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Odesk-Elance Then Upwork

I had a great history working inside odesk elance and upwork But i love elance most ,,How about you
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I did MUCH better on Elance.

Christopher B wrote:

I did MUCH better on Elance.

I looked much younger 10 years ago too, but time doesn't stand still. 

Community Member

Tonya P wrote:

Christopher B wrote:

I did MUCH better on Elance.

I looked much younger 10 years ago too, but time doesn't stand still. 

Fist bump, old timer. 😄

Community Member

Elance was aight but I'm doing better on upwork. Also, Upwork has better payment processing on both hourly and escrow. Elance was a 30-day wait if the client disappeared. With hourly, you had to raise a dispute if the client's CC failed and hope to get paid. It seems Upwork has more jobs too (but I could be wrong about that). Reports are better on Upwork. Their whole billing system I think is better. Hourly payment system is far superior and protected, so that wins me over.


Some things I wish Upwork would implement:  Elance showed jobs cancelled by the client, so you could avoid serial cancellers. Also showed if you had already bid on a client's job previously, so you didn't waste your bids on clients who obviously aren't into you. They at least added the "previous client" tag on jobs, which is great and has been the reason for me winning some jobs including one from last week.

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