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Percentage of Sucess not increasing

Hello Upwork Team,

My success percentage is not moving, I have completed 4 successful projects in the last week all with a 5-star rating and one with a bonus from the client too. but my percentage is not moving up. it is 96% since then.

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Community Member

I need to know that my client recommendations are 100% and my overall Reviews on my work by clients are 5.00 on all the work i have done. Then Why my profile score is 83%.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Ahmed, Job Success Scores reflect a wide range of factors such as public and private feedback, long-term contracts, and repeat ones. You can monitor your Job Success Score on your My Stats page. Please see this help article for more info about what affects your score.


Community Member

Hello all,

I want to ask that if ending the contract (by client) with 'Another Reason' instead of Job completed successfully affect JSS? Though the client has given positive feedback.

Thankd in advance.

Hi Dr. Irfan,


Unless the client leaves negative feedback, your score shouldn't be negatively affected. Your score reflects your overall contract history with your clients and is based on your relationships and feedback. You can check this help article to learn more. 

~ Joanne
Community Member

Hello guys!

I want to know if a low frequency for jobs affects JSS. I mean, if I be rarely hired, it will make my JSS get lower?


Thank you in advance.

Danilo R wrote:

Hello guys!

I want to know if a low frequency for jobs affects JSS. I mean, if I be rarely hired, it will make my JSS get lower?


Thank you in advance.

You JSS can change even if you do nothing, since time passes and the calculation window moves. Having few jobs in itself doesn't change it.

Community Member

Since it's been a while working on upwork. I have completed few project with great feedback and last week I got my rising talent bagde also but yesterday my profile started showing me the jss 77%. I have completed all my work on time and received a good response from them. Still I got 77% jss, can anyone help me regarding this , I don't know the real problem behind low jss.

Himanshu D wrote:
Since it's been a while working on upwork. I have completed few project with great feedback and last week I got my rising talent bagde also but yesterday my profile started showing me the jss 77%. I have completed all my work on time and received a good response from them. Still I got 77% jss, can anyone help me regarding this , I don't know the real problem behind low jss.

It's all about private feedback. Your last contract probably didn't have good private feedback, and with your low number of jobs, that has a large impact. 

That is the good news too, because you can improve your JSS with just a few contracts with very good private feedback. 

Community Member

Hello community, I have a problem with my stats page. My JSS score has not been updated despite receiving a new rating for a project recently closed with a 4.85-star review. My jss score has remained the same at 78%, but the date for the update has changed. Can you please advise? 

Kevin O wrote:

My JSS score has not been updated despite receiving a new rating for a project recently closed with a 4.85-star review. My jss score has remained the same at 78%,  

It has been updated. Your JSS just didn't change. The contract that ended with a 4.85 didn't end entirely happily, and the private feedback was probably less than entirely enthusiastic...

Community Member

I completed couple of projects with 5 star feedbacks in last two weeks but still my JSS has not increased. 

Hi Dulith,


We update the score that you see on your profile on a biweekly basis. Your JSS will remain unchanged in case the calculation after including the recent contract has the same score or there is a very minor change to your previous score.


Thank you.



Hi Pradeep,
Ok I got it. Thanks for the explanation. 

Community Member

My profile was doing well as it had a "rising talent" badge for two weeks and more, but suddenly Job success score got displayed on the profile and it was 72%. After that, I haven't won a job. What Can I do to revive the success1.JPG23.JPGCapture.JPG score of my profile?

Hi Afaq


Thanks for reaching out to us! I've pulled a few resources that may be helpful to you. Check out these articles to help you create a profile that stands out and improve your profile title and overview. For some great tips on writing proposals that win jobs, check out this article.


You may also visit our Resource Center and sign up for upcoming events and webinars to learn more about how you can boost your success on Upwork.

~ Nikola
Community Member

Hi, Upwork

recently, My client cancel their project without any reason, and Then upwork decrease my JSS score. But After that, I did 5 to 6 projects but my JSS score not increase. Can you please help to sort out this problem?

Amir S wrote:

recently, My client cancel their project without any reason, and Then upwork decrease my JSS score. B

 No, that isn't how it works. You client was unhappy and left poor private feedback, which is why your JSS dropped. It's an automatic calculation based on your clients' evaluation of their experience working with you.


Amir S wrote:

But After that, I did 5 to 6 projects but my JSS score not increase. 

The JSS is only calculated once every 2 Sundays. The last time it was calculated was on the 3rd, so the 4 (not 5 or 6) contracts you closed after the 3rd haven't been included yet. They'll get included when the JSS is recalculated tomorrow evening UTC.



But They are my regular client, If they are not happy with my work then why They are always come back? Absolutely They are happy with my service, But I did this contract after the date of 3. So, I think It will be count tomorrow? I am right?

Amir S wrote:

But They are my regular client, If they are not happy with my work then why They are always come back? Absolutely They are happy with my service.

Someone left you poor private feedback. No question about it at all. That happened before the 3rd of October, which is the last time it was updated. NOTHING that happened since the 3rd has yet been included.


Amir S wrote:

So, I think It will be count tomorrow? I am right?

It will be recalculated tomorrow evening UTC, yes.

Hi,Petra R


Can you please tell me? How much time it will take to update my jss score? As you said tomorrow my job score will be updated. But yet not received any update in my profile?

Amir S wrote:

Hi,Petra R


Can you please tell me? How much time it will take to update my jss score? As you said tomorrow my job score will be updated. But yet not received any update in my profile?

Read what I said. I said Sunday EVENING UTC.


So, just wait until evening UTC, it usually updates by 9pm UTC, but sometimes it doesn't update until later or even Monday morning.

