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Losing One Connect Every Day

Every day, I am losing one connect even when I haven't sent a proposal. Should this be happening?


Community Member

You have available badge set to "on", if you do not want the available badge on your profile you can turn it off. 


Find Work->Profile->Just below your city and country name you will see "Available Badge" note the status it should be either "off or on", if you want to keep it on you will be charged a connect daily or whatever you bid on ...if you do not want to have that badge just turn it off

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Community Member

Maybe you are with your avaliability badge turned on.

Community Member

You have available badge set to "on", if you do not want the available badge on your profile you can turn it off. 


Find Work->Profile->Just below your city and country name you will see "Available Badge" note the status it should be either "off or on", if you want to keep it on you will be charged a connect daily or whatever you bid on ...if you do not want to have that badge just turn it off

Community Member

when we turning off your available badge, we could potentially receive free connects every month on Upwork?"

Hi Okkasha,


I'd like to clarify that whether or not you have the Availability Badge turned on, you will always receive monthly Connects based on your membership plan. For reference, under your current Freelancer Basic plan, you get 10 Connects every month.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Losing One Connect Every Day

Community Member

Actually you have enabled Available badge for that one connects is deducted 

Community Member

when we turning off your available badge, we could potentially receive free connects every month on Upwork?"

No free connects for any reason.


The availability badge costs to have it "on." If you turn it off, you will no longer be spending connects to have it "on."

So, you save those connects if it is "off." You have to buy connects if you are out.

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