» Forums » Freelancers » Re: JSS update question
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Hello, I was working on Upwork for about 2 months, having my clients satisfied with my work and giving me either 4.5, 4.7, or even 5 stars and awesome feedback, and all the work was done completely, when my JSS appeared it is 77%. How did this happen?


Additional notes:

- All contracts ended successfully when they offer me and I accept them, but not all of the interviews or invitations ended up being contracts or offers, Does this affect me?


- How can I overcome this problem as it destroyed my profile, reaching out to new clients became hard (I only have two long term clients, who came before this problem, how can I harness them to overcome the problem)


Thanks in advance 🙂


Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!

~ Luiggi

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I am Aisha, a top rated freelancer my JSS was 100% few weeks ago. Most of client feedback are 5 stars few of them are 4.5 not less. I am wondering why my JSS is dropping? it is now 97% and i am still get 5 stars feedback. I closed an inactive contract for a suspended client more than 20 days and my feedback to him still hinted, this is another problem that i didn't understand.

Thank you for your help.

Yes, that's correct ... such things do happen & happened to me several times as well even though my feedbacks were 5 stars. I did ask about that Upwork support team evertime I had a drop, but never got any clear answer ... Nobody knows the way that counting system works. They cannot clearly tell you the reason 

Community Member

Dear Upwork,

I hope you have a wonderful day today. First of all, thank you very much for providing us with a great platform. I love and enjoy working on Upwork. My current issue is very simple and required a few of your precious minutes, my JSS is not updating from last 3 weeks. It was dropped 3 weeks before and I have completed two contracts last week but still its same.

Just one more thing, I am unable to see my eligible weeks in my stats!

Please fix and assist!

Thank you,

Hi Muhammad,


Thanks for the kind words! Remember that your score is calculated on rolling windows, and the highest score in a given rolling window is your Job Success Score. For example, if closing the recent contracts you're referring to contributes positively to your score, but the resulting score of the rolling window they're part of isn't your highest score, then that score isn't the one displayed. We won't be able to share the specifics on someone's individual score, but you can check the explanation of how JSS is calculated here


Regarding your eligible weeks' stats, you should be able to see them by clicking the "Earn Rising Talent" button on your My Stats page, which should pop up another screen where you can see your eligibility for the Top Rated badge

~ Luiggi
Community Member

My JSS score is 46%.
How do I get out of this vicious cycle? I am sending job applications to clients who see JSS 46% and because of this they will not work with me, if they do not work with me, how can I raise my rating to 100%?


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Davit,


I'm sorry to learn about the drop in your score and if we weren't able to get back to you sooner. We're afraid we won't be able to comment on an individual score or how specific contracts affect it.


Factors such as private and public feedback, the dollar weight of the projects you've completed, and the long-term relationships with your clients can impact your overall score. Also, remember that your score is calculated on rolling windows, and the highest score in a given rolling window is your Job Success Score. For example, if closing the recent contracts you're referring to contributes positively to your score, but the resulting score of the rolling window they're part of isn't your highest score, then that score isn't the one displayed. 


 You may want to check this article to learn more.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hi Micheal, 

My JSS hasn't been updated from last 3 months although i have a job in progress and have earned a good amount. 
Can you please review this and advise what is the reason?

Appreciate your help. thank you



Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Muhammad Shahzad,


Please be aware that we update the score that you see on your profile on a biweekly basis. You may also see your Job Success Score change or remain the same due to the rolling time window over which the score is calculated. Because your score is calculated over multiple time frames and the best score from your 6-month, 12-month, and 24-month JSS displayed, a contract can sometimes slip out of that calculation, causing your score to change significantly without any recent activity.


For example, a contract will no longer be counted in your 6-month window once it is 6-months and one day old. We suggest you visit this help article for more details on how your JSS was reviewed and calculated.


~ Arjay
Community Member


causing your score to change significantly without any recent activity.



[bold by me]

Question I am asking 34586798593854786th time: is there any logic behind this? If the FL is taking long project that demands a lot of work and time, naturally they will not take another, so despite working hard their JSS will drop. Again, where is logic to that? What background does this decision to count JSS unfairly have?

JSS should be removed entirely since it doesn't matter anyways, after UW decided to prefer casino model of their "business". Or, if it is to stay, it should be rewored to count recent COMPLETED projects. Not from time frame, but actually completed projects. As it is now, JSS simply counts nothing and I thought it was supposed to show FL's performance. I may be wrong though, I still prefer logic and fair play than gambling and milking people.

Community Member

Esentially JSS is as bad as credit scores. They too are a horibly delayed and biased calculation. So in comparison, you need to work on your credit score for a year before you can by a car!   Unless you are a total brown noser, JSS and Feedback are terrible rating ideas!  I find talking between parties, and learning WHO they are and whay they ARE about works much better - and himan!  But then, you wont get any support from Uworks!

Community Member

Hi Upwork Support Team,

I wanted to reach out to address a concern I've noticed with my Upwork account regarding the total number of projects displayed and the accuracy of my Job Success Percentage.

