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Payment Method Invalid

Hi I have available funds in my account. I have filled out all the correct tax information and three different payment methods. It says that all three payment methods are invalid. I have been trying to get my fund out for a month but with no success. What is even more frustrating is that UpWorks customer service pretty none exist. The "help" page is anything but helpful. I am not able to fill out a request ticket as I cannot find a link to do so anywhere. I am posting this here in hopes that someone will see it and be able to help. I am extremely frustrated with Upwork. 

Community Member

Hi Deana, if you visit https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us at the bottom of the page there would be a green "Get Support" button which opens a chat box. It looks like a bot at start but if you describe your issue and struggle to find an answer it directs you to a customer service rep.

About the payment methods, sometimes if your name on upwork and your name on bank account doesnt match it may be a problem. 

Which specific payment method are you chosing? 

Community Member

Hi Deana,


Thank you for your message. I checked and it looks like you were able to process a payment today (31- January). You can also check your Transaction History page for confirmation. Let us know if you still need further assistance with this.


~ Arjay
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