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connects refund


there is a three months old job posting, last client activity on it was detected two months ago.

It looks like stale.

Could you please refund my connects?

**Edited for community guidelines**

Community Member

Alex R wrote:


there is a three months old job posting, last client activity on it was detected two months ago.

It looks like stale.

Could you please refund my connects?

**Edited for community guidelines**

You only get connects back if the client cancels the job (comes back and closes without hiring) or the job gets pulled for beig a ToS violation.


eta: the client hired on that job too.

Community Member

Does it mean this job can hang there forever?

Shall I learn to predict the clients who post and forget their postings opened?

why don't You cancel such postings for inactivity?

Alex - That job was not inactive. They hired someone.

Why is my proposal still active and job not closed?

Alex R wrote:

Why is my proposal still active and job not closed?

Because for whatever reason, the client chose not to close it.

re: "Shall I learn to predict the clients who post and forget their postings opened?"


If you learn to how to do that, then come back here and tell us how.

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