I've discovered that the total project count doesn't seem to accurately reflect the projects I've completed. It appears that some completed projects are missing from the count.

Additionally, I'm concerned that some of the completed project credits might not be factored into my Job Success Percentage calculation. This discrepancy is misleading and doesn't accurately reflect the quality of my work or my overall performance as a freelancer on Upwork.

I kindly ask that you investigate these discrepancies and take the necessary steps to ensure that my total project count is updated to include all completed projects. Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you could review the calculation of my Job Success Percentage to ensure that all completed project credits are properly considered.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Best regards,

Community Member

Hello ,

                                        I don't know why you have added a job success score on your profile if there is a lot of feedback . We are paying money for purchase connections then we are applying for jobs and then also not many projects are catching up shame on this . We are investing more than income , It's a very wrong thing . 
                                        Also, my job success score is not working properly. I have completed 3 jobs successfully and just one is left. I mean it is in progress . So why my job success score is 50% is a joke . Why do you guys torture artists only . is there have any chance to clients behaviour showcase there ? i realy **Edited for Community Guidelines** this kind of mentality . Upwork changing prices many times . now will have to pay 17 $ for 74 connections. Is it Gold ? See you already earning our 10$ from the project amount . Let me know what you guys need exactly .
Thank you .

Regard ,
Swapnil V Gatade


Community Member

Upwork claims public feedback weighs more now than private. Clearly, that is incorrect. Judging by the amount of feedback here. 

The concept of private feedback is wrong, to begin with. I don't want private feedback if that won't tell anything about my business but can ruin it completely, nor does it say anything about clients - because that's just is. Why private? To let the client stub me in the back? No, open communication is the best policy. The person responsible for this unique to Upwork concept and JSS in general is... very special. 

Community Member


A month ago my JSS was 90% and my total revenue was 2.4K. Within a month, I successfully completed a new project with 5 stars and earned 4K+, and my total earnings are now over 6K. But my JSS only increased by 1% since the last update, and my JSS is now 91%.

I know that the bigger the project, the higher the percentage of JSS. But I don't understand why my JSS only increased by 1% when I completed a project that almost doubled my previous total earnings. 

Can someone take a look at my account and help me? 

Thank you.

Well, this has happned to me MANY times also ... Upwork support cannot answer this question or tell you the reasons as I many times asked the support ... All they tell you are things about private feedback or something, but what if a person did not do any work during several months and his JSS score drops all of a sudden on a flat surface ... That is the strange JSS system they have ... they themselves do not know much about that. Upwork gets messed up more and more everyday ))) 

Community Member

Hello moderators,

could someone with more insight please confirm for me that the sudden drop in my JSS was due to private(?) feedback from the last client I worked for? I am not looking for tips on how to increase my JSS again or for general info on how the JSS is calculated, since I have already read the relevant Help pages. I just want to figure out if the reason for the sudden drop is the one I suspect. Thank you in advance!

Hi Beate,


I am sorry to hear about the drop in your JSS. We have gone into great detail on how your Job Success score is calculated here. Additional details beyond this are not provided to protect the integrity of the score. That said, I will be unable to confirm if the drop was due to the last completed job.


- Pradeep


Thank you for your reply, Pradeep. I understand you not being able to go into detail. All I can say is that, if it had something to do with my last job, I find it highly unethical that their unprofessionalism is allowed to have such a negative impact on my Upwork career. But, since I will probably never find out, I give up. I am done here.

Community Member

Did they remove the last date of each JSS update from the new stats design?  If not, where can I find  it?

Wondering the same thing



They put the date back -- check to see if it's there on your end.


I'm not sure why they moved my question to this thread -- it still went unanswered by the mods!


ETA:  Moderators:  I posted this question in the Support forum, and instead of answering it, you moved it to this thread in the main forum called "Low JSS" which has NOTHING to do with what I'd asked.  It was only an accident that I found my original quesiton in this odd place, since you didn't even notify me that it'd been moved. 


What's the point of having a Support forum if specific questions get ignored and moved to unrelated threads????

To hide threads (mine, too).

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Lisa,


We certainly understand your concern about the new design of the "My Stats" page, and we genuinely appreciate every feedback we can get from members to improve this feature. 


To address your concern, the date for your JSS last update can be found below your actual JSS on your  My Stats page. You may visit this screenshot for your reference. Also, please be aware that we calculate JSS every two weeks based on your 3-, 6-, 12- and 24-month history in the marketplace and calculate a score for each timeframe. The best score out of these will be displayed on your profile.


We'll continue sharing your feedback/suggestions with the rest of the team for further review. Thank you for reaching out to us here in the Community.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Dear Arjay,


Did you even read my original question that was in the Support forum before moving it here?  


I've been on Upwork for many years and know how the JSS works.  I also know where the date for each update can be found.  The problem was those dates went missing for a few weeks. That's why I posted my question in the Support forum, but it went ignored.


I had no idea my question was moved to THIS thread -- which is totally unrelated to what I'd asked.


While my question was being ignored, it seems the tech department returned the date of each update below the JSS score.  So that's a good thing.


But thanks anyway.


And thank ChatGPT for me, too. 


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