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Payment late, Christmas ruined. Trust lost

Hello, just another voice here. I'm in EU and in the same boat as many fellow freelancers. Payment from Dec 15th hasn't arrived and today initated another because idk what else to do.


The community has discovered that they started using a UK bank recently over Irish bank (in my case). This was without announcing us to prepare for any DEFINITE delays because UK is outside SEPA.


It seems that a lot of freelancers are withdrawing on Friday, which speaks to the fact that all of us are TRP freelancers or at least get early withdrawals. So either:
A - UpWork somehow managed to screw their most productive users
B - The freelancers that withdraw on Wed have not had enough time to experience the delay

Are there any freelancers with regular withdrawals that experience the same delay?



EDIT: Seems like I'm one of the lucky ones and received the withdrawal, 15 min before banks close 😅.


A big warning to anyone who spots this, there is no currency conversion happening, if you're expecting 90€ you'll get 100€ from 100$, something is up with the conversion. While this is a nice this is nice and all, there are some things to worry about:

- UpWork might deduct this unintended bonus from your account in the future because it screwed their accounting.

- This is an edge case since we're all withdrawing EUR, but I can see the possibility of someone withdrawing Swedish Kronas, and someone expecting 980 SEK might receive 100 SEK

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I also just received my funds. For those who have not received the funds yet, I believe they are on the way.

If any of you guys need anything please reach out. I feel like some bonds were created during these past two days 🤣 Maybe because we freelancers sometimes feel we are alone against the world like some of you commented these last two days and finding this kind of support from you made things a bit easier, at least for me. 


Merry Christmas everybody. ❤️


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160 REPLIES 160

Hi Yakira,


I can see that you already have an open ticket regarding this issue. One of our agents will update your ticket and assist you further. 


~ Joanne
Community Member

I just received my funds processed on both the December 15th and December 17th withdrawal dates. Has anyone else experienced the same with their funds?

When did you receive them? Now?

10 minutes ago. Fingers crossed for everyone receiving their funds today!

Nope, not me. Also waiting since Dec 15th.

Yay, congratulations! I just checked my account and nothing's there yet. Let's hope the fact you've received the payment is potential good news for everyone.

Congrats! Whant bank in Latvia? (I'm from Lithuania)

Revolut Lithuania.

Ok, thanks. Mine is Swed. Hope they will not close until payment arrives 😄 

I observed that the funds originated from an account in the UK bank, so that's that ...

A quick update - I've also just received my December 15 payment (coincidence much?). It's also from a UK bank account so there's obviously been a change nobody announced in advance.

Happy Holidays to us! Here's a gift we never asked for in the first place 😄

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Hello everyone,

I was expecting 3 payments that were withdrawn after the 15th. I just received 1 of them. I hope this is going to be over and we are all getting paid before Christmas!

Edit: Just received second payment. Now I'm waiting for the 3rd one that was withdrawn today. My conclusion is that this was either a delay from Upwork's side or their partner bank. Or we will get paid in actual 5 business days from now on and not 1-2 days that we were used to.

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Just to check: Did you accept this as the solution, Mihai?

Haha nope

Hahahahaha! Didn't think so either. Let's hope you'll get your money as well (if you haven't already). Thank you for letting us hijack your post. It must have done something because the standard replies actually were not entirely standard anymore.

My goal was kind of to aggregate people in this thread who like me were screwed but didn't say anything. Hope it'll matter

It did matter to me, so thank you! And Merry Christmas!

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So, I just received my 15th December payment. But the problem is that the same amount I requested in USD came in EUR 😲

Example, I requested $100 and received €100, but it should be around €90.
Looks like the withdrawal process is really messed up.

Thats not a problem 😀 Let's hope everyone can save their Christmas 

Yes, but my accountant will be surprised when have noticed that EUR/USD rate is 1/1 😀

Now that one had me roaring! I'm glad you got your money (so will your accountant be. He probably likes to get paid as well).

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I also just received the withdraw which was made on the 15 Dec. I hope everyone else will receive their funds today 🙏

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Don't spend it all at once. You'll never know when the next one comes in. Merry Christmas!

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Nothing yet (France). It's a shame, particulary when spend more than +10k fees during years on this platform. Thinking to definitively quit Upwork.

Same here, no payment on my french account.

Hello Virginia! Mine just arrived. Check your account!

Nothing here either (Banque Populaire, France).

+1 here

Mine (France) came this very second. Check your account!

Nothing yet. That's what we call: suspense 👀
Anyway I am thinking to all freelancers who needs their earnings quickly and don't have. It's a shame for Upwork, particulary for Christmas. 

Oh bother. I am sure it'll come today. Please keep us posted.

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Portugal. Nothing here so far.

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Hungary. Nothing...

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Payment requested on December 15th has not arrived yet. Currently December 22nd 13:25 CET, I'm located in Spain. Received payment confirmation email December 15th 14:39 CET

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Withdrawal the 22th too from bank account, still pending. No confirmation. If no fees compensation or anything soon, it's an Adieu, from myself, my clients, companies, and teammates.

Same here, I believe it will be like that from now on. No reason for early payment seeing as it is the same as regular payment now.

Hope you're wrong, as top rated freelancer we can't wait more than a week to receive payement particulary with the new 10% fees in 2024.
Anyway make this kind of mov during Christmas, it's just a shame.

Absolutely agree with you, this is unacceptable and I can't believe something like this is happening. Especially since it's the Holiday season. And especially since they never communicated with us.

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Writing from Italy, nothing, not even a "We're sorry" from Upwork support...

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