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Anika's avatar
Anika T Community Member

Project Catalog: Personally Identifiable Info

So I've sent my first project for reviewing. In the pdf work sample section, I added my portfolio and CV. I think I'm not supposed to? 

Because those files contain my email address/numbers/addresses. Also links of other works are there in my porfolio. Which is also not allowed I think? Still I wanted to be sure so asking here. Thanks for your time.

Sushant's avatar
Sushant B Community Member

Consider removing all the files that contain your contact information, as it can come under violating Upwork's TOS.

Anika's avatar
Anika T Community Member

Alright Sushant. Thanks. On it. Is profile photos considered PII too, that doesn’t contain my contact or informations?

Sushant's avatar
Sushant B Community Member

Anika T wrote:

On it. Is profile photos considered PII too, that doesn’t contain my contact or informations?


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