Community Member


I will need more explanation, I had a job success score of 80% before  I completed two jobs for two different clients, One gave me a 5star review, while the other is about to create a new milestone. I want to know why my job success score still remains 80% after My stats were updated today.  Thanks

Shedrack U wrote:


I will need more explanation, I had a job success score of 80% before  I completed two jobs for two different clients, One gave me a 5star review, while the other is about to create a new milestone. I want to know why my job success score still remains 80% after My stats were updated today.  Thanks

Your last contract ended in September. The update before this one was after that. It would be strange if your JSS had changed. 

Thanks for your reply.  It has been updated.

Thanks for your reply. It has been updated.

Community Member

how can i improve my JSS? come back to work again after a long time but nobody gonna hire me with 55% JSS 😞

boosting application still nobody even reply me. not getting work as it should be. doing some silly small task just to get some review still not improving my JSS,


Worked over 220 jobs may be 2/3 one star ratings. 200+ 5 star ratings. still no luck.... for last 1 year its showing AVG 70% JSS too much frustrated 😞


new guys are taking over just with few reviews, working with upwork since 2013 but nowadays my career looks like ended with upwork...


i used to be top rated for long long time....but everything is a dream now 😞


what to do guys?

Mahmudul H - WordPress Designer and Developer

I’m sorry. I’m going through same thing but I saw quality jobs and long relations with clients are way to become successful. I would say keep going and don’t pay attention to your JSS. If you had bad experience with client and if it was not your fault. Describe it in feedback of job. Clients who want quality work don’t really pay attention to your JSS.

When writing job proposal do not just copy and paste your letter. Understand job requirements and explain how you will solve client problem. If you have experience with something similar show it to client.

Hello Mahmudul,


Thank you for your message. I am sorry to hear about the drop in your JSS. As long as you do great work for your clients and receive great feedback -- regardless of whether it’s a low- or high-budget job -- your score will climb. Winning higher-budget jobs and receiving positive feedback on those will typically raise your JSS faster than low-paying jobs. For more details and to discuss this change, please visit our Community forum here. 


Thank you.


Community Member



My JSS was not udpated even for 1%, even though I successfully finished 2 jobs during these last 2 weeks.


What could be the problem?


Thanks, Anara

Anara B wrote:



My JSS was not udpated even for 1%, even though I successfully finished 2 jobs during these last 2 weeks.


What could be the problem?


Thanks, Anara

JSS is weighted by volume. You have maybe 4K $ in the calculation window, so 2 contracts totalling 100 $ will not have much impact. 

Community Member

Hello Upwork Team!

Last week I completed my project successfully and yesterday was the day of my JSS get an update. So I realised this morning that nothing is changed. Can you explain why it didn't increase?

Community Member

Hello everyone,

I'm new to Upwork with a 10+ year corporate experience. I was a Rising Talent when a client hired me for his big ticket project via an invitation. He liked my profile and hired me after a call. I took it up happily knowing I can do a great job with it. One week into the project, I was left with innumerable changes and the ask kept changing everyday. The last day he filled my message box with abuses. I refund him fully and ended the contract. As expected he gave me an extremely bad rating and my very first JSS is now dismal. I am unable to win new contracts and feel very dejected just 2 months on the platform. Not sure how to recover. Please share your thoughts and advise. Is there a future for me on Upwork now?

Namrata K wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm new to Upwork with a 10+ year corporate experience. I was a Rising Talent when a client hired me for his big ticket project via an invitation. He liked my profile and hired me after a call. I took it up happily knowing I can do a great job with it. One week into the project, I was left with innumerable changes and the ask kept changing everyday. The last day he filled my message box with abuses. I refund him fully and ended the contract. As expected he gave me an extremely bad rating and my very first JSS is now dismal. I am unable to win new contracts and feel very dejected just 2 months on the platform. Not sure how to recover. Please share your thoughts and advise. Is there a future for me on Upwork now?

Yes, that is unfortunate, but you've had a great start being only 2 months on upwork. It might be a tad harder to win new jobs, but you can definitely overcome that bad experience!

Thanks Martina for your response. I hope to get back to a respectable score. Right now absolutely no one is even considering me, you'd know. However I've completed 2 other jobs of high value from earlier and got rehired too so am hoping to bounce back next week. Is that possible or will it take even more projects?

Namrata K wrote:
Thanks Martina for your response. I hope to get back to a respectable score. Right now absolutely no one is even considering me, you'd know. However I've completed 2 other jobs of high value from earlier and got rehired too so am hoping to bounce back next week. Is that possible or will it take even more projects?

The more jobs you have, the more you need to increase your JSS because you have a wider base. But jobs are also weighed by value, so larger good outcomes count more. 

Community Member


I'm new at up work. I've done only 4 jobs all of them with 5.00 stars, Just got the JSS but it is showing that I've only 80%, How could it be 80%  shouldn't it  be 100%

Please help me with it.

Mudassar A wrote:


I'm new at up work. I've done only 4 jobs all of them with 5.00 stars, Just got the JSS but it is showing that I've only 80%, How could it be 80%  shouldn't it  be 100%

 Stars are only part of the story. Clients also leave private feedback. Also, do you have a job that was cancelled or ended without payment or was refunded or anything like that?


Yes There was one.

Mudassar A wrote:
Yes There was one.

 That's why your JSS is 80% - 5 jobs, 4 successful, one unsuccessful. 80% successful, 20% unsuccessful


You can get back to 100% - but it'll take time. Getting above 90% will be quicker, if you get another 5 with perfect outcomes you'll get around the 90% mark.


Yes ther was one job.
Can I get Jss back to 100% or it will kept haunting me in future?
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