review, there's a possibility you can receive a somewhat bad privet review. If so, it affects your JSS

The best way to avoid this is to gain a good understanding of the client and try to solve the client's problem instead of providing a generic service.

Now I understand, thank you very much 

Community Member

Hello, can you please help me with the following
Recently my upwork agency got JSS status of 100%, I was very happy because I am a newbie and I am trying very hard to do everything well to earn a good reputation and build a career on Upwork.
Yesterday I was very upset because my JSS dropped dramatically from 100% to 33%, I'm trying to understand what I did wrong?
In my agency, we have closed 1 contract recently with an excellent score of 5, we have not had any bad reviews or disputes with clients.
It's a big blow to my reputation and career and I think there was some kind of mistake. I'm a specialist and I do my job very well and such a low rating is a big blow to my reputation and a negative impact on my success on the platform.
Please check my scores and advise me what happened to cause such a big drop, I think it's a mistake.
Thank you in advance!

Hi Max,

I'm sorry to hear about your score drop. We're afraid we won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. In general, your JSS can change because:
- You receive poor public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- You receive positive public or private feedback from one or more clients.
- A higher-value job is added to your score and outweighs lower-value jobs.
- Jobs you completed in the past are no longer considered because they are outside the score's time frame.
You can find more information under the "Why did my JSS change?" section in this article.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi my JSS was calculated for the first time 2 weeks ago to be 88%. After that I successfully completed two projects, got 5 star ratings and reviews from the clients. My JSS is still at 88% after update today. I don't know why it has not increased.

Hi Ahmed,


I appreciate you reaching out to us for help. I've escalated your post to a support ticket. One of our specialists will contact you as soon as possible and help you with your concern. Thank you for posting in the Upwork community.

For reference, you may check your ticket here.

~ Matt E

Hi Matt since I am new here and first time posting I don't know if it is relevant platform to lodge my issue .. my recently jss was down from 100% to 94%. . The reason I think is my recent contract which I accepted but after few messages with the client he told me to. Contact outside of Upwork which I refused and ended the contract without starting any work .. let me know what to do here . 

Thanks and regards 

Asad Ahmad 

Hi Asad,


Thank you for contacting us. We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.


To view your ticket, please follow this link

~ Mostafa

Hi Mostafa T,

I am facing the same issue. My JSS was down from 100% to 80% without any negative feedback, I also completed 7+ projects after it with 5 stars but now after 8 weeks, my JSS is still not updated.
Can you check why my JSS is down?
I have been an active Plus user from the start and still not getting any proper support. This is affecting my business and there has been a reduction in client requests after being using the "Boost Your Profile" feature.

Hi Dhruv,


I'm sorry to learn about the drop in your score. Please keep in mind that your Job Success Score can change for a number of reasons, even without recent activity. Your best JSS score will be displayed based on the rolling windows when it is calculated. Sometimes, new contracts are added that impact your JSS. Other times, old activity is aged out. 


You may work towards increasing your JSS by taking in new projects. Good luck.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hi Arjay,


It's hard to get jobs because of JSS being low even after my feedback is 5 stars. This is affecting my business in multiple ways.
How will I increase the JSS if most of the proposals contain a JSS above 90 and there is no clear logic as to why it's reduced and it's been the same for more than 8-10 weeks now?
The money that I'm spending on connects and services and the time I'm spending don't justify your support on reducing the JSS as well without sharing the issue or the gaps of it.


Hi Matt, I am facing the same issue. My JSS was down from 100% to 87% without any negative feedback, I also have completed 2 projects after it with 5 stars but now after 3weeks, my JSS is still not updated.
Can you check why my JSS was down?

Hi Vu,

Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the dollar weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how your score is calculated here.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

My client give negative private feedback because i have depute case  related to payment issue with her  due to this by job score rate drops by 6%. This is unfair private feedback and i want to remove that private feedback and restore my previous job score rate.

You can remove it with your Toprated perk. It is only one way. Upwork dont care about fake\unfair feedbacks.

Community Member

I joined upwork this year and completed 2 jobs with a 5 star rating that gave me a jss of 100%.

I've just completed a 3rd job that resulted in a 4.4 rating, but now my jss is at 60%.

Is it me, or is this drop in jss not too much.


Again, is my upwork's journey not pretty much doomed with a jss of 60%?

Amount weight. 125 vs 65. With private feedback 1\10 your JSS will be 33%.

Dont worry, not all clients care about JSS.

Community Member

My Jss score was 89% and I've completed a job with five star rating and yesterday when the jss got updated It was dropped to 68. I think It's a glitch please resolve it 

You cannot see private feedback x\10. It may not match your 5 stars public one. Also other factors used.

We dont know real calculation, noone will answer for sure.

Community Member

Hello , I am full stack programmer   drop job score  down  no jobs for 3 months now is tha fair ?!  ,  I see this not fair for many reasons , 

1- Many  clients  refuse to give   important details for their  website programming issue then they  cancle contract with  no  feedback given   and some of them cancle  contract  That cost 10 - 15 dollars because they  found better porpsal with another freelancer  before even explain the required job , 

2- Clients want best ever freelancer  in the world to fix entry level problem 

3- Cleints   write jobs and leave it with no contacting with any freelancer and waste connects 

4- Clients  not give chance to   new freelancers even if they more professional  than older freelancers 

5- Clients  write job then go away and get back after 50 + proposal with job cost 10 $ 


I require to get more  Job score rate to  get back to work no jobs for 3 months i got proven chats that prove i  didn't do something wrong for getting this bad job score and spend more than 100 dollars on plus freelancer and connects i am not getting any chance  to work not fair and new rules for jss make things worse i guess we need to know that work not only for older freelancers,  i would love to talk more about mistakes  from clients sides which make freelancer under stress and losing the real meainig of their job and lose  money and  lose time  but i would love just somoone to help me  and i want certifications test too  , I wish someone from support contact with us.

