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Mpesa Withdrawal not Received

Hello there, after more than 9 hours of waiting, I have not received my Mpesa withdrawal yet. What could be the possible problem? How quickly can this be solved? I am being told that the transaction was succeful from upworks end.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,


I checked and it appears some of the freelancers who posted on this thread are using M-Pesa while others are using Direct to Local Bank withdrawal method. I'd like to reiterate that I'm not aware of an issue that would be affecting recently initiated transactions, all of which are within the expected time frame.


Furthermore, I can confirm we received a confirmation from some freelancers using M-Pesa that they received their funds. For freelancers using Direct to Local Bank, we'd appreciate your patience and expect you'll receive your funds within the expected four-business day time frame.


Regarding questions about the payment processors Upwork is using, we won't be able to provide that information and Valeria shared more information earlier this week on this thread.


Please do follow up to confirm once you receive your funds or if you'd like to receive additional assistance (24 hours for M-Pesa, 8 business days for Direct to Local Bank transactions).


As an additional note, our team is reviewing all the reports we're receiving and so far all transactions are being processed as expected. We appreciate your reports and will continue to monitor and communicate on this thread.

~ Vladimir

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Peter, 

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. I would like to confirm that Direct to Local Bank transfers is generally processed within four business days. If the transaction still hasn't reflected on your account after eight business days, you can come back here, and we'll assist you further.


In the meantime, please read up on this help article for more information about Direct to Local Bank Timings & Fees. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Thanks, Avery. My issue has been resolved. I received a notification from my bank this afternoon that I have received the money. But I noticed that the payment agent is different from the agent I normally see on previous withdrawals. I think that is why a lot of people are experiencing the same issue.


I have not received an email that my payment has been processed.

Thank you.

Hi Jon Antonni,


I checked and the withdrawal you're referring to was successfully processed on our end. Please know that Direct to Local Bank transfers takes between 2 to 5 business days. If it hasn't reflected on your account after 8-business days, please reach out to us so that we can issue a trace for you. You can check out this article for more information about fees and timing associated with the Direct to Local Bank method.


Thank you!

~ Bojan


I have not received any email yet that my payment has been processed. Please verify.

Thank you.

Hi Jon, 

I looked into this for you and can confirm that the email that confirms that your payment has been processed has already been sent to your account. Let me know if you didn't receive it so that I can look into this for you. 

~ Avery

Hi Avery,

Yes. I received it last week.

For this week, can someone check if my request for withdrawal was successful? I'm just puzzled because the system automatically sends a confirmation which is triggered by my payment schedule. However earlier, I didn't get the usual email so I had to go into the system and manually request for withdrawal.

Was there any change in my payment schedule? Thank you so much for the help, as always.

Hi  Jon Antonni,


We don`t have any issues that are affecting your withdrawal. I can confirm that your withdrawal was successful on our end. Please keep in mind that it can take between 2 to 5 business days for the funds to be loaded on your bank account. If you don`t receive your funds after 8 business days let us know here and our team will initiate a trace on your transaction.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member

I initiated a withdrawal in the last 24 hours and it was processed by Upwork but I'm yet to receive the withdrawal at my local bank.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Akhawini, 

I checked the transaction you are referring to and can confirm that the transaction was successful on our end. Please note that Direct to Local Bank transactions is processed within four business days. If the transaction still hasn't reflected on your account after eight business days, you can come back here, and our team will assist you further.


In the meantime, please read up on this help article for more information about Direct to Local Bank Timings and Fees. 


~ Avery
Community Member


Community Member



Can anyone tell me what's going on? I have withdrawn my funds last ( Dec 18, 2019 ) I receive an email that I have successfully withdrawn my funds. Normally it would only take 8 hours I would receive the second email that they are transferring my funds to my local bank. It has been more than 24 hours since I have not received it. Supposed to be today I have the funds on my bank.  I am very upset that this is happening since I have bills to pay and xmas is fast approaching and I am depending on my salary. Delay for me means disaster. I hope somebody can help me out with this. This has never happened to me since I started working here in Upwork. 

Hi Datu,


I`m sorry about the inconvenience this is causing you. Please keep in mind that It can take between 2 to 5 business days for the funds to be loaded on your bank account. If you have not received the funds after 8 business days let us know, and our team will initiate a trace on your transaction. Thank you!

~ Goran

Its the same for me too, something is wrong guys, please have a look from your end..

For the past 2 years i have never faced this issue, i would get the money in the bank on the next 30-45 mins if i press the withdraw button. Its been more than 24 hours and still i have not got it ๐Ÿ˜ž


Something is wrong please check....

This has happened to me several times before. 

Community Member

Hi, I would like information about my last withdrawal request REF. ID 275322715 of 366.66 $, of 18 december as per schedule.


Usually I receive 2 emails, 1 with the start of the withdrawal as per schedule, and then after a few hours I receive another email where I confirm that the payment was processed with the exact amount in Euro.

