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Possible Scam?

I am new to Upwork. I was looking for jobs and found one for data entry. I reached out and received a message asking me to reach out to their HR via Telegram. They wanted to perform the interview via chat, is this normal on Upwork? I havent been asked for any personal information, but seems odd. I also can no longer find the listed job. 

Community Member

First of all:
It does not matter if this is a scam.

Freelancers are not allowed to communicate with prospective clients via Telegram prior to being officially hired with an Upwork contract.


Communication must be done through the Upwork platform until a freelancer has been hired.


Yes, this is a scam.

These people are trying to steal your money.

Community Member

It is a scam

Community Member

This is a well-known scam. Companies don't involve their HR departments when they're hiring freelancers.

I think all new freelancers should read this article. It helps to be aware of what's out there.

Also, you should really get to know what's in the Upwork Legal Center. The most accessible place to start is the Terms of Use. This lets you know what you can and can't do on Upwork.


One thing that you shouldn't do is communicate with clients outside Upwork's platform before you have a contract in place. Once you have a contract, you can communicate using whatever means you like, but communicating using Whatsapp, Telegram, etc, is a violation of Upwork's terms of service.

Also, never pay any client a fee for anything. If someone asks you for a registration fee or anything like that, end the conversation.

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