This is weird. But first Abdo, what's up with your English writing abilities? Okay, I am not a pro neither is English my native language but the way you construct your sentences needs some polishing. I am just saying.


However, that said, I relate with your pain and struggles especially the point where clients make you waste your connects only to select a freelancer with lower hourly charges.

Community Member

I have a difficult client who keeps changing the requriement and not allowing me to log my hours since initial proposed time is exceeded. I dont want to continue project with him and I am okay to end the contract and give him a full refund since I dont want his feedback to affect my profile and JSS. I am fairly new to Upwork and I dont want his negative feedback to affect my career. Please let me know the possible implications doing the same,

Hi Archana,


Refunding doesn't directly affect your JSS. Please know that your Job Success Score is calculated on rolling windows, and the highest score in this rolling window is your Job Success Score. Many factors go into your JSS calculation, including public and private feedback given when the contract is closed, the weight of the contract, etc. We won't be able to share information about any specific feedback, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here.

~ Joanne
Community Member

Thank you. Are there any other implications that would affect my profile for ending a contract and refunding the amount proactively? Will the client be still able to leave a poor feedback if I do this? (Refunding the whole amount)

Hi Archana,


Yes, the client will still have the option to leave feedback and your JSS may be impacted in case the client leaves a poor rating for the private feedback after ending the contract. 


- Pradeep

Community Member

what my mistake 

Community Member

I am facing the same scenario. I have just completed one job with positive feedback both public and private. 

There were two other completed jobs with public and private 5 star ratings but still, the JSS dropped from 100 to 86.

Not sure how it is calculated If ratings do not matter. 

Community Member

My score decreased from 100% to 94% without any obvious reason. The last project I tried to do was some days before but I didn't work on it. The instructions of the client were inappropriate, I could not start working via their app, so we agreed to cancel the project and I returned the refund.  I didn't even work on this project. Is it fair for youthis decrease?

Community Member

My rating has recently declined from 89% to 79% without any apparent cause. I find this situation concerning, and I kindly request that you investigate the issue and rectify it.


when i am not active on Upwork then how it can be descreased. I had the same issue previously but that time i was unable to complete the job. But now what?


Thank you.

Your JSS takes a tumble when you're inactive. Your old jobs fall out of the 3, 6 or 12 month calculation window and you have no new jobs to compensate for it.

To prevent further reduction in JSS %, apply to a few jobs and win one or more of these every quarter.

Community Member

Hello everyone. I'm Ted and have been on Upwork for a year. 


Could you please help me out with this issue?

I've a JSS 100% rate with a Top rated badge and it suddenly changed into 62% overnight. I've a total of 4 contracts on Upwork: 3 with 5 stars feeback and one is in pause by Upwork due to the employer's account errror which is like 6 months ago. 


I couln't understand the reason why. How can I reach out the Upwork customer support team to sort out this issue? 

Thanks you all in advance. 

Hi Aunghtut,
I'm sorry to hear about the change in your score. We won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it. Note that your Job Success score is updated every two weeks, and any movement in this score (either up or down) reflects both recent activity and activity over a longer period of time. Because we look at trends over a 24-month period, you can see your score change, even without recently closed contracts, due to past jobs slipping out of your 3-, 6-, 12- and 24-month history in the marketplace. You can find more information in this article.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi Mr. Luiggi, 


Good day to you. Thank you for your reply and my apology for the late reply. The reason is that I was momentairly away from work due to my mom's health condition. Her oral cancer operation is successfully done and now waitng for chemo treatments. 


I completely understand your answer and I've done my parts by reading related upwrok articles. The thing is that I have all five star reviews of previous jobs on my profile and all of my previous clients are happy with my works and gave five stars feedbacks. 

Only one thing I suspect is that my last client. The contract is ended when the employer would like to change the hourly rate from $6.5/hr to $2/hr. I explained to the employer that I simply couldn't work with a rate of $2/hr and he was not happy with it. I even offered him to work with $4/hr rate as I've been working with him for about 8 months. But he insisted on $2/hr rate and finally ended the contract. Before ending, he also requested to refund some of the last week but I refused because I've been working the same proceess and same working hours and I beleive that I'm entitled to get the same compensation for the last week too. 

Later, he ended the contract and gave me a five star rating too. I talked to him later that even though contract ended, I will definitely refer to him if there is any client request pops up. That's my work ethics for every one of my past clients. 


To my suprsie is that I suddenly got JSS rate of 62% with all five star feedbacks on my profile. I think that it is probably due to the private feedback from the employer before ending the contract. I sincerely would like to request to reinvestigate on this because it is not fair for me and it doesn't make sense that he gave me a five star feeback publicly and negative feedback privately. 


I'm happy to answer if he is not happy with my work and I can respond according in public feeback. I also tried to talke to him but his account is suspended. Please help me on this issue and as a freelancer contributing best services to the market place, it greatly hurts my profile. 


Thank you again for the prompt response and I look forward to your response. Now, I'm back and prepared to fully commited to Upwork future opportunities. 


Have a great day. Best, Ted 

Community Member

Hi there, I got one of client last month, he placed the Order, I accepted and asked for requirements, and then he canceled it immediately, which damaged my Success rate from 100 to 79 percent, I assume that might be a malicious activity, am wondering if anyone here can help me to remove that specific Order from my Success rate calculations please, its highly requested 🙂 anyone from Upwork support plz.
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