With the withdrawal of 18 december I did not receive the email that the payment was processed.




Giuseppe Sacco


Can no moderator answer me? I also opened a ticket with support, but they don't know where my money is.


The clients I work with are very upset about this because they paid, but I received nothing.


My bank has checked and there is no bank transfer coming into my account.


I point out that my payment has not been processed and in fact I have not received any confirmation email.


I'd like to know one thing: if the money isn't on the Upwork account, now where is it ???? 

That is actually what happen to me as well, not having a payment
confirmation email means upwork was not able to process the funds to be
transfred to our local bank. Funny things is they say we wait. Like they
are not thingking that we need the fund to pay the our bills and xmas is
fast appriaching. A decent answer will be better than using all those
rebuttals for 8 days wait.
Community Member



I transfer payment from upwork on 6th Dec but still not received payment in my bank account. I transferred it via direct bank transfer.

Hi Chirag,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket and assist you further with tracking your transaction. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran,


I'm told MPesa funds were reprocessed on 20TH December, its now 27TH Dec and i am yet to receive the funds. Cumulatively, its now 11 days since i made the withdrawal. Are the funds lost? Is there a definite time frame?

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Kunule,


I understand your concern and frustration with this. Our team has initiated a trace on your transaction and is working on resolving your problem as soon as possible.
If you have any additional questions feel free to follow up on your ticket directly. I will also escalate your ticket to our team to update your ticket with more details. Thank you.

~ Goran



Happy to report that i finally received the funds. It's been an anxious 2 weeks but the problem is finally solved.



Community Member

Hello Community, I withdrew my cash on 16th Dec 2019. The money usually takes less than 30 minutes to hit my Mpesa Acc. To date, I have not received the cash. I have raised the issue and it's like they are too busy. They have requested my Mpesa statement twice doing nothing about it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Eric,


We'll have one of our agents reach out to you via a support ticket to assist you with this concern.


Thank you for reaching out to us. 

~ Bojan
Community Member

When? I need the money today
Community Member

Hello they are not responding to me anymore, I am desperate from this end

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Eric,


I checked your ticket and I can see that our team has initiated a trace on your transaction. Our team will also update your ticket as soon as possible and assist you further.
If you have any additional questions feel free to post them on your ticket, thank you.

~ Goran

Hello there, apart from your assurance, am not getting any help from your
team. What should I do
Community Member

Zero progress about my money issue. I withdrew money on 16th and I haven't received it yet. I feel upwork do not take my case seriously.
There has been no progress since then, you just keep sending me templates of emails upon templates.
Are you guys doing any trace of my funds?? How can I talk to your agents?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Eric,


I checked this for you and our team sent you an update today on this support ticket. As our agent confirmed, the trace was already initiated. Once our team has more information they'll update you directly on your open support ticket. 


Please consider following up on your open ticket and kindly communicate with our team through that ticket if you have any questions, in order to keep all the information in one place.


We will also follow up with the team about your case.


Thank you for your patience!

~ Bojan
Community Member

Hi Eric,


Any luck on your end? I'm suffering the same fate, withdrew on 16TH but no funds to date. Its really frustrating.

Community Member

I haven't. I feel like they don't take the issue seriously. They are just
copying and pasting assurance messages. I am really frustrated
Community Member

It has now been over 48 hours since I requested payment to my Mpesa and I am yet to receive the funds. There's an open ticket on the issue but no one is bothering to update me on the matter. No one is bothering to help me. The countless agents I have spoken to keep telling me to wait 24 hours or that they will request an update for me, but I am yet to receive any updates and it's been 48 plus hours now. Can someone please help me, this has been really inconvenient.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Gliceria,


I understand your frustration with this and I`m sorry about the inconvenience this had caused you. I would like to confirm that our team has already initiated a trace on your transaction. Once our team has more details one of our team members will update your ticket and assist you further. 
If you have any additional questions feel free to post them on your ticket, our team will assist you further as soon as possible. Thank you.

~ Goran

Why is it that people who had a similar issue had their cases resolved within a day and mine is headed to three days now?

Community Member

How long did it take for you to get your funds, cause it's now heading to three days and I am yet to receive my money. And I didn't withdraw on the weekend.

Community Member

Hi Glicera,
I had to wait for a week or so. They made me understand its a process to trace the payment and takes time. If the payment cannot be pushed through to your Mpesa i believe it will be refunded back to your upwork account as thats what happened to mine. I preferred using PayPal after the refund and i successfully withdrew.
Community Member

Thank you Shirlyne, but a week is so inconvenient given that they initially tell you it will take 24 hours only.

after one business day, I contacted customer support. they were helpful. they reversed the transaction on the third day. but I had to present my mpesa statement. 

Just find a customer support agent, you'll get the help you need 

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